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Probaly won't happen(Must let the boys min-max the female avatars of course) but it's a nice idea....
Have an in-game effect of charisma on the player charecters models. If you min-max a fighter with 6 Cha you have boils on your face...Mabey your hair is falling out. Gap-toothed. For a mage mabey have him hunchbacked or walk with a limp....
Would really help cut out the min-maxing that goes on all the time in D&D...You'd be able to literally spot a min-maxer a mile away.
Perhaps have someone with a very low intelligence filter their chat through a stupid word program.
Just an idea:) Flame away:)
I Love it! This would be a great idea!
I remember playing D&D and you'd have these guys that would min out their Cha and then wouldn't RP it. This is the perfect way to stick it to them.
I also remember playing with a guy in a Dragonlance campaign (sp). He had a Minotaur fighter with an intelligence of 3 I believe. He RPed it too LOL. Couldn't speak, just grunted and snorted. If he wanted something he just grabbed it. He even used to flip a coin to see when he grabbed his sword to determine which end he was holding
Oh the fun of taking points out of Charisma and placing them into Strength...I maybe ugly but I can kill you with one shot LOL
I used to play 2nd Ed with a "Santa Claus" DM, and he actually made another stat called "Comliness" which goes for your looks and Charisma is how you present yourself. So basically 9 out of 10 of us had really ugly characters with no etiquette with the strength and dex that rivaled most Giants. LOL
"Really, I'm quite sane. Just ask my psychiatrist, Dr. Sockpuppet."
"Rehab is for quitters."
Screenshots and videos are necessary for first impressions, but what you can't see in them are the things that matter the most.
I'm not sure how they can actually do this... since, after all, isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?
Thats a great idea,
Just asking, does Cha do anything for you as of now?? like store prices lowerd or anything??
DM-"If you roll a natural 20 its almsot gauranteed for something to die"
Boreas- (calls lightning from storm) *rolls a 20*
DM- " nuke the damn area wityh lightning, are you happy now!?"
DM-"If you roll a natural 20 its almsot gauranteed for something to die"
Boreas- (calls lightning from storm) *rolls a 20*
DM- " nuke the damn area wityh lightning, are you happy now!?"
High or low charisma can be played in many ways depending on your persepsion of your character. I played a female character, once, with very high charisma. She had a very nasty personality, she didn't have that much of a presence ( She was overlooked alot), but her apperence was that of a supermodle. She had few real friends.
Then there was a male beastmaster (Earthdawn) with a high charisma. His apperence was not impressive at all. He looked like a Grizly Bear Adams type. But you knew when he walked in the room and he had a desent personallity.
I had a friend that played shadowrun with the lowest possible charisma the GM would allow. He wasn't ugly, but his personality got him and his friends shot on several occations.
Charisma is very hard to narrow down in what it does.
I play both male and female characters both in PnP and MMORPGs (I'm male). Call me crazy, but female characters feel more free for some reason.
I think someone posted this already but I feel the need to reiterate.
Charisma isn't how good you look in buckskins... by definition (at least... how we are gonna use it) it is "a special charm or appeal". So by having high charisma, you are able to deal with NPC's better than the average joe... get better prices... have information confided more readily... it doesn't mean that you'll be the cutest sword-swinger on the block.
I am pretty sure I saw someone mention comliness as a stat above... we had that as well... it was often hilarious having to roll a saving throw versus a farmer's amorous daughter... hijinks, i tell ya!
Charisma isn't how you look, it's your ability to get people to follow you. For example, if you have a charisma of 10, you can have max 2 henchman. If it's 7 only 1, if it's 15 it's like 7 henchman. It's is important if you are a leader, etc. Here's a quote from the Handbook:
Charisma measures a characters force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness. This ability represents actual
strength of personality, not merely how one is perceived by others in a social setting. Charisma is most important for paladins, sorcerers, and bards. It is also
important for clerics, since it affects their ability to turn undead. Every creature has a Charisma score.
You apply your characters Charisma modifier to:
Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device checks. These are the skills that have Charisma as their
key ability.
Checks that represent attempts to influence others.
Turning checks for clerics and paladins attempting to turn zombies, vampires, and other undead.
Sorcerers and bards get bonus spells based on their Charisma scores. The minimum Charisma score needed to cast a sorcerer or bard spell is 10 + the spells
Actually I just re-read this and it does say physical attractiveness now in the 3.5 rules. In the AD&D days this wasn't the case, sorry. They did have a separate comliness score, so you could be butt ugly and still lead an army. Oh well, times change.
Tacklebury --}>>>
I agree that min/maxing a char is cheap
a good way to "stick it to them" would be to make Vendors in the game "CHA sensitive" most will not even talk to someone who has a 6 CHA while only select ones will talk to someone of 9 CHA but there prices will be higher and only offer a small selection of wares.
As for INT all mgic items should have a INT requirement either only offering someone that meets the reqs able to weild the item or making a chance of failure higher the lower the chars INT is.
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Yeah...Cha should affect the way you look in-game, but I really don't know how they can make a Half-Orc with 18 charisma pretty
Open your eyes,
Open your mind,
Close your hand...
And make a FIST!
Open your eyes,
Open your mind,
Close your hand...
And make a FIST!
oo... nice idea! really.. its great
but i think most sorc's would look good
I like D&D
I like D&D
nice idea but probbaly wont happen to much work 2 maek every char 2 look diffrent by there crishmia they have to draw up new models for every race
I love the idea that stats affect your gameplay.
Althought charisma is not appearance, in a MMORPG for in between players, charisma could equal appearance for simplification and very visibles results.
Min intel should not be able to chat, just use 20 words pre-set, and below average could have a limit of characters they can type(like half the alphabet).
Min wisdom should make you spawn in the middle of enemy mobs when you zone in an instanced! It could also affect the aggro range of the mobs, so with a max wisdom you can pretty much sit on their laps without aggro(almost) and with min wisdom you are visible, they aggro.
The idea is to adapt the stats to a MMORPG world, where you interact with others players. I am sorry, but there is no way someone can see his stats change his RL charisma much, others players will not follow a 18 charisma toon if the player is not a leader, so appearance is an acceptable trade-off for PC, while the NPCs should react to the stats as intended.
Off course physical stats could affect appearance as well, or not...I really like the idea!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
The trouble with this is that Charisma has nothing to do with physical appearance. I mean Hitler was an ugly dude, but was very Charismatic. He could get anybody to do anything.
Aside from the fact that Charisma isn't soley one's physical appearance being a problem with that idea, another thing to consider is how much work that'd be from a modeler's point of view.
Let's say, for instance, that there is one model for a class/race/gender. Essentially, for the purpose of this hypotehtical situation, a elven male cleric would look different from an elven male rogue, but there's only one model for either of them, so if they encounter another character of the same class, race, and gender, the other would have the same model. In this situation, you'd have, what, about 9 classes, 2 genders, and 7 races or so as well? That equates to 126 PC models if I'm not mistaken, and doesn't allow for character customization as far as facial structure, body structure, etc. By having Charisma affect even in the most basic of functions (1-9 being poor, 10-18 being good) you double that number.
And then why stop there? Why not have STR affect the muscular bulk of a character, DEX their walking and acrobatic animations, CON their flinching/taking a hit animation, etc? The more a stat has an affect on a model and the animation of the model, the more work goes into it. The addition of varying appearance based on CHA sounds nice, but it'd take an immense amount of work on the computer modelers' parts. And that's just considering PC classes. They also have to work on modeling NPCs and Monsters. As an addition it might be nice, in some update after the release perhaps, but keep in mind how much work it'd take to make deviations for models based on stats.
uh didnt he get his @$$ handed to him by Russia,Canada and Britain? Not that charismatic..maybe it was his ugliness or perhaps it was his harsh sounding dialect.
Overall I like the idea of visible charisma though. Doesnt have to be based solely on facial beauty. Could also be gait or low charisma could get random deformities( humps,warts etc) Basically just make the chars look and act creepier with lower charisma. Maybe add an aura to high charisma
While charisma means many different things, outside of my want to RP properly, what's to keep me from min-maxing my charisma to 6 and then roleplaying well enough to use my own natural charisma to take over the situation? I mean, it's not exactly a hard thing to do--just say what you want to say and how you think people want to hear it. What does it mean to the people who buy up their charisma because they want to play a charismatic character, when anyone can play charismatic?
I think it's a nice way to enforce the roleplaying aspect of it--people will at least recognize if someone's got a low charisma before they go off quoting speeches from Braveheart so they can act accordingly. Yes, yes I know, anyone can think of a really good speech, but uncharismatic people would be more frequently coming off as being pushy, obnoxious, sharp-tongued and a bunch of other things that other character's just wouldn't.
Warrior dont really need charisma , intimidate feat can do the same thing!! hehe
This is a brilliant idea!
To expand on it a little though
Show aesthetics of player model of what strength they have. As well as physical appearance should also be reflected in the manner of their fighting ie very high strength gives option of power moves etc.
High = Character moves with quick and gracelike motion. Pluses to movement. Pluses to dex attack weapons.
Low = Character occasionally stumbles when running. Drops weapon in combat (ie more fumbles)
Basically it should be possible to tell by looking at a character run and jump and how they fight how high their dexterity is approximately. For instance someone who fights like a dancer with gracelike precision would have high dexterity. Also high dexterity would give option of more complex combat moves. For spellcasters i guess, it speeds up how fast they can cast a spell?
But charisma yes should affect how your character actually looks in the game. How ugly or beautiful etc.
but basically stats like CHA, STR and DEX it should be possible to aesthetically show how high or low your character is in that stat presented in your player model