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Jedi #1 Real Player: Hey guyz you wanna go pwn that boss from that quest.
Jedi #2 Real Player: Ya man we totally pwned it last night. It was so tight.
Jedi #3 Real Player. brb, my mom said I have to eat supper
Jedi #4 Real Player: rofl, noob!
Player names: Sithlrd, Yodda, Jedhi, Mysaberpwnzu
Conclusion: Real Players do not bring dignity to the Jedi story line and thus the immersion fails.
/discuss on
Fail on so many levels.
Whatever this is supposed to mean.I am a roleplayer never had a character with any of those particular names or anything close to it but I certainly am a big enough boy to know what type of players to avoid which I find a much better option than limiting MY choices in what I want to play and do in the game they expect me to pay for.
So in short since Jedi WILL be a playable character and I've always wanted to play one in an mmo which I didn't in swg because by the time jedi was added I had left it alone I will play one and I will enjoy it immensley I'm sure despite what anyone else you or Jedi 1,2,3,4 say or do.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
you take away Jedi play for peoples = you have no peoples play the Starwar games... or you lose at least 50% if now more
What does it mater who plays Jedi? Are you making the game? No. There will be lots of people playing Jedi and you will just have to accept that. If you don't like it, hang out with only Bounty Hunters or don't play. If you wanna be the only Jedi in a game, go play Star Wars Jedi Knight, if you wanna be a special Jedi, go play KOTOR. This is TOR, and it's an MMO, there will be lots of Jedi players.
And how is this any better?
Please list any class in any RPG setting in any game were your typical gamer would behave in an appropriate manner.
Making Jedi NPCs solves nothing. If this sort of thing ruins your immersion, don't bother playing MMORPGs.
Fortunately Bioware understands that people will play how they want, accepts it and knows it won't stop most people from enjoying their game.
No doubt we will see names like those and player jedi using leet speak and being completely foul on chat but is it any more comforting when they do the same thing on non-jedi? Don't let it bother you or don't play the game. Another option is to turn off area/global chat channels and only associate with who you choose.
Asshats are a part of life unfortunetely, it's up to you whether you let them get the better of you.
I feel the exact opposite. A lot of people want to play a Jedi in a Star Wars game. I think there should just be different classes of Jedi in the game. No need to "balance" the classes and make Joe Stormtrooper the equal to a Jedi Knight. Let the Jedi cut through crowds of non Jedi as the do in the movies. Rather than making every single NPC in the galaxy as combat effective as a Jedi, just overwhelm players with numbers in PvE.
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----
I feel the exact opposite. A lot of people want to play a Jedi in a Star Wars game. I think there should just be different classes of Jedi in the game. No need to "balance" the classes and make Joe Stormtrooper the equal to a Jedi Knight. Let the Jedi cut through crowds of non Jedi as the do in the movies. Rather than making every single NPC in the galaxy as combat effective as a Jedi, just overwhelm players with numbers in PvE.
I remember them saying something about that in a past interview. You could be overwhelmed by numbers. Remember the Starforge in KOTOR? That's the kinda stuff I expect to see in TOR, they just keep hammering you till you begin to weaken. Any Jedi could be overcome by shear numbers, even the most powerful Jedi.
Whatever this is supposed to mean.I am a roleplayer never had a character with any of those particular names or anything close to it but I certainly am a big enough boy to know what type of players to avoid which I find a much better option than limiting MY choices in what I want to play and do in the game they expect me to pay for.
So in short since Jedi WILL be a playable character and I've always wanted to play one in an mmo which I didn't in swg because by the time jedi was added I had left it alone I will play one and I will enjoy it immensley I'm sure despite what anyone else you or Jedi 1,2,3,4 say or do.
Awesome :P!
Perhaps they should limit the player to one Jedi per account.
Another post by someone who has no clue why people play these games.
If you want to be a Joe Schmoe, there's a game called Real Life. I hear it cn be the meningless drivel that you want to play.
The whole point of people playing games is to escape and have fun. It's why some people make fun of farmers in games. If you want to grind, get a boring job. That should satisfy you. Some people are happy to be a cog. Others want to run the machine, even if it is just a fantasy.
Jedi are the key to the Star Wars universe. At the time of this game, there were probably thousands of Jedi roaming the galaxy. Compred to the billions living there, that wouldn't be much. If you cut out the Jedi, you cut out the player's link to that universe. It's like saying that you can play LotRO, but only as a human. No Elves, Dwarves or Hobbits.
They will offer other options, I am sure. However, just because you can't deal with some people acting like gamers having fun, don't say a game designer needs to kill their profit margin just because you can't stnd to see the "holy image of jedi" ruined.
And the point of this would be?
furthermore, how would you log onto more then one character on the same account?
I'm curious, what if your character choices were ONLY jedi based variants? A healer, defender or attacker, etc.
The biggest immersion breaker for me is when people start talking balance. In all the movies, the Jedi on both sides inspire fear and respect ... but in the games they're the same as a trooper or droid. There will be lots of people playing jedi. It might not be accurate to say you'll be nerfing down to compensate for the minority, but I wouldn't say it's far from the truth.
Making everyone a jedi would open all sorts of doors that are kept closed because of "balance". You can have huge force jumps (denied because they can outrun the 'others'), a meaningful force run (denied again for the ability to flee), you can include blaster deflection (denied so 'others' can actually hit them), throwing things (denied because 'others' are ranged).
Yes, I'm aware that a lot of people don't like playing jedi. Personally I'm in the no jedi at all camp ... but I'm also aware that I'm in the minority. Especially with the clone wars cartoon going on. By still trying to accomodate both, you are effectively denying both the glory that is the Star Wars jedi.
If I were playing a regular guy, I'd want to be scared of jedi. If I were playing a jedi, I'd want to scare the regular guy ...
I don't recall Captain Panaka, the most experienced and highly trained security agent on the entire planet, saying "Don't worry, I got this Darth Maul guy." No, he threw out a pooped-my-pants face and ran off with the queen.
Instead I have to have a toe-to-toe duke fest because "balance" has denied me levitation, speed, blaster defense, force choke ... ooo ... and where's my cool Vader palm block and force disarm? Where's my 'giant flying debris of death' attack? Or my 'make a star destroyer crash on them' attack?
Maybe it's just that Han hadn't reached end game yet.
Epic Fail and clearly a sucessful troll attempt.
i for one am looking forward to the retards flocking to the Jedi class (not all will be retards...just most) and beating the crap out of them with my Bounty Hunter to the point where they cry Nerf on the forums.
But hey, thats just me. I'm sure (as an ex hunter) i can say most people dislike being the (socially) rejected class. It's not fun spending hours searching for groups only to be denied due to stereotyping or overpopulation (of your class).
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Jedi were not the only ones to inspire fear and respect, Boba Fett has many fans because he was both feared and respected. Commander Cody was the same way. Jedi are far from being the be all, end all warrior. The Great Jedi Purge proved this.
Forcing everybody to play a class because you think that's just how it should be, would cripple sales for BioWareand piss off tons of people looking past the jedi class. Seeing everybody playing the exact same thing would not be an immersion break for you? As for the mechanics you listed (again speculating the worst, on information yet to released or detailed) force jump is bad? Perhaps you missed the Bounty Hunters video clip of them flying strait up with a jet pack to open fire? Force Run, kinda like a sprint (wow,rogue). A get out free card basically, most classes have these in game, or get something to compensate for it. Blaster Deflection, because no other class will have damage debufs, dodge buffs, etc? Throwing things, seriously, do you even know what ToR is, go back to and watch the Trooper clips of him chucking a sticky nade onto a enemy.
Keep throwing the word "balanced" around, name one MMO with a playstyle simular that has figured it out and made everything play on the same level. So what happens when the Han Solos come out overpowered. Do you guys vote smuggler off?
Someone (OP) has never played the KotOR series
KotOR is all about jedi, the player stives to become a jedi from start to finish! How in the hell fo you have a KotOR MMO without the player being a jedi. The support classes, e.i. Bounty Hunter or Trooper, are just icing on the cake and we are even lucky that they are even in the game at this point. BioWare could have easily made every just be a jedi. Jedi have the neccesary skills to be all classes, like a jedi healer, jedi tank, jedi DPS, etc...Jedi can even be a crafter since they can make their own Light Sabers.
I Reject your Reality and Substitute it with My Own!
Personally, I feel the Jedi should be a class that takes dedication to obtain. Like an advancedclass, instead of one you can create on the character creation screen. Hopefully they add somehting like that, and you can choose to level up certain skills instead of all jedi being the same.
I don't think it was luck. Jedi and Sith were a given when the KOTOR IP entered the MMO world. Bounty Hunters and Troopers played major rolls in KOTOR. From Calo Nord to Trask Ulgo. Both did things that caught intrest of players. I'm sure every class to follow these will be just as great as jedi/sith.
Also, just because jedi/sith are able to do all those things does not mean they are going to excel at them 100% better then other classes. Jedi were just as strong as the next random class, without a weapon they was screwed. Hence obi wan always telling anikan that the lightsaber is his life.
I would love to see a class such as Jedi be so hard to unlock that only the most dedicated players could be one. Just a handful per server after a year.
For example one could require completion of all the games content/ All raid and group content (once the game is at least a year old) in game plus some long collection quests as well as some specific extremely difficult questlines. Make the entire questline take over 100 days played as well as requiring one to complete all the current games raid content, along with a few very rare drops and it will limit the amount of people ublocking Jedis. But that should only be the beginning. Once the Jedi is unlocked make the leveling process much slower 100-200 days played to max plus extremely difficult unlock quests for every level.
Such an example would not only ensure that only the most dedicated players end up being Jedi but only those with high skill.
So basically you guys are going from "balance" to if you have no life its ok to be OP?
I don't think it was luck. Jedi and Sith were a given when the KOTOR IP entered the MMO world. Bounty Hunters and Troopers played major rolls in KOTOR. From Calo Nord to Trask Ulgo. Both did things that caught intrest of players. I'm sure every class to follow these will be just as great as jedi/sith.
Also, just because jedi/sith are able to do all those things does not mean they are going to excel at them 100% better then other classes. Jedi were just as strong as the next random class, without a weapon they was screwed. Hence obi wan always telling anikan that the lightsaber is his life.
OH I agree with you totally, I was just using those as examples for the OP. Of course for the purposes of a successful MMO, there will have to be some kind of dedicated support classes and can not just be jedi. If anything, jedi should not excel at the things I mentioned, maybe be good at dps'ing, maybe even tanking but not both.
I Reject your Reality and Substitute it with My Own!
This or make one just one Jedi/Sith free server.
This or make one just one Jedi/Sith free server.
Or find another game if you don't like the direction this one is taking, probably your best and logical choice.
This or make one just one Jedi/Sith free server.
Or find another game if you don't like the direction this one is taking, probably your best and logical choice.
Ok, Mr Lucas.