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There came a time when i was seriously tired of elves and ogres, of having a billion npc's dictating my life, and most of all, i was REALLY tired of having to do boring, repetitive tasks to reach the next level/skill, whatever.
Now i've played ultima online for over 3 years - i hated the everquest addictiveness because it didnt seem like a game, but more like WORK to play... I always wished i could find some game like freelancer, only massively multiplayer.
And then i found EVE online.
-80% of everything sold in game is player made
-it has the best market system of any mmo (stocks, corporations, dividends)
-you dont have to train any skills yourself! They train while youre afk
-and best of All, NO LAG. The server currently has over 12,000 players on it (yes i do mean 12,000 players PLAYING at this moment in the server, NOT total subscribers) and there isn't a single bit of lag. Compare that to other mmos who may have 500,000 total subscribers, but have many many servers - meaning only 2,000-5,000 people play on each server. That ISNT massively multiplayer in my definition.
-and yes, EXPANSIONS ARE FREE! Yes, you pay your monthly fee, like you do any other mmo, but every 6-7 months a new expansion is put in place with new content/features THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY IN STORES. They just put it on the server, and your monthly fee is all you have to pay.
- Become a freelancer, trading goods in the galaxy, a pirate killing hapless victims, own your own corporation, produce ships, explore, do as you wish.
If youre looking for a mmo, consider something other than elves and trolls, especially if youve played games like freelancer and liked it.
UO and EvE share quite a few similarities if you break them both down. Of course UO is now a vague outline of what it used it used to be... can't really vouche for it anymore. EvE is a great game, right now im playing a second trial period, just to make sure I do want to invest time into it, and I tihnk I do. Ill be p2p EVE in a little awhile, great stuff
Another fanboy, another lie.... Freelancer isn´t EVE!! Freelancer is a good game, where true skills actually pays off. EVE is a MMORPG and the only skill you need in EVE is time. Lots of it. Extremely lots of it. Bored to death-lotzzzzzzzzz of it......
Dont compare these two plzzzzzzzzz...
I didn't like the combat in EVE (Shooting a Pixel from 50km...literaly).
Thus I didn't really like the rest of the game as combat plays an important part for me, if only the combat was better, I'd probably love it because it's all I want from an MMORPG.
Oh well, Pirates of the Burning Sea next year...
Hehe i love those kind of posts. EVE is a game you can't powergame. So its not for those who want to gain 20zillion levels in a week. If all you want in a mmo is gaining the next level so you can boast to your friends "hah im level 29 and youre only level 25!", they yes youll find eve boring. because skilltraining takes time, not 200,000 clicks or 200,000 wolves or whatever they ask you to kill now in other games.
Dont listen to anyone who calls EvE dull.These are usually people who spent a week playing.If you spend just 7 days on this game you havent even touched the depth it offers.
The implication that you need lots of time to achieve anything in EvE is just silly.You can get a good amount of skills trained up inside of 14 days that will begin to open up the game a little more.
What i find funny is the time thing.Id rather log in and actually HAVE a new skill than going out to kill something to get xp to level up.
Now THATS a waste of time.
Sure a lot of upper tier skills take a long time to train.But what mmo doesnt have that at a more advanced level.
EvE is so far ahead all the other mmo's at the moment its almost not fair.
EvE is not a game of immediate rewards.You must have a longterm vision of what you want out of the game.The players are merely handed the tools to achieve that goal.You better put on your thinking cap if your going to play this one.This is not a "D and D"game with dungeons and questing.
Again if you begin to play EvE to even touch the depth this game has it takes at least a month to really see what it has to offer.You can learn any skill the game has to offer.
Name one game that offers offline skill training and you will see me trying it.Until then ill set my skills to train and FINALLY walk outside to enjoy the sunshine!!!
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
Aye, the offline training is indeed fantastic. I played it for 1.5 months, and I have to admit this game is immensely deep and one of the few MMORPG's where players can actually shape the universe, with player bounties and pirating, and soon player's own space stations. It is indeed a very cool game, but, in my opinion, which is different from 95% of other people, the combat is quite boring, I'm sorry.
That said, if they could mix the depth of this game with the twitch combat and multiperson ships of Jump to Lightspeed, this game would be perfect for me.
Yea EVE is pretty good, i also played it for 2 month but got bored after playing it for 1 and half month and i canceled my subscription.. the combat system sucks imo, it's just like most of the mmorpgs where you have to click and watch. anyways EVE is still a cool game except for the combat part
Well, a admit comabt needs work, but show me a game that has good combat anyhow... and dont say WOW or eq2. Most games all you do is select a target, press atack, and every now and then click a special ability/spell/whatever.
Unfortunately eve isnt very different from that, but which game is?
I enjoyed FFXI's group combat.
Just going to throw in my opinion here on Eve. I played it for about 2 months before I got bored. Let me put my experience in points.
Warp in at 60km or the ideal range for your weapon setup and start firing. If you shieldtank just hit your shield booster when it goes down. Otherwise swith your armor repairers on. And if you see you don't gonna make it warp out. That is for most PvE combat. PvP is just plain ganking as far as I have noticed. Not much strategy in combat except your setup. The side you attack doesn't matter. If you fire a missile at someones back or at his front no difference.
Most stuff is player made as stated one in front and the economic model is realy good, and as far as I know for the last expansion it got better for those that just want to trade.
It is easy and just needs the skills for better efficiency or tech 2. That just takes times away from training your other skills. Only problem you can have here is to find a good blueprint to make the stuff you want. Will cover blueprints in the point research.
You can research on a blueprint original to make it so the build in manufacturing takes less resources or some other minor changes. Don't know exactly what you can research, because for research you need a lab. And that lab is the biggest problem, they are all taken up by the mega corps and as starter or relative newbee you don't have a change to get your hands on a lab slot. Perhaps this has changed with the new expansion, but don't count on it.
To travel through space and the universe you need a lot of time. Luckely there is warp and there are jump gate to get from system to an other system. But as soon as you have a few jumps to go you are stuck for a time. Long live the autopilot there, this way you can just set your route and go take a bath or just sit in front of you screen like a zombie and watch your ship go in warp then comming out of warp, closing in on jumpgate and then jumping, then going back in warp and so on untill you have reached your destination.
The offline training has it pros, but as well his contras. It isn't the time ingame and the killings that makes your skills. This way you can't powerlevel in Eve, what is realy good in my opinion. But as for training you don't need online you get the effect that some guy just log on to change his skill training and is just online for 5 minutes. This isn't realy good for community, how the heck can you learn new people when they just log on to switch skills?
They are realy nice and don't give much lag, only thing is you have to zoom in to the objects or you don't see much of it. It are just some crosses at your hud if you don't zoom in. But the detail is realy good.
Eve is a time comsuming game when you travel much, and travel is boring and you can't skip the boring travel. If you want pvp, you just go to 0.0 security space and be prepared to be ganked. And don't forget to zoom in on all stuff you fight because you don't see otherwise what you are fighting. And just switch your setup for the purpose you want to do. For the rest there isn't much strategy. If you just spend time in the game to train your skills you are ok, and there are no powerlevels.
PS: if you don't agree with me, just post it and also say why it isn't correct. But don't think if you realy think and know the game you can disagree on my arguments. But tastes differ so there are people that like this system and other that don't.
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
group combat is always fun, i played ffXI and beleive it or not i find combat in eve to be alot more immersive than in ffxi. in eve there are new structures now, player-run empires (recognized as nations now) who will be fighting massive wars. To destroya player station you need about 100+ players to atack at once, meaning you REALLY get group combats!
Well i can say that i dont travel around that much.Then again i got a lot of social skills to ensure my agent missions are no more than 4 jumps or less away.
I dont have to zoom in on anything either the long range targeting skills and multiple targets take care of that.
BTW if you havent played recently the Exodus expansion completly upgraded the game.Better rewards,more loot, and better faster faction standings.
EvE isnt for everyone.But if your sick and tired of the "fantasy"aspect and want something completly different then this is it.
As far as travel times go well sure if your not working the market properly or (take my advice here)dont have the right "social skills"invested in your character it will take you a long time.
Hehe i cant make you like EvE anymore than you can make me like fantasy games so there ya go!!!!
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
Freelancer has fast paced real time twich combat. Eve does not.
-- Ambros.
Read DARKSPACE DISPATCH, the unofficial IC/OOC chronicle of Jumpgate:
-- Ambros.
Hmm its all about gameplay, I didnt do THAT much fighting in freelancer. I loved exploring the universe, and felt saddened by the fact it was only a stand alone. Thats why eve appeals to me.
Actually vanguard is a good game if all you want is space fighting in a mmo.
Actually to call freelancer a space sim is ludicrous.
You want a REAL spacesim?IMHO its even better than EvE and i really really like EvE.
Go out and pick up X2:The threat.
This has everything in it heres a
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
Yes, having played both games and being a big fan of Freelancer, I resent your implications that EVE is anything like Freelancer. The only thing EVE has over Freelancer (or is similar) is a more in-depth economy, and item system.
But, I could see a Freelancer 2, or a Freelancer MMO making up for any of the original's shortcomings. Personally, I think they should have put a little more meat into the single-player game so you could have a reasonable excuse to keep playing and exploring the fantastic 70% of the world you didn't even get to while playing out the plot.
Conclusion, don't try to sucker Freelancer fans into this game.
A true space SIM would actually be quite boring. If combat in space ever does occur, it will take place over thousands or tens of thousands of kilometers. It will in no way be "twitch". Surface warships today can kill each other with missiles long before they ever see each other and thats exactly what combat in space would be like. Whatever the weapons used, the range will be far beyond the ability of the human eye to see. Freelancer and X-2 are not Space "Simulations", they are both space "games". (If you want a true space SIM try Frontier, if you can get it to work, its an old game.)
Eve actually has pretty intense combat to my mind. Its far more tactical in nature than action based though. Your ship set up has a big impact on the tactics you formulate. Do you go for the long range "kepp the other guy at a distance" approach, or the hell for leather "close on the enemy all guns blazing" routine. Some people like this, some do not.
I like the skill training mechanism on Eve as I can train at the same rate as my friends, allowing me to group with them, even though I have a lot less time to play. This factor annoys the hell out of me in Level based games where I invariably get left behind.
Travel does take a long time, but show me any game where that isn't the case and the game doesn't have a complete fudge for the mechanism.
Eve is superb fun if you're an explorer, socialiser or killer. If you're an achiever then depending on your attention span, its just fun.
A Korpz in all things
A Korpz in all things
Eve is a game where players control the game. There are no aliens to destroy, no damsel to rescue, no cheap tricks. You start off as one of 4 player races, and that will determine the universes story.
As for freelancer, you guys are being a little harsh. If taken litterally, no game is the same as another. What i meant was that those who love freelancer would me more likely to like eve as well. I shoulda said "privateer"? you'd dissagree with me too then.
EVE is an amazing game, and I really hope the developers feel proud about their product, they broke new ground as a game, not to mention revolutionary as an MMO.
Now.. It was not for me, though... There are only so many rocks I want to be intimate with in a lifetime. But that does not mean the game has any flaws, it just clashed with my personality.
Now.. I would not call it Freelancer.. Or a next generation Elite. But a really solid and revolutionary game with one of the most complex game systems in existance.. Yep, that it is.
It created a niche of its own to stand in.
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"