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The world itself is incredible, this is nothing like a cookie cutter wow TOON graphic game, the water is crystal clear the grass flows, trees move gracefully and your character looks good! There are no places you can’t go everything is obtainable I am so happy that there is a game with good graphics that being said here are my specs.
Video, my spec are quad Core 2.93Ghz ATI 4870 1GB of DDR5 Ram, 4GB of Ram and XP (Note to self update drivers mine are two months old I believe or more). I find with even my beefy machine I have to turn down my settings when running sieges over city or defending. I am part of a guild unnamed to protect the group hehehe but we are aligned with Hyperion. On a good note on the settings there are a lot of options to turn down when you need too. When you’re PVP’ing it is best to run with the fastest settings no matter kind of PC your running FASTER IS BETTER.
The Devs are improving things I believe they have 40% more turning to do, so it will only get better I believe.
Video grade 8 out 10
Let’s make no mistakes here, this is a PVP game and paranoia will run constantly in every place you walk. At any time you can get ganked and you can lose everything you own in 2 seconds. I am constantly looking around. I am in Kholesh and Hyperion city and even when there is a 50 to 100 people running around PKR’s can come in and kill you.
PVP include intense game play 9 out 10.... Fun because of the emotions it makes you have.
Trading system
Ok I have issues here, the trading system sucks, they need an Auction house or at least something that would be more efficient than a trading channel. Not that It has happened to me but this can and will happen every hour, it your trading something there is a 50 50 chance that you can get ganked by the player. WORD TO THE WISE, be Naked with no gear meet at a bank and never have the stuff in your bags. Move the item or cash from the bank to your bag and into the trade window. If buddy doesn’t have the stuff or money there in 2 seconds move it back. Look around and make sure you don’t see 3 or 20 of his clan mates there. I think trading items should be a tiny bit safer but maybe again this is all by design. I don’t personally like it
Trading score 3.5 out of 10
Making money
Ok, there is a catch 22 here, when you are harvesting something doesn’t matter what, your using the stamina system, what I do is wait till my stam is low then bindstone_recall back to the city, here is why. When your harvesting your view is somewhat hindered and you can’t see nothing, Turn your sound way up when you’re doing this so you can hear riders or something come up behind you. So far my stats are 70% success in getting my gathered Items back to the bank, so that mean 30% of the time I am getting my stuff stolen that is right 30% OUCH and a lot of wasted time. Plus and negative, nothing stopping you doing it to them is it easier to steal stuff than doing it yourself, well let’s look at that. I click on a node and walk away 7 to 10 minutes later bindstone back, or..... run around looking and there is a 50 50 chance you might get ganked yourself, losing all your gear and MOUNT. It is a doggy dog world out there Pardon the pun hehehe. On a good note making money in this game is way too easy. I think it will be hard to sell gold in this game for money as anyone can make 1 to 5K an hour if they want too. I did check out the gold sellers, $50 Euro’s for 10K LOLOL not worth it in my opinion is am sure it is cheaper elsewhere but whatever people will do it.
Money making score 6.5 out of 10.
Listen up, you can get a mount the second you enter the game, providing two things, you either have a buddy to give you one or you learn the control system quick and steal one. Mounts will come and go; I don’t think I have kept a mount longer than 4 days, never said I was an elite player, I take way to many risks and do dumb things like dismounting or mounting in town, NEVER NEVER DO THAT!!!. Off topic, so I am ridding back to PAIN the Hamlet to defend it from the bad guys and I see a person gathering metal , I dismount ( my first mistake ) sneak up behind him in crouch mode and do my strongest attack and I get 3 hits in and the fight is on, he is running around all is good he is almost dead, and 2 more of his buddies show up, after 5 minutes of running my ass off ducking behind trees to not get hit from mana missiles I die and lose my mount, the only thing i did smart was OH never mind there was nothing I did smart during that run hehehe, if you’re by yourself don’t get off your mount, trot up behind him or her and use your mount to kick or bite him pending on the mount you have. Lesson learnt!!! When your ridding with 10 to 100 other people you can hear the ground thunder it is a very impressive site to see, something that 95% of the other games can’t do and nothing only that the sheer number is impossible for most gaming engines I am impressed so far. Keep 3 in your bank at all times there only 300 to 400g very cheap
Mounts 10 out 10 nothing bad to say looks cool and is very fun.
Lots to crafting, everything in the game is 100% player made including the cities and hamlets hell even arrows. The crafting system is ok, nothing amazing other than you have to click a lot, you should be able to, like gathering just click once and make all...... every arrow has to be made, and people need them, I save up till I can make 2000 of them and sell them for 2100g yes 2100 gold, making money in this game is easy, if anyone in your guild begs for money kick him, cause money is a non issue in this game in my opinion, anyone can make 1 to 5K/hour if you want, My clan has moved to once a week we gathering run together, but we take a Raft and float round the seven seas hehehe can land on a island and rape it dry and if we are lucky we can kill a few people on are adventure. Work is work, you can buy the mats in trade and make minimum money if you want as well, either way it is risky
Crafting 6 out of 10
Clan or no clan
Well, I spent my first two weeks clan-less and I was ganked a lot, I joined a Clan as was still ganked a lot. Running with a clan comes with some issues, whinners, “OH O LOST MY MY GEAR and mount GREIF GREIF” it is part of the game please deal!!! You’re going to lose everything at some point, on a good note it doesn’t take long to get it back. Clan are good for only one reason, you now have someone watching your back. The more intel you can gather the better off you will be. If for any reason you might be gathering near a town and there is a pending attack you will get JACKED, in most cases you might hear about the hamlet or attack coming that info is important to know. Now the solo guy, you can still do it, but it might be harder until they can fix Macro-ing. Macroing gives people an unfair advantage in the game as stats are going up faster than a solo guy, does this give me a unfair advantage,,,,,, sure but at some point when most of your stats are over 75 it doesn’t matter anymore. No matter what there is a guy better than you.
Clans 6.5 out of 10 clan system works nothing more.
Well sure there are no levels to say how strong you are but you have stat, (same as levelling but now you have more of them hehehe) you can’t look at a guy and say can I beat him, hmmmm not sure. I can dress a guy up who started 1 day ago with Scales and you really don’t know if you can beat him being a lvl 75 in all stats, gutzy guy to be walking around in gear or he is just dumb one or the two hehehe. Well here is the conundrum, what is the point of having Stat when you can at some point have 100 in everything. Why AV do we do this, I am not 100% sure why this system is in place. So right now I am doing Pole arms and one handed swords, once I get to 75 or 100 I will get other weapons skill up but you can be a master of very thing in this game. I personally think you should have some sort of built but that is my wow mentality. It is different and so far I like it. You can build your character any way you want, but over time you will be a strong in everything.
Large scales fighting
Ok this stuff is FN FUN!!. Ok I am ridding with hundreds of riders towards a unnamed City, we launch over the cities wall and start jacking $hit hehehe. And using siege hammers to destroyer their hard work, very fun. Issue, there are spots on almost every city were you walk or jump into a city, the walls are somewhat bugged and need work, but either way, launch and obtainable skill can be used to get into the city so does it matter, not sure. If it was my city and I got jacked I would be calling a GM to get it fixed. Graphic, unfortunately your old PC will not run this game good, it requires some horse power, not sure how much Dual or Quad plays in this game but RAM and Video is something you shouldn’t cheap out on.
Large scales fighting I will give 9 out of ten and the 1 mark is for choppy when you have 300 guys killing one another. I can turn my settings down and it is smooth but I like everything crystal clear hehehe. AV promises that bigger battles will happen. 300 person fights is average in my opinion, when you’re running with Hyperion clans. I personally haven’t been to anything bigger yet,
Stats/levels 6 out of 10. Nothing overly amazing here either way hard work to start, stick with what you are going to use, get it to 75 or higher then you can build other skills. I could be wrong in my thinking here but when there are a lot of people high up and your running into big fights I have no choice but to specialize, for now.
Things I would like to change and or like to see.
1. Get a trading system that can work for Darkfall, there still must be risk not sure how... just my opinion only. Today it work but I find it a waste as it you call out, I have 2000 wood, ok what city are you in dude????
2. Graphics ENG still needs tweaking good for the most part can always using improving no matter what.
3. Really wish there was a summoning system somehow. This can handy as the world itself is rather large. Would only be handy not a game changers. It can be say 5 people and like /Bindstone_recall it takes 2 minutes and your venerable. But then again so what, if you miss your clan run, then so be it, maybe they late comers will pay attention and show up on time hehehe.
4. Bindstone. This is a two minute process and you can be attacked during this process, on a good note you can see all around you. But a long process 2 minute wait, 1 minutes would be good enough I am sure.
5. Buying the game, well as you all know, the game has been released but AV has issues with opening the store, there are thousands of people that want to get into the action, AV has no advertizing or CD to buy, everything is word of mouth and nothing more, I personally think they are having a money problems/issues. Not sure, but I really want more servers up, I would like to see a North America server only for ping reasons, I get 160 pings most of the time, hell I get that on WOW on a NA server hehehe
6. Wish I knew how many SUBS are in the game.
7. Crafting, make a button that says MAKE ALL AT YOUR OWN RISK! Some people will just walk away when they have 1000’s of things to make, you will more in likely get ganked more often, so I am guess that is why it is in the game to keep you around, you make 20 arrows at a time for example
8. Why can’t Hamlets have a small tower just to protect their stuff or a 1 NPC protector with Mele action only as a guard say LvL 100 guy that doesn’t drop any gear. Hamlets are at the mercy of the guild and how strong they are or there alignment.
9. Alignment system, very complicated and very cool shit.
Game over all
I like a lot of stuff in the game and it really makes it unique. Lots of Content and the DEV are very proactive every week to add new content or solve balancing issues. I like the game so much I have cancelled my wow account, that ends June 1st I am a GM of a large guild and I now have some many days to give the guild to someone I trust, I am hoping I can steal some of them and move them to DF.
I give the game a 7.5 out of 10, I lower 1 point on Content only because of the games I have played in the past they were all years into full operation and have lots of content. I lower one point on the trade system. Last but not least I lower .5 to the trading system. Everything else is good in my opinion only so far.
It missing a ton of stuff but this is a good start better than most in my opinion. All this is my opinion a lot of other people have been complaining, but whatever this is my view. On my Fast connection to the internet and my Thermal-take powered PC helps.
good review, agree on most points. I love this game too.
Had also a very good first impression of the game and still after 2 months i cant say i am tired of it or it did disapoint me in anything to the contrary. My understanding of the gamedesign and why its in place in that shape and form has grown and my second impressions are even better then the first. Plus even after 2 months "first impressions" seems never to end in this game, there is always something new you discovered, build, read, found out by exploring, used, run into etc.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
For sure, last night we ran a Elemental that gave up some nice materal, equalling gold
Guild info
Not got the game and doubt I will but I just wanted to say this was a pretty decent read and, as far as I can tell, seemed pretty fair. Makes a pleasant change from the standard 'Darkfail' type write-ups.
The ruptured capillaries in your nose belie the clarity of your wisdom.
FYI, the DARKFALL STORE IS OPEN, wow I am shocked, all I can say is good luck in game it is the toughest world you will enter, Don't trust anyone, and if someone comes up to you and you don't knwo them and they offer you to group, reject it cause they can kill you without penality hehehe. Get into a clan or go solo with RL friends.
The Darkfall shop is now open.
The link to the account management is here:
You can purchase your Darkfall copy in the Products page.
Guild info
You have some really nice detailed info, but your scoring is very strange. For example mounts shouldn't have their own score, they aren't a separate or unique game mechanics.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
To OP. Nice read. And though I will agree with taking the good with the bad, and that in this world that I have been participating in for several months, that there are fantastic immersion player-driven ecosystem mechanics that outweigh some pitfalls most of the time, for those that appreciate a gaming environment that is completely unscripted, unpredicable, energietic, alive with player influence that cater to a team oriented mind-set much rather than a solo-oriented proclivity, I do believe that it is very reasonable for mounts to have their own scrore.
For example, mounts themselves aid in travel, combat, and are used as a tactic to game-play escapisim during resource gather and combat, but that I believe that their further enhancement and incorporation into game-play can be improved. I believe that my thoughts are not near the top of the development priority list, such as being able to craft a chariot and mount a mount to it for 2-person travel and combat, to be able to mount a team of horses to an open carriage and utilize it for goods transportation (i hate universal banking and believe it substantially detracts from immersion, game-play and the risk/reward back-bone of the game) or for troop transport at a qicker land-base.
Just some of my thoughts.
I agree with the post above me.....but you have to remember that no animals were hurt in the making of this virtual world.. MUahahahah Slay the fuck on!
I read a huge article about DF on Auction Housing or Bazaar type places, I am starting to change my mind on that now, I am starting to think they need to at least make a new tab like trusted traders or something on that line. Not sure, AH might take away from the game play of the game now that I have dove more into it, this game is purely about risk and if there is no risk or opportunity then you take away from the game play of this game.
When I do my 3rd impression in a month or so I will ensure I compile more data to back my NEW idea about AH.
On the the idea that I gave a 10 out of 10 on mounts, I gave the grade because, mounted combat was fun, but not only that the sheer volume of the number of mounts riding together is impressive to say the least. We did a two pronged attack when 3/4 of our forces pushing an enemy and the other 25% came in from behind ridding hard surprising them, I am not saying the tactic work 100% but it did give us favourable action on the battlefield around a hamlet. People are starting to do more things like lining up and running in patterns, I saw a group of people all using Pollarms with secondary motion line up and move forward of course this wasn't on a mount as only 1H items are used but your starting to see cunning used rather than the running around and save your butt, if you work as a team you might come out victorious.
I am curious if other clans are practicing these types of methods. And consider this, you can't run through people so lining up is a viable tactic and make you stronger as a team. Very with a game I am sure but disapline could make it work
It can only get better from here
Guild info
If anything make the guild ran towns more like in Shadowbane where it can be opened up or close out to the people when the owner says so. Items for sale on vendors inside.
Was always fun traveling around and shopping for items, while wondering what or who is around the next tree or what not.
Nice review. Thanks!
I'm not going to comment on your review because our alliances are at War. We will destroy hyperion ruthlessly and you will be wiped off the continent and will be forced to disband your clans and hide in your friend's cities.
Wait, did this happen already?
Goons > Hyperion Roleplayers
LOLOL< granted hyperion has been forced but our Number are still large, I don't believe we will be pushed out any time soon, but will see. All I know is Merc and RB'ninja are starting to erk me a little. but as them how they like the pasting we gave them at the PAIN Hamlet hehehe.
Your right, this war will continue, and if we are forced out then so be it, it all part of the game, at some point every empire including yours will fall!!!
what is the name of your guild?
Guild info
You mentioned multiple times that you can make 1-5k an hour easily.
What do you do to make up to 5k an hour?
The trading system rocks. It makes it so you have to travel if you want something, and not just buy it and receive it in 2 seconds on the AH.
Ive never had a problem trading where the player wanted to gank me either. Your always in town with towers
I second this ...... uhh ......third this .....
The easiest gold for me is mining ore. I don't know what the per hour rate is but getting rolled pretty much shoots it to hell.
I second this ...... uhh ......third this .....
The easiest gold for me is mining ore. I don't know what the per hour rate is but getting rolled pretty much shoots it to hell.
hehe. aint that the truth.
rotating between hitting a mine and a farm in a clan city where you're the only harvester? steed grasses and rare ores just being icing on the cake?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Mining is a good source of money, I would love to give up my secrets but my market will go down LOLOL. and I don't know if our clans are at war hehehe. DF is serious business hehehe don't go out alone
Steedgrass sells fast like the one poster said. I really can't see steedgrass last longer than 1 minute in trade channel chat. granted it take a bit to get one but the other herbs you can make POTS with.
Guild info
Ahh, yes I read the review, thier opinion are not mine and from what I read they didn't even really play the accounts that were given, it is your right not to agree with me, are you playing the game?
I really enjoy it thanks for you thoughts and I won't be giving up my day job...
Guild info
Good review, have to agree that trade system sucks, hate spamming chat.
I found a wilderness bank near an elf city which had at least 3 metal nodes very close to it, saw 1 other guy there once but it was deserted, also a npc merch next to bank, was odd.
My blog:
The difference between the OP and the Eurogamer reviewer is, reviewing games IS the Eurogamer's day job! So you'd think he'd be half competent.
Anyway, nice read, DF still sounds too incomplete for my tastes but I'll keep an eye on it.
I don''t really know when Humankind will die out but i''m guessing about 6 years before WOW.
The guys who wrote the story, was a contractor I believe, I could be wrong but I thought I read that some where
The game was fun this weekend, lots of sieges, one after another it was great, Thanks for the gear guys hehehe.
O yeah, one more thing, Yes DF has no levels but there are skills same thing a little just a bit different on how you grow your toon, I think because people asume there are lvl's you come in the game able to kill just about anyone, not so true, sadly I was completely Geared well scales and I had a naked guy almost kill my butt, I will agree I am not a ACE fighter but wow that was crazy, I am hoping he was 100 skilled in almost everything cause I did feel a little foolish running away from a naked guy lolol.
MS was fun, andurk ( i forget the right name sorry ) and some hamlet near the south east corner, there was others but I forget the name to them all.
Guild info
a same post in official darkfallonline forums
is this a usual darkfall's fanboi tactic or just a darkfall's moderator or a darkfall's employee propaganda in the internet ?