But in a good way! I would also describe EQII as fantastic, excellent, fun, engaging, immersive, beautiful, polished, social, surprising, and just plain awesome.
Deep - I mean there is sooo much to do with quests, grinding, crafting, writs, selling...I could go on..best game i've played so far concerning involvement and depth (FFXI was good as well!)
Fun, involving, beautiful, colorful, immersive, better than EQ1, missing PvP, work sucks because I'd rather be playing EQ2, better than every online game I've tired so far which is all of them. But I'm only lvl 9 priest
feet. oh wait one word for eq2?
WOW! lol.
<( ' . ' )> (>' . ')> Diggity <(' . '<) <( ' . ' )>
But in a good way! I would also describe EQII as fantastic, excellent, fun, engaging, immersive, beautiful, polished, social, surprising, and just plain awesome.
If it has to be one word, I would have to say:
Habit is not to be flung out the window by any man, but coaxed down the stairs one step at a time. - Mark Twain
Fun. They say time flies when you are having fun and I can't count the number of "OMG, It's 3am already?!?" nights...
in my description of Eq2 i made an adjative out of the leader of Germany during the WWII............
needless to say it got deleted and the person quoting me got thier post deleted too.
"You sir, are a moron"
"The Job Of Art Is To Chase Away Ugliness" - Bono
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
heh umm Uber-Computer-needed. That is unless you want to play runescape like graphics
Games Played:DoAC, EQ, CoH, Lineage 2, Planetside, Shadowbane, EQ2, EVE, WoW Beta
Playing:(Waiting to buy WoW)
im getting sucked into this as fast as I did the first one....my skin pigmentation has already dropped three shades.
"Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently."
"Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently"
:: Botan ::
:: Botan ::
Deep - I mean there is sooo much to do with quests, grinding, crafting, writs, selling...I could go on..best game i've played so far concerning involvement and depth (FFXI was good as well!)
13 sorcerer / 10 outfitter
Freeport - Nektulos server
Ethereal draconis
I have a bunch of one words to say:
Fun, involving, beautiful, colorful, immersive, better than EQ1, missing PvP, work sucks because I'd rather be playing EQ2, better than every online game I've tired so far which is all of them. But I'm only lvl 9 priest
Unbelievable thats how i would describe it
Everquest : 56 wizard
12 ranger
EQ2 15 sorcerer
"Say Hello to My lil' Friend!" scarface
"Say Hello to My lil' Friend!" scarface