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Hi Guys,
In the future, we're going to be talking to the guys behind Warhammer about their game, and we thought it might be a good idea to ask around to see if you, the readers, have any suggestions for questions that you might ask the developers if you were given the chance.
Once we get some questions together, I'll take a look through and pass some of them along!
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Do we send these to you or just post here?
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Do we send these to you or just post here?
Just post here
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
When do you plan to really, truly balance the classes. As it stands, a few noteworthly classes are fairly worthless right now, and have only seen nerfs the past few patches (most notabaly the Magus). When do you plan to scale/balance these classes so that they won't feel like Riftbots/Ect?
Thanks Stradden
They've already answered general questions about balance. Most recently in our Paul Barnett GDC Interview.
Do you have a more specific grievance in mind? I don't want to ask them the same question again
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
They've already answered general questions about balance. Most recently in our Paul Barnett GDC Interview.
Do you have a more specific grievance in mind? I don't want to ask them the same question again
Well, from everything I've read, every time they get asked a question on balance, they sidestep it. I'd really like a real answer - I feel like the few interviews that have been done, and the big suggestions thread on WHA for each of the classes has done pretty much nothing for the few really -bad- classes in the game - as it's really what's keeping me from resubbing (and a fair amount of people I originally played with at launch.).
Apart from that, most of my questions stem towards more fluff-y things: trophies, more mounts, enforced RP names and the like, maybe a rework of the ORvR ruleset, maybe more info on the big content patch coming in june, tidbits about the expac being that's rumored to be being worked on, I could go on and on. . . . >.> Maybe asking about a welcome back weekend for old subscribers that doesn't require a CC number to get?
Will pvp arenas ever be in Warhammer ?
Will there be more server consolidations ?
Will there ever be more crafting professions in Warhammer ?
Will there be more expanisons in the future for Warhammer ?
Will we see more mmos from Mythic in the future ?
Will Mythic ever decide to make a DOAC 2 ?
Here is a few I have. Good luck !
Why do you continually make choices that keep forcing out the remaining player base? If it is in hope of getting the old players back it's a losing approach, since the amount that left will never come back, and the ones you keep losing are greater in number then the ones who will return
Is it true that you are NOT adding the other cities as planned before launch for the other zones, and it will now just stay Inevitable City vs Altdorf?
Are there any plans to introduce Skaven down the line?
Due to seven or eight servers constantly on "LOW/LOW" status, are you entertaining another round of server closings so as to coalesce them into a more condusive playing atmosphere? Although HIGH/HIGH may not be ideal at some primetimes, another round of mergers may make times during the day and late at night more amenable to other people not able to participate. As it is now Low/Low is a deathknell for anyone of off-peak trying to do anything.
You recently changed the cap at people participating in endgame sieges so that less people can enter. Are you going to announce how many people on both sides are now allowed maximum after these new adjustments, and is this something you see as foreshadowing INSTANCING as a permanent solution?
Are you considering cross-realming at all to help out the low server populations?
Is it true that you are NOT adding the other cities as planned before launch for the other zones, and it will now just stay Inevitable City vs Altdorf?
This was allready answered 50 times even before the game came out.
1. When will we hear about the first paid expansion for Warhammer Online ?
2. Can we get any hints about the first paid expansion ?
3. Are there plans to introduce new races in the upcoming year ?
4. Are cross-realm scenarios in works ?
5. Is there any plans to introduce lifetime subscriptions to WAR like LotRO did ?
Sinister Savant MMORPG Community
1. will you be introducing a third faction ala dark age of camelot, this would make the game less predictable.
2. the draw distance is not far enough in war, im sick of seeing trees being drawn 10 feet away from me (and yes i have it set to max ) will you be updating the graphics or making the draw distance further so we dont see big blocks of gray on the horizon.
Thanks, I'll take this as a "No. No more cities."
If you read my whole post, you'll see I had asked this same question you asked.
On September 3, 2008 Mark Jacobs wrote an interesting article titled "What does WAR's success or failure mean for the MMORPG market?"
In this article, Mark Jacobs had this to say about what subscription numbers means to a company in the mmorpg market:
"Since WoW’s initial launch the market has seen a number of high priced properties crater spectacularly as well a number of MMORPG studios shut their doors. While back in the day, 100K monthly subs would have been seen as quite a success, if you are spending 50M or more on a game all in, 100K doesn’t quite cut it. Even 250K subs (30M gross + box sales for let’s say 10M in profit pre-tax), doesn’t look great to investors when you are spending 50M or more on a game and have continued high expenditures for updates, xpacks, etc. and lots of new competitors coming online."
Mark Jacobs also list four outcomes that affect the whole MMORPG market if WAR succeeds, and four outcomes that affect the whole MMORPG market if WAR fails. In closing he has this to say:
"Now, the same would have held true for AoC or any other MMORPG that has come out in the last 3 years. Unfortunately, only LoTRO can be considered any sort of success and even then it didn’t come close to WoW’s numbers (despite a license which in the past has been referred to as a license to print money). I’ve been making online games forever and I want this space to be hugely successful and continue to expand. However, if we developers can’t create games that people not only want to play at launch but play and pay for at least six months, then we are failing at our jobs and we deserve whatever happens to us as do our games.
Ego talking? Nope, just cold hard facts."
After reading this article and reflecting on my own experience as a former WAR player, my question is this: Because Warhammer did not break the 1M barrier, and it certainly is much closer in sub numbers to LoTRO which "only LoTRO can only be considered any sort of success", then is it right to assume that Warhammer's subscription numbers do not meet the expectation of Mythic and its investors?
Why is there no xp bonus to killing players when your the underdog?
If i manage to kill one player when im fighting 5 to 1 why dont i get 5 times the reward in PvP
To me it makes sense and would have help keep player subscribed.
Right now over- populated side is getting more kills.
so they are getting more xp. so they are making the over populated problem bigger...............
Why was there not a meckanic in the game to prevent that, and help the underdog stay at par in xp
and reward them for the few kills they worked so hard to get as they were getting there ass kicked over and over and over and over again???
If this game is in difficulty they only have one company to blaim.
They have to figuer out a meckanic to keep the underdog coming back to get his butt kicked for years.
Gess they did not think about that................
Here is a question for them:
What were you thinking? lol
I get frustrated getting 'stuck' on twigs/roots/rocks etc. It's painful! oh lookout for that twig! ;-)
While stability is, and continues to be, an ongoing issue – when do they see in the foreseeable future, a time that the large scale, RvR Forts and City Siege battles being completely absent of stability issues? Even on mid-to-high spec'd rigs.
doesn't this sound more like something that belongs in a warhammer fantasy RPG:
Actually I have one that IMO must be ansered for me and a few more will not play unless something is done with it. CC, it s out of control. I want to know if a 1 minute immunity timer will be implemented like DAOC or similar. I can t be an effective anything in that game being unable to do anything half the time.
Would Mythic ever consider implementing...
1) A user-defined filter for "loot all"? Or in other words, let me choose not to loot "vendor trash" and still clear out a corpse so I can get to scavenging. Micro-managing bag space is a pain in the arse.
2) This is a bit more elaborate/pie-in-the-sky. I'd like to see a similar approach as LotRO in regard to costuming and gear. For example, I love the aesthetic of the Tier 1 helmets for Shaman, but wearing one in Tier 3 is just gimping the hell out of my character. I'd like to be able to retain the cosmetic appearance of some gear, while enjoying the performance-enhancing benefits of gear I don't find visually appealing.
I'd like to see the above questions regarding future cities asked.
EQ1 (1999-2002) - The best MMORPG ever.
Why Developed Warhammer in the style of WOW.
When your has always been a RVR and not RP play: Developed - Style?
Why not further developed in DAoC RVR style, instead of making a system without any from of skills or tactics?
Why the ads that have ballancered classes, 1vs1 when it then turns out that a class can nuke 3 others in the ground. And a second class that can kill 3 others in the melee with out problem. ?
Why drop the tactic in the game, compared to a total child-friendly manual. ?
Why all this china - colors, big texter, speech units and similar as it was developed in China. Instead of keeping it simple, as in DAOC?
Why develop classes which have their areas of struggle, but still have the same strength of PROTECTION, but not allso in strength ?
I could go on and on, but let me see did this lead to.
1)Why did you allow lag to kill your game?
Lag is always going to be here and a proper plan on how to deal with it before you release the game would have ensured that your game did not die because of it.
To make matters worse, this is not your first MMO so you really have no excuses.
2) Why did you let GOA manage WAR in the EU after their bad handling of your pervious game you still went with them after they gave you verbal assurances. They messed the server transfers up badly when you still had a decent population. I for one was stuck on an empty server with 2 chars with no transfer option available.
Come on, organising a server transfer so that no one gets stuck can be completed by a primary school student, yet there i was with "sorry we can not help you" comments from GOA, utterly shameful in this day and age for an IT company to come out with that to say the least.
They expected me to delete the chars or re-roll, with no offer of free playtime, they expected me to lose the money i paid in subs as well as my time, they didn't care. Didnt they know that i and many like me would leave, WAR is not the only MMO on the market.
What a waste, for me for buying the CEs and all the guides.......