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Some folks seem convinced that the government has gotten access to alien tech and/or have reversed engineered it. I'm going to walk through a few simple areguements why this is very stupid.
First step aliens aliens on earth. While this is unlikely in the general sense there are a two conditions that I would consider being a crash landing and then just contacting us.
The first thing we need to realize about a crash landing is that you have a species that is capable of somehow getting to our planet, this means that crashing into the earth just would not happen since we're talking about tech that can travel interstellar distances but somehow can't avoid a planet. Then if this technology does crash we need to realize that this is technology that can travel interstellar distances, the last place you want to be is anywhere near something carrying that much power that is so malfunctioned that it can't even perform it's most basic processes.
Now lets look at something "just contacting" us. The first thing we need to realize is that the theory of evolution would state that "The Weak, Sacrificial, Uncompetitive and Similar" under normal conditions do not stay around long, this means that we can assume to some extent we are going to be dealing with something about or more "hardass" than humans. The only logical reason I can think of why different alien races wouldn't be at each other throats is that they're worried about demonstrating to "something(s) else" that they are an aggressive threat willing to remove stuff all the interstellar map and thus need to be removed themselves, After all the evidence of what they did and that they were the last ones there could stay around for eons if not longer. It also seems unlikely that any alien would toss stuff out there just because they can when it'd be safer for them to do nothing: advance culture bigger threat, leave culture nothing happens that wouldn't have.
Now lets look at reverse engineering or even using alien tech and why this is something that just doesn't happen.
First things first I'd like you to imagine a french alchemist from the 1600s taking apart a nuclear reactor to figure out how it works, and with no referances whatsoever. You're probably laughing but this is exactly the type of referance we're talking about, maybe even the whole "completely different" type of science could hold true.
Now lets get a bit more creative and just think about how a alien psyche could work in referance to something as simple as math for all we know they could count up in polynomials and naked numbers(1, 2, 3, ...) are their unreal numbers. It'd be fun to find a race that could square root a negative number but need to use insane math theory to square root a positive one. We already do have some interesting mindsets of differences even within the same race IE: russian double negitive in speach still negitive, imagine the minefield of something completely different.
well this is a fun post
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Lies! Someday the aliens will show up to kill us and Will Smith will fly a nuclear bomb into the mothership.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
"V" was so much better, and if you're to young then you probably don't know what I am talking about.
"V" was so much better, and if you're to young then you probably don't know what I am talking about.
I was a kid when it came out. I have vague recollections of "V."
I was aiming more for snark , not to start a debate over the merits of "V" vs. "Independence Day."
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Not to even consider the economic, social, and political costs of space flight.
Take Star Trek for example, anybody want to hazard a guess at the cost of the United Federation of Planets? At constructing the Enterprise, operating the orbital docks, and the Star Fleet Training Academy in San Francisco?
At building and operating the star bases?
Who pays for all that crap? What societies have made a major commitment to give up eating out at Taco Bell once a week so Captain Janeway can lose a Starship? How does a politician explain to his/her constituency that "We have to raise taxes because we just lost a fleet to the Borg".
Face it, if the Enterprise arrives at a planet with natural dilithium, and the inhabitants are wacked out hippies that tell them to go away, do you really think those paying the bills are going to settle for the Prime Directive and leave all that dilithium/wacked out hippies alone?
So, when aliens arrive here, why do you expect them to behave like Alf, or Mork, or Uncle Martin?
The idea of Human scientists and Engineers revers engineering a bit of alien tech [say for example a grooming device ] is about as far fetched as imagining a cave man shaman from the stone age revers engineering a Microwave oven.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
"V" was so much better, and if you're to young then you probably don't know what I am talking about.
Even if he doesn't, he will soon. New remake on ABC starting this fall.
"V" was so much better, and if you're to young then you probably don't know what I am talking about.
Even if he doesn't, he will soon. New remake on ABC starting this fall.
I know about that, it's remake because that is the new Hollywood thing to do...Kenneth Johnson was trying to bring out a third "V" miniseries that takes place 20 years or so after the first one -- and supposedly skips "The Final Battle" -- but every studio he approched they didn't want to even think about "V"; I also hear he has nothing to do with this remake.
See people make the mistake of thinking these aliens are from some far away galaxy. You know paul you do have some good points. There are reports of sightings of UFOs just vanishing into thin air. If there are aliens I really don't believe they are from some galaxy light years away. The most common alien that these abductees see are the "greys." Now, these greys are grey skinned and have large black eyes. Lets critically think here for a moment. What on this planet has anything remotely similar to those features? Sharks for an example. Maybe these "aliens" actually come from our oceans. Remember our oceans are not fully explored. Also in reports of abuductess these greys smell like sulfer. Also they want to examine your sex organs as well. Lets take a step back in time. I know for saying this I will loose all creditability but I simply don't care. In the Bible, in Noah's time, there were fallen angels that fell for women and sowed their seed with them. Thus, making "giants." Those where called the Niphilim which is mentioned in the Bible. Also that was a time to change the purity of the human genome. If these aliens exist it seems as if they are trying to do the same. Ever hear of the Indigo Children? Those could be potential hybrids. So if these aliens do exist I really think they are interdimensional beings, spirits in a sense. But thats just my theory if these aliens exist.
I mentioned this site in a different thread, you may want to check it out if you don't already know it:
In regards to "first contact" or "aliens on earth" ~ who's to say we haven't made first contact yet? It's silly to think that it will be some Hollywood-type of scenario where a huge ship lands and shakes the hands of a human representative etc~ What about the shamans, channelers, mystic/psychics, schizo's, witches, seers/diviners/ovates etc who are all claiming to be speaking with beings not of this world (could be of a different world, or even dimension or time). I'd have to say that we've been making contact for thousands of years and it is the disinformation/idea/thought that alien visitation has to come in some expected form (ie Hollywood scenario). SETI (to me) is laughable~ it's like we're ants using some sort of primitive wave of information trying to dial out to a highly advanced receiver. If any civilization is that advanced that is contains galactical travel, it most certainly will not be using radio frequencies still. Think outside the box.
So now that we've established that we're already in contact with pan-dimensional/extra-terrestial beings, let's look at the technology aspect. It is said (in the case of inter-dimensional travel) that each dimensions laws/rules/physics are completely different than our own or others, granting a different environment in which to learn and evolve (purpose of life in these shells we call bodies). I've heard that situations (like Roswell) were summoning rituals/portals in which a rift was opened between two points (dimensions) and that when their (pan-dimensional) ship came into our world/dimension that it operated on different laws/physics and thus crashed immediately after coming through the wormhole/portal/etc. Imagine the laws/theories that govern our world; gravity et al. What if gravity (which is just a theory) was just a learning tool in our dimension of 3D (Time and Space), and was an obsolete learning tool in other dimensions? Their vessels wouldn't survive long in our physics.
Let's take a look at it from another perspective, say a non-inter-dimensional view. Let's say they're from another solar system, galaxy what-have-you. It is rumored that Earth is surrounded by vessels observing our planet during a very special time of evolution or ascension on the Human-being's part. That these/most vessels exist in a spectrum of light we cannot see~ for we can only perceive of a fraction of what can actually be seen (see "Visible light spectrum") is a possibility. Cloak/stealth technology isn't a myth anymore~ our bombers are undetectable on radar because they lack 45-degree angles or the new stealth suits that can bend light or the other stealth suits that have little cameras that projects what is behind you to mask what is in front etc. So even if we were being watched, we might not even know it.
Also it is said that any sort of Type II+ civilization or greater (we're not even a Type 1 civilization) would most likely have been a predatory species. Like you say, the weak, sacrificial and uncompetetive die out~ the predatorial species seem to be the one's that live on.
In regards to alien technology it is said that there was a bargain struck between John Dee and pan-dimensional beings during the medievil times in which he channeled to receive highly advanced information in exhange for our blood/negative emotions etc. The information was so grand that John Dee could not retain it all and thus created Universities (Universe-Cities) in which hundreds of learned people would assimilate and translate the channeled information into feasbile material. England, a country that didn't even have windows on their castles and the monarchs were living in poor conditions reversed 100-fold and became the seat of the mightiest empire during these times (there are no coincidences) and controlled nearly 2/3rds of the world. This doesn't just happen.
The blood-pact (bargain between Dee and dimensional overlords) was paid in full over time with the release of nasty plagues and world wars. Each massive earthen war or plague would then be a giant leap in understanding/technology. Soldiers wear important regalia adorned with symbolic pins/medals (skull and cross bones, druidic acorns/leaves etc) as they go to die in ritualistic battles all over the globe in their sacrificial garb. The massive wars were just massive rituals of sacrifice to the dimensional beings that feed Britain (john Dee) new technology in return for their "blood spilled upon the earth" and the negative emotions that ensue from world trajedy.
Just thoughts~ I love to speculate.
Assuming we live in an N dimensional universe instead of one that just has length, width, hieght, and time. Also assuming that no matter which dimension you live in it has "stable" rules as pretaining to those dimensions. There is no reason at all why God or Chance would decide not to seed life using a different set of dimensions instead of just the ones we live in. As a matter of fact I'd be willing to bet the chance/blessing of life being in a different set of dimensions is just as likely as it was for us. (note by dimensions I mean what we are bound by IE: length, width, hieght, time, or stranger).
So for all we know we could be someone else's "quantam mechanics" that really screws up some of their sciences. Likewise the normal person could "constantly" be in interaction with "aliens" just not know it.
Granted this would also mean that any form of communication would be like trying to program something in assembly language(computers) with no guide how to do so or no idea what a computer even is. I'm sure a human brain could figure it out instinctivly(not concisouly) considering all the processing power we have up there under the "just right" conditions.
As for travel between the different dimension sets you might as well completely rule it out since a living form likely has no way to live in every envioronment in it's own dimension set, much more under a dimension set the just blatently doesn't "work" like it "should".
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Hey, come on now... Velcro had to come from somewhere else... That stuff is just wierd!
Is tempted to recant...
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.