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He did a brilliant justice pick, Very experienced woman but not only that she will be the first latin justice. Republicans are already doing very poor with latins did very poorly with them this election, so if republicans tried to block this pick it could bite them in the ass big time. This was a very intelligent pick by obama.
save our future.
Lmao there is still time to Dig into her background.
You say It might bite them in the ass. But if She has been a Out spoken Critic of A Core Republican value then she will Be voted agenst.
If she Hasent then I Doubt they would make a fuss. Race can Be over come When Votes are Concerned.
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude; greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
Samuel Adams
I agree, he's not only highly intelligent, but shrewd. Republicans can alienate three groups with shenanigans:
1) Woman vote
2) Hispanic vote
3) Middle class vote (she earned her way up the ladder from humble beginnings)
She's a shoe-in no matter what so any dissent is counterproductive. Rush already is killing the Republicans on this now. Look what the moron is already saying:
Rush says he wants Sotomayor to fail on his radio show.
He never learns. The Democrats just love Rush sooooo much.
He never learns. The Democrats just love Rush sooooo much.
Lol yes exactly.
save our future.
He never learns. The Democrats just love Rush sooooo much.
And he called her racist.
Therein lies the GOP's mistake of allowing Rush to become a figurehead of the party. I mean, damn, he wasted no time. I await actual elected GOP officials responses.
He also offered one of the most reasonable moderate republicans, Huntsman, a job as the ambassador to China. So he is out of the way in 2012. He could have been a potential candidate for the republican nod since he is one of the few non right extremists in that party.
Love him or hate him. Obama is very intelligent. It's a nice change.
The Official God FAQ
You are just going to have to deal with the fact that Sonia Sotomayor will still be a Supreme Court Justice long after you've grown up, gotten married and have had kids.
Tough noogies, but grow up.
This is where we are in America now. We've gotten to the point where we are more concerned about a Supreme Court nominee's gender and ethnicity than her willingness to judge cases based on the Constitution. A frightening trend for the future.
I'm not going to say you're stupid because that would be rude, but Condeleeza Rice was the first black person to be appointed Secretary of State. Did you see an outpouring of support among black voters for the republican party? Because I sure didn't.
At the end of the day people want results. They really don't care what race/gender a person is if they don't deliver. Using minorities as political pawns is not accomplishing anything.
My youtube MMO gaming channel
I'm not going to say you're stupid because that would be rude, but Condeleeza Rice was the first black person to be appointed Secretary of State. Did you see an outpouring of support among black voters for the republican party? Because I sure didn't.
At the end of the day people want results. They really don't care what race/gender a person is if they don't deliver. Using minorities as political pawns is not accomplishing anything.
People want results but the initial appeal will be hispanic woman while people check out the background. There are probably 50 white males that are just as good on the list but she gives the initial appeal that makes Obama look good. Don't think for an instant that it's anything else because Obama's party plays the media and political game at the same time.
When a piscating wizard floods every thread I can understand why people leave.
I'm not going to say you're stupid because that would be rude, but Condeleeza Rice was the first black person to be appointed Secretary of State. Did you see an outpouring of support among black voters for the republican party? Because I sure didn't.
At the end of the day people want results. They really don't care what race/gender a person is if they don't deliver. Using minorities as political pawns is not accomplishing anything.
Not sure why you need to clarify that but.. Thanks for being... decent, lol?
Black voters didn't like her. Black voters didn't like Clarence Thomas. Black voters didn't like Alan Keyes. Black voters don't like Steele.
Black voters DO like Colin Powell. So I'm not sure what your point is exactly. I really don't, but those voting blocks will care.
The Hispanic block was one Democrats and Republicans fought over in this past election that was very clear. Puerto Ricans overwhelming voted for Hillary, but underwhelming voted for McCain. Sotomayor is a Puerto Rican and that block will remember it was President Obama who made history with her and if the Republicans start the dumb stuff, they will certainly remember it was them who tried to block her. Republicans in office better seriously just keep their traps shut if they have any hope for 2012.
Republicans already have BIG problems with women voters. Everyone knows that since before the election because they don't have hardly any women Republican leaders at all.
Of course at the end of day people just want a competent job done. But at the beginning of that day, they want some representation at the breakfast table.
"The judiciary (also known as the judicial system or judicature) is the system of courts which interprets and applies the law in the name of the sovereign or state. The judiciary also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. Under the doctrine of the separation of powers, the judiciary generally does not make law or enforce law, but rather interprets law and applies it to the facts of each case.
This branch of government is often tasked with ensuring equal justice under law. It usually consists of a court of final appeal (called the "supreme court" or "constitutional court"), together with lower courts."
"A legislature is a type of representative deliberative assembly with the power to create and change laws.[1] The law created by a legislature is called legislation or statutory law. Legislatures are known by many names, the most common being parliament and congress, although these terms also have more specific meanings."
(basic definitions I think that would be good enough but await revision in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...)
Judge Sonia Sotomayor: Court is Where Policy is Made
Sadly this republic no longer exists because the above two definitions doesn't even compute with some and definitely not for the left in power.
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
And you know this how? You have personally gone out and spoken face to face with black voters and asked them this? I think it would be more accurate to say that the liberal mainstream media doesn't like Rice, Thomas and Steele because they are dependable Republicans and/or conservatives. The media hates that. Simply because blacks vote overwhlemingly Democrat doesn't necessarily mean that they have a negative opinion of these folks.
On the other hand, the media loves Colin Powell because he's been criticizing the Republican party recently. That's music to their ears. It's not restricted to race either. Take John McCain for instance. In the Senate, he was not afraid to vote against his party on several bills. That made him a media darling. The maverick, the straight talker, blah, blah, blah. But make him the Republican nominee for President and the media reacts to him with a big yawn.
speaking at Berkeley's Law School in 2001, Sotomayor asserted that "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would [as judge] more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
Moreover, Judge Sotomayor is clearly a liberal judicial activist. Speaking to Duke Law School in 2005, she contended that "the Court of Appeals is where policy is made."
She then added jovially that "I know this is on tape and I should never say that because 'we don't make law,' " as she made quotation marks with her hands. "I'm not promoting it and I'm not advocating it. You know . . . ," she added with a grin as the audience laughed.
She confirmed that activism last year in ruling against New Haven firemen victimized by reverse discrimination. Sotomayor was accused by a fellow 2nd District judge — Clinton appointee Jose Cabranes — of issuing a one-paragraph "opinion that lacks a clear statement of either the claims raised by the plaintiffs or the issues on appeal" plus "no reference whatsoever to the constitutional claims at the core of this case."
The Supreme Court is widely expected to reverse her weak decision next month.
Weak at best...
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Obama Briefs The Washington Press Corps
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Obama an intelligent.... man....? ... haha.....ahahaha....
Yeah, no.
How does this make Obama the smartest politician you have ever seen? That's a lot of blind faith.. a little overstated to say the least.
This was just a massive PR stunt to please the reverse-discrimination bigots.
Outside of that one glaringly obvious fact - What does it accomplish? ... Nothing.
Lol, I can tell some of the people in this post are going to have nothing but gums left by 2012. So much hate and impotency to do anything about it is not a good mix on teeth.
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
That is how you spell it. She's way qualified for the job, and it's about time. Please get acclimated to it now, and it will make life easier and save on your dental bills.
It's more that there's no shortage of qualified persons for the Supreme Court, and Sonia belongs to a group of judges in our country that are qualified.
So there's no such thing as a America is more concerned about a nominee's gender and ethnicity more than her willingness to judge cases based on the Constitution; but she already has an unpreceded history of academia and career of the latter.
So, should America be proud of breaking new ground when we do and its of no consequence akin to what you'd try to append? Of course. The only thing sad is that there's people in the country who have a kneejerk reaction to these types of accomplishments and can't stand the sight of it.
The only thing sad is that there's people in the country who have a kneejerk reaction to these types of accomplishments and can't stand the sight of it.
You must be speaking of the Democrats in Congress, right? After all, they had an opportunity to put Miguel Estrada on the D.C. US Court of Appeals in 2001. But, instead of allowing a simple up or down vote on his nomination, they chose to filibuster it. First time ever for a nominee to the Court of Appeals. Sounds like a kneejerk reaction to me.
I mean we're talking about a Latino who was born in the Honduras. Who came to the United States at the age of 17 with a limited command of the English language. Who graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School. Who received a unanimous "well-qualified" rating from the American Bar Association. And the Democrats said "no". Huh? I wonder if race had anything to do with it.
The only thing sad is that there's people in the country who have a kneejerk reaction to these types of accomplishments and can't stand the sight of it.
You must be speaking of the Democrats in Congress, right? After all, they had an opportunity to put Miguel Estrada on the D.C. US Court of Appeals in 2001. But, instead of allowing a simple up or down vote on his nomination, they chose to filibuster it. First time ever for a nominee to the Court of Appeals. Sounds like a kneejerk reaction to me.
I mean we're talking about a Latino who was born in the Honduras. Who came to the United States at the age of 17 with a limited command of the English language. Who graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School. Who received a unanimous "well-qualified" rating from the American Bar Association. And the Democrats said "no". Huh? I wonder if race had anything to do with it.
Nope, I was refering to Limbaugh's usual chain reaction in the Republican Party and his listeners like yourself; who take what he says and repeats it.
Limbaugh, Gringrich, Rove and so on are going on the record with all of their comments regarding Sotomayor's gender and race; and offensively so. So I hold them accountable for it and every Republican that falls in line with it.
You show me the same kind of vitriol out of a Democrat's mouth towards the past nominee you cited there and my conviction would be just the same.
'til then though, what's your point?
All I see is a racist piece of trash nominate a racist piece of trash.
Shes really ugly.
Or inexperience and secrecy perhaps?
With pleasure. I don't know of any Sotomayor critics who have said they hope she dies as Dr. Julianne Malveaux famously said of Clarence Thomas back in 1994.
And so now legitimate criticism of a nominee's record is considered vitriol, is it? Well then I guess we might as well just skip the nomination process and go straight to the swearing in.
And if you think mere criticism is worse than actually denying a nominee of the position, I question your priorites. I would much rather be criticized all day long and still get the job instead of being praised all over the place, but then being denied the position.
I don't think pretty people interpret the law any better than ugly people.