I'm not here to feud over WoW, but 11.5 million subs doesn't mean the game is awesome. Like I said, once upon a time it was a great game. Games gain momentum and the game has such a huge base, that the game is more social than being an MMO. PvP is essentially dead, it's just a love affair with Arena points and that is it. PvE has become nothing more than chore after the initial few weeks of an instance.
Oh and DAoC is hardly dead, the game has suprisingly had a big surge in numbers on the Devon cluster.
Zorndorf - Ensidia unlocked 25 man Algalon on May 1. On May 11 they got the 10 man Glory of the Ulduar Raider achievement which is defeat every boss in a hard way(except Algalon of course). didleridoo - Im guessing English is not your primary language. Your post is almost unintelligible. Also, continue not playing WoW.
Yep you are right about that...english is not my native tongue. ...and i'm not planning to return anytime soon in wow.
Your sad comments about spelling confirms me that you must be from texas and a member of" cousin stays with cousin" family. ..take a break and go out some day and maybe ....just maybe you aren't so bitter little nerd anymore.
I'm not here to feud over WoW, but 11.5 million subs doesn't mean the game is awesome. Like I said, once upon a time it was a great game. Games gain momentum and the game has such a huge base, that the game is more social than being an MMO. PvP is essentially dead, it's just a love affair with Arena points and that is it. PvE has become nothing more than chore after the initial few weeks of an instance. Oh and DAoC is hardly dead, the game has suprisingly had a big surge in numbers on the Devon cluster.
This post has to be the best of the best. As usual losing ALL touch with reality.
11.5 million PAYING subsribers and the rest is at under 300K (much under in 99% of the cases). How much DIFFERENCE you want ????
And stating that Wow PvP is dead and DAoC is not i....s the biggest JOKE I ever saw on the web.
More than 70 BG's open at the SAME time on lvl 80 in the single BG Blackout UE in prime time.... and LW almost unplayable on some servers because each night multiple fights with 100/100+ in that PvP zone.
It shows how far gone some of these Wow haters are today.
If you WANT to have an opinion on the game at least play it.... in its PRESENT form (meaning today), then you would not cite quotes you somewhere read months or years ago...and by using them now making a fool out of yourself.
More people play Wow pvp than PvP in all mmorpg's combined these days. You click on a BG and within 5 seconds the BG's open.
Reason ? New season )) cycles: enough to warrant for the heaviest PvP in the next 4 months. Just as in patch 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 ... now 3.1...the only difference now is that world PvP is even added to the well populated BG's.
But of course you don't know that (and still want to have an opinion).
If you want to call WoW PvP, than sure it's not dead. You're missing my point. WoW has not been "PvP" for a very long time. If you think sitting at flags is fun.. or doing Arena in an unbalanced enviroment.. or whatever it may be! The new BG they added in Wrath of the Lich King is I might say a little fun, but I can't say that is compares Dark Age of Camelot.
Hey most people don't play video games, so do video games suck, then? Or, most people buy Coca-Cola products, does that mean they have the best soda? Come on, man, don't think like that. Numbers can be very misleading, even if it is 11.5 million subscribers. I used to love World of Warcraft, but like I said, it's now more of just a social game than an actual MMO.
Whoah! If I was the stock exchange regulation group in the USA I would be investigating this clown for making deliberate and misleading statements since Activision-Blizzard is a public listed company.
Firstly his comment "significant increase from the same time last year.” is quite ... revisionist to say the least. Blizzard hit 10 millin subscribers in Jan 2008. eu.blizzard.com/en/press/080122.html
So you are looking at more than more than 10 million in May 2008. Lets say 10.25. In the past year WoW has only increased by 10%. I dont call an increase of 10% "significant". From Jan 07 to Jan 08 WoW went from 8 million to 10 million.
If you read the press release for 10 million and the statements for the 8 million mark the figures between the regions are clearly spelled out.
Now look at the press release for 11.5 million subscribers www.blizzard.com/us/press/081121.html . No mention of the breakdown by region. Why Blizzard? What are you hiding?
On further inspection the 10 million mark had China WoW at 5.5 but at the 8 million mark WoW China was only at 3.5 million. www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php. Now for the slow WoW fanbois that means that the growth in WoW between 2007-2008 was virtually all in China.
What does this mean? It means that for YEARS WoW has been stagnate in the most important and profitable regions, EU and NA. China WoW and its 50 cents a month playerbase is nothing more than a marketing tool by Blizzard. It would down tens of millions of Chinese players to generate anywhere close to the revenue generated in EU/NA.
I'm not here to feud over WoW, but 11.5 million subs doesn't mean the game is awesome. Like I said, once upon a time it was a great game. Games gain momentum and the game has such a huge base, that the game is more social than being an MMO. PvP is essentially dead, it's just a love affair with Arena points and that is it. PvE has become nothing more than chore after the initial few weeks of an instance. Oh and DAoC is hardly dead, the game has suprisingly had a big surge in numbers on the Devon cluster.
I love DAoC best, easily the best game ever for me over the past 20 years.
So what?
Does it mean WoW is bad? No.
I love Chinese food, so I have to declare war on Thai food, mexican food, or the yummy hotdog once in a while along the new york streets? Come on.
WoW has its charm, EvE, CoX. That makes life, makes variety, makes choice lists. DAoC beats WoW pvp, but when it comes to interface, UI, pve and graphics WoW wins. Why must I dismiss WoW just b/c I like RvR more than WoW arena or WG?
11.5m does not mean the game is awesome to who? to you? sure. to the 11.5million? I think at least they are willing to spend time and money, 11.5m of them. That is a fact. Do they all feel it to be awesome? I don't know, until I got a chance to interview a resaonably representative sample of them, not those vocals on this board.
Is the game a social club? No I do not think so. Social is part of the game, but anytime you type /who, there are enough people in PVP, in ulduar, in dungeons, outside town. They cannot all be socialising. I believe someone in ulduar or naxx is trying to kill a boss.
Total number of WoW players doing pvp at any time >>> 100x total number of DAoCers RvRing in Devon. Wanna bet on it? Total number of WoW players doing pve at any time >>> total number of players doing pve on all P2P games. I might dare bet on this one too. Need to do some maths someday to confirm this.
So if you really respect individual freedom and rights, then you can pack up your view and keep it labelled as your own view. There are enough people demonstrating different views by playing the game they like. Go Devon, you enjoy it, enuf said. No need start a fight here.
Whoah! If I was the stock exchange regulation group in the USA I would be investigating this clown for making deliberate and misleading statements since Activision-Blizzard is a public listed company. Firstly his comment "significant increase from the same time last year.” is quite ... revisionist to say the least. Blizzard hit 10 millin subscribers in Jan 2008. eu.blizzard.com/en/press/080122.html So you are looking at more than more than 10 million in May 2008. Lets say 10.25. In the past year WoW has only increased by 10%. I dont call an increase of 10% "significant". From Jan 07 to Jan 08 WoW went from 8 million to 10 million. If you read the press release for 10 million and the statements for the 8 million mark the figures between the regions are clearly spelled out. Now look at the press release for 11.5 million subscribers www.blizzard.com/us/press/081121.html . No mention of the breakdown by region. Why Blizzard? What are you hiding? On further inspection the 10 million mark had China WoW at 5.5 but at the 8 million mark WoW China was only at 3.5 million. www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php. Now for the slow WoW fanbois that means that the growth in WoW between 2007-2008 was virtually all in China. What does this mean? It means that for YEARS WoW has been stagnate in the most important and profitable regions, EU and NA. China WoW and its 50 cents a month playerbase is nothing more than a marketing tool by Blizzard. It would down tens of millions of Chinese players to generate anywhere close to the revenue generated in EU/NA.
Go do your maths again before you go tout your "findings".
Since when EU and NA are the most important and profitable region? Look at the cars industry. GM Ford and Chry are folding up in US living on alms from Bush and Obama. The same 3 are announcing new production lines, new designs and opening up new factories all over China. Cry.
50cents a month in china? Go check your facts. China players pay by online time, china servers are much less costly to maintain, they are still TBC servers, meaning practically no maintenance. Profit = revenue minus costs. Feeling stupid?
NA and EU is stagnant. Not surprisingly. Everyone who want to sell a boat goes to Asia, to china. Why do you feel surprised when sales of WoW grows faster in China? Pretty much sales of everything goes faster in China, where GDP grows at 8-12% per year, import and exports double ever 3-4 years where GDP/head x2 in towns (where many gamers live) every 5 years... and so on.
So Blizz sells to china, so blizz sells to russia. That makes Blizz a lesser company? hate to break the news to you, blizz might consider US and EU the backwaters, and place more and more focus in Asia. Eventually, like ford, they might give up US and focus all their design, manufacturing and sales forces in Asia. Fact is, when wotlk goes life in China, we will have quite a show to watch. Cry more.
Russia, India and China, adding to the traditional markets of Japan and Korea. Its just a miracle WoW did not go East at a faster pace. Look at the sale of coke. You know who drinks coke now?
Originally posted by Orthedos Go do your maths again before you go tout your "findings". Sigh. At least Zorndorf gets his information right. I'll try and answer your AZN pride with facts though I dont think you are interested in facts. WoW had 8 million people in Jan 07. Of which 3.5 million were from China. WoW hits 10 million of which 5.5 are from China. 8,000,000 - 3,500,000 = 4,500,000. That is the number of EU/NA subscriptions. 10,000,000 - 5,500,000 = 4,500,000. That is the number of EU/NA subscriptions. THAT MEANS THAT IN JAN 2008 THE AMOUNT OF EU/NA SUBSCRIBERS WAS THE SAME IN JAN 2007. Since when EU and NA are the most important and profitable region? Look at the cars industry. GM Ford and Chry are folding up in US living on alms from Bush and Obama. The same 3 are announcing new production lines, new designs and opening up new factories all over China. Cry. What has the car industry got to do with anything? China's economy is a growing economy but they are still pretty backwards. 50cents a month in china? Go check your facts. China players pay by online time, china servers are much less costly to maintain, they are still TBC servers, meaning practically no maintenance. Profit = revenue minus costs. Feeling stupid? Exactly. China players pay by online time. So someone who plays 1 hour per month counts the same towards the 11.5 million subscribers as someone who pays US $15. EVERY SINGLE MONTH. Also, the Chinese currency is a very devalued currency that is still controlled by the government. Simply put the Chinese are not capable of paying $15 a month on anywhere the scale EU/NA are. The average per capita income in China is $6000. in Western countries its $40,000+. People without jobs and on unemployment benefits earn more than the average Chinese worker. Also, Blizzard doesn't maintain the servers in China. Another company does and they take a cut of the money generated from China TO PAY TO MAINTAIN THE SERVERS. So what if China is still playing BC? Lucky them. Look at all the time and trouble Blizzard are having getting WotLK adapted for China. Also, Blizzard has to make a totally seperate client for China. Not only does Blizzard have to fork out a lot of money to translate EVERY single piece of text in the game, but they have to modify it especially for China. For example no bones showing on forsaken models. So Blizzard has to pay another company to maintain the servers, they have to translate WoW, they have to modify the client so it will get approval and they have to deal with the Chinese government. Thats a lot of money considering that Chinese players dont pay a flat fee. Besides the fact that people from EU pay 13 Euros a month which comes to roughly $17 US right now, I'll calculate EU monthly payments at $15 US. 15 x 4,500,000 = $67,500,000. So thats almost 68 million dollars a month. Theres no way in hell would China WoW generate $68 million a month. In conclusion EU/NA WoW generate more revenue and more profit than China WoW. NA and EU is stagnant. Not surprisingly. Everyone who want to sell a boat goes to Asia, to china. Why do you feel surprised when sales of WoW grows faster in China? Pretty much sales of everything goes faster in China, where GDP grows at 8-12% per year, import and exports double ever 3-4 years where GDP/head x2 in towns (where many gamers live) every 5 years... and so on. Combine the economies of EU, Russia, North America, Australia/NZ and Singapore = $37,000,000,000,000+ Chinese GDP: $4,400,000,000,000 Thats almost 9 times the size of the Chinese economy. Actually, the Chinese economy growth for this year has been scaled down to around 6-7%. Not 12%. The Chinese economy is virtutally reliant upon American consumption to make up the difference between what it can consume domestically and what it produces. Basically an economy that is totally built upon exports. For all your AZN pride the Chinese economy is pretty much dictated by how well the America is going. And China needs a very high GDP growth to generate jobs for the peasants moving to cities and not working the land anymore. So Blizz sells to china, so blizz sells to russia. That makes Blizz a lesser company? hate to break the news to you, blizz might consider US and EU the backwaters, and place more and more focus in Asia. Eventually, like ford, they might give up US and focus all their design, manufacturing and sales forces in Asia. Fact is, when wotlk goes life in China, we will have quite a show to watch. Cry more. Right, because Activision-Blizzard, an American company and Vivendi, a French company who has a controlling stake in Activision-Blizzard, would consider EU/NA a backwater?
I like WOW...I haven't played in several months. Is it the best...not IMO...but it is the most popular. A lot of people play it....a lot of people wore parachute pants and leg warmers (sometimes together) in the 80's. Who cares?....I say let WOW "stagnate" at 11.5million subs.....I'm sure if the big wigs at Blizzard have to cry about it...they will do so...then clear their eyes and blow their noses with one hundred dollar bills.
I think its reached its cap yes. I don't think it will go in to free-fall or anything I just think people are steadily drifting away from it in the EU and the USA and China can only compensate for that so far. Remember that the Death Knight was cut from the Chinese edtion so their update is missing a fairly important part (although some may argue that they've got a better deal there lol).
_________________________________________ You can walk the walk but can you talk the talk?
I think its reached its cap yes. I don't think it will go in to free-fall or anything I just think people are steadily drifting away from it in the EU and the USA and China can only compensate for that so far. Remember that the Death Knight was cut from the Chinese edtion so their update is missing a fairly important part (although some may argue that they've got a better deal there lol).
I agree with this conclusion, I have drifted away, great game just completed it as far as I am concerned, cant be bothered with achieving T8 from Uldaur.
Will no doubt be back on the next expansion, until then another MMO for me.
I think its reached its cap yes. I don't think it will go in to free-fall or anything I just think people are steadily drifting away from it in the EU and the USA and China can only compensate for that so far. Remember that the Death Knight was cut from the Chinese edtion so their update is missing a fairly important part (although some may argue that they've got a better deal there lol).
I agree with this conclusion, I have drifted away, great game just completed it as far as I am concerned, cant be bothered with achieving T8 from Uldaur.
Will no doubt be back on the next expansion, until then another MMO for me.
It's always odd that individual people still think they are the center of the universe.
Luckily we have stats (like such trivial things as US/EU PC sales charts) to prove the opposite these last 5 years (and the yearly 1.2 billion dollars revenu helps also a bit of course).
Centre of the universe lol. You are one strange guy.
Look, this is a forum, a place for discussion - free discussion as much as possible:
People posting opinions and experiences relevant to the topic and such... that's how it works. You aren't going to agree with all those opinions, that's what makes it interesting - not threatening. So stop being so defensive FFS.
People are posting their opinions, NOT because we think we are the centre of the universe, but just to have light-hearted chat and banter. There are no facts here, it;s all subjective and everything is open to interpretation. Can you see the difference? I don't think you can and that's the core of your problem. You just see a lot of insults and threats towards a game that you idolize.
Take a chill pill and count to ten before each post and maybe you will come across as less of a fanatic and rub less people up the wrong way.
_________________________________________ You can walk the walk but can you talk the talk?
If you want a challenge so bad, why not just run Ulduar without your weapons or armor. Everyone keeps talking about how easy WoW is, but are they just too simple minded or lazy to find the challenges themselves? How did you ever get through any single player games with that mentality? Challenge is subjective. You've been letting the WoW devs spoonfeed you content, and now you are complaining that they won't spoonfeed you a challenge as well. Are you serious? I'd be willing to bet that all these people complaining about how easy WoW is use at least 3 raid addons and have read the wowhead and thottbot guides to all the recent dungeons. You are the ones taking all the challenge out of the game, man.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
People still think the raiding is "easy mode". No guild has beaten Algalon, not even Ensidia(best guild in the world). Not even the 10 man version. Also, only Ensidia has unlocked the 25 man version of Algalon. If WoW is soooo easy then why are even the top guilds having trouble with Ulduar.
What is challenging about WoW's raids? Is it "These bosses are so hard and the scripts are so tricky that we can't beat it"? Or more along the lines of "We don't have the gear to beat this yet"?
Lets face it, the most difficult part of WoW's raiding is getting the gear to be able to beat it. The actual boss scripts, while possibly challenging at first, usually only take a couple of tries to figure out, from which point the only limiting factor is the gear that you and your party posses, and whether that gear gives you enough fire power, enough damage absorption, and enough healing to beat the boss.
I found the most challenging thing about WoW's raiding was getting myself to log on and do it. Don't get me wrong, they were fun the first couple times. But the whole idea of bosses only dropping a couple of pieces of gear, and the fact that guilds are forced to run the same boss over and over until they have enough geared people to move on to the next boss is ridiculously boring after the first couple times, and seems like nothing more than a scheme to get people to play longer.
Do you think said raids/bosses would not have been beaten already if, say, everytime a boss was killed, it dropped a piece of gear for every person in the raid? I would be willing to bet all of the raids would be done by now if that was the case.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike Loved: Star Wars Galaxies Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
I'm not here to feud over WoW, but 11.5 million subs doesn't mean the game is awesome. Like I said, once upon a time it was a great game. Games gain momentum and the game has such a huge base, that the game is more social than being an MMO. PvP is essentially dead, it's just a love affair with Arena points and that is it. PvE has become nothing more than chore after the initial few weeks of an instance.
Oh and DAoC is hardly dead, the game has suprisingly had a big surge in numbers on the Devon cluster.
Yep you are right about that...english is not my native tongue. ...and i'm not planning to return anytime soon in wow.
Your sad comments about spelling confirms me that you must be from texas and a member of" cousin stays with cousin" family. ..take a break and go out some day and maybe ....just maybe you aren't so bitter little nerd anymore.
I'm from Texas. Where are you from?
This post has to be the best of the best. As usual losing ALL touch with reality.
11.5 million PAYING subsribers and the rest is at under 300K (much under in 99% of the cases). How much DIFFERENCE you want ????
And stating that Wow PvP is dead and DAoC is not i....s the biggest JOKE I ever saw on the web.
More than 70 BG's open at the SAME time on lvl 80 in the single BG Blackout UE in prime time.... and LW almost unplayable on some servers because each night multiple fights with 100/100+ in that PvP zone.
It shows how far gone some of these Wow haters are today.
If you WANT to have an opinion on the game at least play it.... in its PRESENT form (meaning today), then you would not cite quotes you somewhere read months or years ago...and by using them now making a fool out of yourself.
More people play Wow pvp than PvP in all mmorpg's combined these days. You click on a BG and within 5 seconds the BG's open.
Reason ? New season )) cycles: enough to warrant for the heaviest PvP in the next 4 months. Just as in patch 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 ... now 3.1...the only difference now is that world PvP is even added to the well populated BG's.
But of course you don't know that (and still want to have an opinion).
If you want to call WoW PvP, than sure it's not dead. You're missing my point. WoW has not been "PvP" for a very long time. If you think sitting at flags is fun.. or doing Arena in an unbalanced enviroment.. or whatever it may be! The new BG they added in Wrath of the Lich King is I might say a little fun, but I can't say that is compares Dark Age of Camelot.
Hey most people don't play video games, so do video games suck, then? Or, most people buy Coca-Cola products, does that mean they have the best soda? Come on, man, don't think like that. Numbers can be very misleading, even if it is 11.5 million subscribers. I used to love World of Warcraft, but like I said, it's now more of just a social game than an actual MMO.
Whoah! If I was the stock exchange regulation group in the USA I would be investigating this clown for making deliberate and misleading statements since Activision-Blizzard is a public listed company.
Firstly his comment "significant increase from the same time last year.” is quite ... revisionist to say the least. Blizzard hit 10 millin subscribers in Jan 2008. eu.blizzard.com/en/press/080122.html
So you are looking at more than more than 10 million in May 2008. Lets say 10.25. In the past year WoW has only increased by 10%. I dont call an increase of 10% "significant". From Jan 07 to Jan 08 WoW went from 8 million to 10 million.
If you read the press release for 10 million and the statements for the 8 million mark the figures between the regions are clearly spelled out.
Now look at the press release for 11.5 million subscribers www.blizzard.com/us/press/081121.html . No mention of the breakdown by region. Why Blizzard? What are you hiding?
On further inspection the 10 million mark had China WoW at 5.5 but at the 8 million mark WoW China was only at 3.5 million. www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php. Now for the slow WoW fanbois that means that the growth in WoW between 2007-2008 was virtually all in China.
What does this mean? It means that for YEARS WoW has been stagnate in the most important and profitable regions, EU and NA. China WoW and its 50 cents a month playerbase is nothing more than a marketing tool by Blizzard. It would down tens of millions of Chinese players to generate anywhere close to the revenue generated in EU/NA.
I love DAoC best, easily the best game ever for me over the past 20 years.
So what?
Does it mean WoW is bad? No.
I love Chinese food, so I have to declare war on Thai food, mexican food, or the yummy hotdog once in a while along the new york streets? Come on.
WoW has its charm, EvE, CoX. That makes life, makes variety, makes choice lists. DAoC beats WoW pvp, but when it comes to interface, UI, pve and graphics WoW wins. Why must I dismiss WoW just b/c I like RvR more than WoW arena or WG?
11.5m does not mean the game is awesome to who? to you? sure. to the 11.5million? I think at least they are willing to spend time and money, 11.5m of them. That is a fact. Do they all feel it to be awesome? I don't know, until I got a chance to interview a resaonably representative sample of them, not those vocals on this board.
Is the game a social club? No I do not think so. Social is part of the game, but anytime you type /who, there are enough people in PVP, in ulduar, in dungeons, outside town. They cannot all be socialising. I believe someone in ulduar or naxx is trying to kill a boss.
Total number of WoW players doing pvp at any time >>> 100x total number of DAoCers RvRing in Devon. Wanna bet on it? Total number of WoW players doing pve at any time >>> total number of players doing pve on all P2P games. I might dare bet on this one too. Need to do some maths someday to confirm this.
So if you really respect individual freedom and rights, then you can pack up your view and keep it labelled as your own view. There are enough people demonstrating different views by playing the game they like. Go Devon, you enjoy it, enuf said. No need start a fight here.
If whats his face isn't killed before Asia gets Wotlk, I would not doubt them killing him first.
Go do your maths again before you go tout your "findings".
Since when EU and NA are the most important and profitable region? Look at the cars industry. GM Ford and Chry are folding up in US living on alms from Bush and Obama. The same 3 are announcing new production lines, new designs and opening up new factories all over China. Cry.
50cents a month in china? Go check your facts. China players pay by online time, china servers are much less costly to maintain, they are still TBC servers, meaning practically no maintenance. Profit = revenue minus costs. Feeling stupid?
NA and EU is stagnant. Not surprisingly. Everyone who want to sell a boat goes to Asia, to china. Why do you feel surprised when sales of WoW grows faster in China? Pretty much sales of everything goes faster in China, where GDP grows at 8-12% per year, import and exports double ever 3-4 years where GDP/head x2 in towns (where many gamers live) every 5 years... and so on.
So Blizz sells to china, so blizz sells to russia. That makes Blizz a lesser company? hate to break the news to you, blizz might consider US and EU the backwaters, and place more and more focus in Asia. Eventually, like ford, they might give up US and focus all their design, manufacturing and sales forces in Asia. Fact is, when wotlk goes life in China, we will have quite a show to watch. Cry more.
Russia, India and China, adding to the traditional markets of Japan and Korea. Its just a miracle WoW did not go East at a faster pace. Look at the sale of coke. You know who drinks coke now?
How many of these players are gold farmers, that hack accounts steal your money and then sell it back to the ignorant populace?
I like WOW...I haven't played in several months. Is it the best...not IMO...but it is the most popular. A lot of people play it....a lot of people wore parachute pants and leg warmers (sometimes together) in the 80's. Who cares?....I say let WOW "stagnate" at 11.5million subs.....I'm sure if the big wigs at Blizzard have to cry about it...they will do so...then clear their eyes and blow their noses with one hundred dollar bills.
I think its reached its cap yes. I don't think it will go in to free-fall or anything I just think people are steadily drifting away from it in the EU and the USA and China can only compensate for that so far. Remember that the Death Knight was cut from the Chinese edtion so their update is missing a fairly important part (although some may argue that they've got a better deal there lol).
You can walk the walk but can you talk the talk?
I agree with this conclusion, I have drifted away, great game just completed it as far as I am concerned, cant be bothered with achieving T8 from Uldaur.
Will no doubt be back on the next expansion, until then another MMO for me.
I agree with this conclusion, I have drifted away, great game just completed it as far as I am concerned, cant be bothered with achieving T8 from Uldaur.
Will no doubt be back on the next expansion, until then another MMO for me.
It's always odd that individual people still think they are the center of the universe.
Luckily we have stats (like such trivial things as US/EU PC sales charts) to prove the opposite these last 5 years (and the yearly 1.2 billion dollars revenu helps also a bit of course).
Centre of the universe lol. You are one strange guy.
Look, this is a forum, a place for discussion - free discussion as much as possible:
People posting opinions and experiences relevant to the topic and such... that's how it works. You aren't going to agree with all those opinions, that's what makes it interesting - not threatening. So stop being so defensive FFS.
People are posting their opinions, NOT because we think we are the centre of the universe, but just to have light-hearted chat and banter. There are no facts here, it;s all subjective and everything is open to interpretation. Can you see the difference? I don't think you can and that's the core of your problem. You just see a lot of insults and threats towards a game that you idolize.
Take a chill pill and count to ten before each post and maybe you will come across as less of a fanatic and rub less people up the wrong way.
You can walk the walk but can you talk the talk?
If you want a challenge so bad, why not just run Ulduar without your weapons or armor. Everyone keeps talking about how easy WoW is, but are they just too simple minded or lazy to find the challenges themselves? How did you ever get through any single player games with that mentality? Challenge is subjective. You've been letting the WoW devs spoonfeed you content, and now you are complaining that they won't spoonfeed you a challenge as well. Are you serious? I'd be willing to bet that all these people complaining about how easy WoW is use at least 3 raid addons and have read the wowhead and thottbot guides to all the recent dungeons. You are the ones taking all the challenge out of the game, man.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
What is challenging about WoW's raids? Is it "These bosses are so hard and the scripts are so tricky that we can't beat it"? Or more along the lines of "We don't have the gear to beat this yet"?
Lets face it, the most difficult part of WoW's raiding is getting the gear to be able to beat it. The actual boss scripts, while possibly challenging at first, usually only take a couple of tries to figure out, from which point the only limiting factor is the gear that you and your party posses, and whether that gear gives you enough fire power, enough damage absorption, and enough healing to beat the boss.
I found the most challenging thing about WoW's raiding was getting myself to log on and do it. Don't get me wrong, they were fun the first couple times. But the whole idea of bosses only dropping a couple of pieces of gear, and the fact that guilds are forced to run the same boss over and over until they have enough geared people to move on to the next boss is ridiculously boring after the first couple times, and seems like nothing more than a scheme to get people to play longer.
Do you think said raids/bosses would not have been beaten already if, say, everytime a boss was killed, it dropped a piece of gear for every person in the raid? I would be willing to bet all of the raids would be done by now if that was the case.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.