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Runescape bills itself as a free to play game which you can subscribe to for added features. However, there is very little to do on the free worlds. What little there is to do on the free world is much more difficult than it would be on a member world. So while it on the surface it may seem like you can cancel your subscription and play on the free world any time you want, the reality of it is that it would be difficult to transition your account to a free account even if you wanted to, which you wouldn't. The free accounts are so extremely limited going back from a paid account would be like going from indoor plumbing to filling buckets at your nearest water supply. Free play is nothing more than a free trial that never expires.
With that out of the way, let's look at the member worlds. There are a couple dozen skills to train from level 1 to 99. Some of them as exciting as Firemaking, a skill where you light a log on fire, turn around, walk one step back, and light another on fire. You do this several hundred thousand times and you will be level 99 and you will be able to... well... light a log on fire. Yes, some skills are down right laughable, while others are simply useless. Smithing is a skill that seems like it might be useful, as you can create weapons and armour using your smithing skill. However, you can only create very low level armour until your smithing level is 99, where you can then smith Rune armour, an armour worn by medium to low level players. All high level armour is only available from monster drops, and therefore extremely expensive. Therefore, there is never really any reason to make armour at all as you can progress through the lower level armour to rune in a single afternoon much sooner than you would ever be able to make it. It would take many months to get to 99 smithing, and that's if you did nothing else the whole time.
The ever increasing amount of experience needed to get to the next level is really the crux of the matter. At first you gain levels so fast it's annoying having to acknowledge it every time. However, each level takes 10% more experience to reach than the last, by the time you get to level 98 you need the same amount of experience as it took from level 1 to 75 to advance to 99. That's assuming you ever make it anywhere close. This is by far the worst aspect of Runescape, the amount of time required to master a skill is astounding. You need over 13 million experience to reach 99 in any skill. Everything seems to top out at around 50,000 exp per hour if you are really going at it. That's over 260 hours to reach 99 in just one skill! There are 24 skills, that's over 6000 hours to master them all. To put that in perspective, you could play the game 10 hours a day for 2 years and not have mastered them all.
That might give you the impression the game has longevity on its side. However, in most cases moving on to activities that the higher levels offer actually earns experience much slower than just sticking with what you were already doing. This means clicking the same little things over and over and over until you want to scream. So you get very bored with almost every skill and it becomes a chore and often quite expensive to "train" the skills. The few things that do reap good rewards are usually extremely crowded and you have to basically stand in line waiting for a turn to do them. Except there is no line so people are constantly cutting in on you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Not only do other people make playing Runescape a pain, Jagex, the creator of Runescape, purposefully makes many aspects of the game frustrating and time consuming. Even something as simple and often used as banking requires players to right click and select from a list 'bank quickly' else they need to go through a long conversation with an npc every time they wish to put items in or take items out. Right clicking brings up a menu, left clicking does the default action which is the first item on the menu. You will use the bank several dozen times at least every time you play, so Jagex decided that the default action for the bank should be to talk to the teller rather access your account. Therefore, you have to right click the bank and select the second item on the menu every single time simply because they wanted to make it more difficult. This is actually quite a common theme throughout the game. Most tasks require several clicks to accomplish when they could easily be done with one. This is done on purpose to make training more difficult.
The ultimate goal of Runescape seems to be to get rich. People that have been playing the game for years have boat loads of items that were handed out for free at one time but are no longer available. These items have become status symbols and their prices have increased from free to hundreds of millions of dollars. Therefore they have billions of dollars and delight in calling everyone who doesn't, noob. Noob is actually the mantra of the entire community, regardless of your level or ability to play. Heal yourself during a fight and you're a "food noob". Sometimes even having high skill levels is noob. Have a high combat level and you're a "main noob".
The combat level system is the most convoluted system I've ever seen in any game. Your combat level is based on a complex average of several combat related skills. I assume this was to try to protect low level players from high level players, yet in practice it accomplishes the opposite. If a person were for example to attain level 40 in the attack, strength, defense , and hitpoints skills and level 30 in the prayer skill, their combat level would be 50. However, another player can create a 'pure' character with nothing but 99 range skill and also be a level 50. According to the combat level system these 2 players are equal, however, the ranger has over 13 million combat skill related experience while the well balanced player has less than 200 thousand. This means if they were to fight each other the ranger would kill the well rounded player in just a few shots.
If you play Runescape for any length of time you are bound to become extremely frustrated with one aspect or another. There seems to be a vast array of forums for you to share your experiences with the community, however they are moderated in an extremely fascist manner. There are a great number of rules about posting in the forums and anything that isn't all sunshine and rainbows will quickly be locked and erased with a vague infraction listed by a mod. Basically, anything that even comes close to a complaint about anything will be locked and erased and you will be told such posts belong in the rants section. This only serves to compound the frustration you were already feeling.
Simply put Runescape is a game that takes forever to get nowhere. The levels take an insane amount of time to master, the whole while it's definitely more a chore than an enjoyable experience. Should you ever master a skill in most cases you are awarded with the ability to do nothing except wear a special cape.
Bro, You did a splendid job on conjuring that article. It would probably take me a week to write something as complex and as exposing as that. Congratulations, you are the alex jones of runescape. To the point, I agree with everything you said ESPECIALLY the part about the "chores".As a permanent WoW playerI have been fighting Runescape fans for over a year now, and nothing rapes them better than the truth of the skilling or chore process. If you would tell the truth to a runescape player right now, he/she would reply with "because it's for skillcape" or "because it's a skill". Both of us know what it is really about and both of us are safe from the threats of these grinds. it is also one of the reasons runescape is really edging out these days. If only they removed that stinking trade limit, skilling would make more sense because I would be able to give items "en masse". Well, the truth has been spoken bro. Some people like fapping to a skillcape, or clicking on a rock all day. Cheers.
PSS. I think you should start a blog.
Just as in any other game, there's a grind. It's just more heavy than others :P
In the end, it's just to each his own, and really, I find runescape more complex/fun than WoW (And i've played alot of both)
Currently restarting World of Warcraft
[quote]Noob is actually the mantra of the entire community, regardless of your level or ability to play.[/quote]
I totally agree. I can't count how many times I was called a noob for being level 129. For having a Skillcape. For having Dragon/Bandos armor. For having a dragonfire shield. For killing a level 138. In fact, I was called a noob because I was talking with a level 27... What, I can't be friendly now? When I was around level 115 it wasn't so much of an issue - but then they came out with the downdates, the restrictions, and banned me several times for things I didn't do.
I got banned for macroing because I had figured out a way to click very rapidly on the "Sell 10" option. (This was before the sell 50 option - I wonder if my ban motivated that?) I was using this method to buy cheap bows from people that they would normally sell to the store themselves, and then rapidly selling stacks of 100,000 or more to the store at a marginal profit in a matter of 10 minutes or so. Jagex didn't like this, so they accused me of macroing. I appealed, explaining the situation - I got the usual "You were in control of the account." No shit I was in control of the account...
Anyway, I'm glad that Blissey got me to switch to WoW, I'm level 80 and I find that I actually enjoy it. I would always seem to get frustrated with Runescape daily before. Now, if I get annoyed with a task, there's something else to do that will give me the same experience but it's not the same task. I can buy some of the best items easily, and I don't find myself waiting days or weeks to buy and sell things on the Grand Exchange. Either the item I want is present, and I buy it - instantly might I add - or it isn't and I come back later. Amazingly enough, if I do so desire, I can go get the materials for it myself and pay someone else to make it - and I've never had anyone steal it. There's about a 75% chance it'll get stolen in Runescape, if that system was used.
I can put things up on the Auction House and people actually buy it - and amazingly enough, I can actually make a profit for my time spent. On Runescape, nearly everything you sell on the Grand Exchange is sold at a loss to you unless you use formulas to mathematically figure out the system - even then, the profit is marginal. I wrote a program for myself to predict market trends, it worked great (several hundred k or even 1 mil+ gold came in per day) but then I got killed due to a glitch several times in one day - lost over 25 million. I started playing WoW and realized that the effort I put into Runescape wasn't worth it. Gold and items are much easier to get in WoW, yet the market isn't as much of a mess as it is in Runescape.
I played for around 3 years on Runescape, only to get called a noob, banned, beaten down, and finally destroyed by faulty game mechanics. 6 months into playing WoW, I'm one of the top players in my guild and people actually want me to play with them.
The message here isn't that WoW is better, the message is that Runescape has gone down the wrong path, and I'm sorry for ever believing I could make a difference (with my suggestions that would get locked) or that I could ever overcome peer harassment. Runescape's mechanics, community, and econemy are all horrendous, and I'm surprised that as many people still play as there still are playing. But then again, I'm not so sure that will last either.
Runescape used to have more than 5 million unique visiters per month - and now they have a little over two million. I feel sorry for Jagex, and I feel sorry for myself for ever playing it. One can only hope that things will improve - I did enjoy the game at one point.
"I feel sorry for myself for ever playing it. One can only hope that things will improve - I did enjoy the game at one point."
I completely agree. Although at one point I did enjoy the game, I'm sorry I ever played it. I wish I would have tried any other mmorpg than Runescape. When you are a low level you don't fully appreciate how much time, effort, and frustration are going to be required to advance later on. By the time you get there you've got so much invested you don't want to quit.
It's a lot like crack, but not in a good way. Sure, crack will destroy your whole life and make you wish you were never born, but it's my understanding that when you're high on it you feel so good you don't care. I was never having any fun in Runescape. Every once in a great while a level would pop and for a split second I would be happy about it. However, since there really wasn't any tangible benefit for gaining a level after level 75, the focus quickly turned to how far I had to go to get to the next level.
No, I can't just agree to disagree here. I put forth a fair bit of effort to list numerous monumental problems with Runescape. You reply with that's just my opinion, in your opinion it's complex and fun. No clarification, no quantification, nothing. Basically you are saying, "Yeah, that guy listed dozens of unassailable points, but take my word for it, it's fun." Your post is very dismissive, yet offers only your self proclaimed expertise as evidence.
I didn't just play Runescape for an afternoon and failed to "get it". Sure there are parts of the game that are complex and fun. However, most of the game is entirely simplistic and mind numbingly boring. Firemaking is a perfect example. You have an inventory full of logs and a tinderbox, you click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You continue this 27 times until your inventory is empty. You go to the bank, withdraw 27 more logs, and do it again. After severl thousand inventories of logs you have mastered firemaking and can now light logs and wear a cape with burning logs on it.
Farming just might be the absolute worst skill in my opinion, but there are half a dozen in a close second. In farming you put a bunch of organic material into a compost bin, wait an hour, come back with empty buckets, fill them with compost, store the buckets, get a rake, rake the soil, put compost on it, get a seed dibber and some seeds, plant the seeds, water them, come back after an hour to check on them, come back again and pick them, and then, because they are comlpetely useless, put them in the compost bin and start over! Seriously? Who came up with this s... stuff?
I could go on and on and on, yet I feel I've already made my point. I have gone on and on and on while you've said nothing more than "I find runescape more complex/fun". I can't speak for everyone on the internet, but if you are going to be completely dismissive of my arguments I would appreciate you making an argument of your own.
No, I can't just agree to disagree here. I put forth a fair bit of effort to list numerous monumental problems with Runescape. You reply with that's just my opinion, in your opinion it's complex and fun. No clarification, no quantification, nothing. Basically you are saying, "Yeah, that guy listed dozens of unassailable points, but take my word for it, it's fun." Your post is very dismissive, yet offers only your self proclaimed expertise as evidence.
I didn't just play Runescape for an afternoon and failed to "get it". Sure there are parts of the game that are complex and fun. However, most of the game is entirely simplistic and mind numbingly boring. Firemaking is a perfect example. You have an inventory full of logs and a tinderbox, you click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You continue this 27 times until your inventory is empty. You go to the bank, withdraw 27 more logs, and do it again. After severl thousand inventories of logs you have mastered firemaking and can now light logs and wear a cape with burning logs on it.
Farming just might be the absolute worst skill in my opinion, but there are half a dozen in a close second. In farming you put a bunch of organic material into a compost bin, wait an hour, come back with empty buckets, fill them with compost, store the buckets, get a rake, rake the soil, put compost on it, get a seed dibber and some seeds, plant the seeds, water them, come back after an hour to check on them, come back again and pick them, and then, because they are comlpetely useless, put them in the compost bin and start over! Seriously? Who came up with this s... stuff?
I could go on and on and on, yet I feel I've already made my point. I have gone on and on and on while you've said nothing more than "I find runescape more complex/fun". I can't speak for everyone on the internet, but if you are going to be completely dismissive of my arguments I would appreciate you making an argument of your own.
I soo completely agree with you.
where is the "fun factor" or "strategy" or even "thought" in that? To make it worse, once you have done that like a billion times, there are no rewards for doing so. Don;t even try to tell me that a useless skillcape that does lame emotes is a reward, that is a cruel joke, not a reward. you get a stupid cape then people follow you around and harrass you to do lame emotes. Harrassment is a punishment , not a reward. lol
The really sad thing was that even after maxing so much on my accounts, I still played on my nooblet because I didn;t want the harrassment that you get at higher levels. People genuinely treat you better as a nooblet than as a maxed stat character. You get less insults, less harrassment, less freak kids wanting to be your friend because you are a high level, less BS all around. being a noob is the best the game hs to offer.. seriously. sad but true,
I have to agree with you in many points you made. As a matter of a fact, I was a Runescape player for some time. Female . Combat level 94, and I have gotten nowhere. I started playing somewhere in the middle of 2005, and stopped by the middle of 2006. The game got extremely boring and tedious. "Training" was just constantly doing the same thing over and over again while doging silly random events.
Point 1: Yes, it's true. 80% of the whole game is not available to you unless you pay every month to play. When I cancelled my membership, I basically did nothing in the free world because there was NOTHING to do. The quests were limited, the fishing, training, cooking, smithing, and everything else was limited. I feel that without paying for this game, it's basically a "free trial that never ends" as you said.
Point 2: Making money is also very tedious. My main way of making money then was killing blue dragons (since I started out as a ranger) but those spots are ALWAYS taken by mages/magicians who are much faster and can attack first with a special skill (I recall, sorry if I am wrong.) For me to make 200k (gold) it took probably 2-3 hours of constantly walking back and forth with dragon bones and hides. If you try to make money making armor, that's even more tedious. You can't make anything useful until you're like 70-80 crafting, smelting + smithing. Ranger clothes requrie crafting which also require many detailed steps before you actually can make clothes; not the mention crafting to a level which takes months. Same with making runes, same with fishing (howvever I was able to make a small living out of selling lobsters), same with every other skill. I have to agree a lot of skills are useless, which is why they try to make the game difficult to master.. and irritating to play after a while.
Point 3: Getting rich was one of the hardest things to do. If you're not rich, you really can't get anywhere, and I would know since I never had a lot of gold, probably 5-10 million at once, but spent on abyssal whips, armor, etc. The items that ARE worth billions cannot be gotten anymore, rather it was FREE and now priceless. Or you can show off the non-tradable items that you get from random events which are not too random anyway.
Point 4: "Pure" characters, in my opinion are just mainly to show off. Being a level 40 and having a high range is "cool" but really, you can't get anywhere because without certain skills, you can't do anything since this quest requires this skill, that quest requires that skill (which was also annoying.)
Point 5: The runescape forums for paid members is monitored in an awful way. It's almost like imdb boards and Yahoo answers put together with more childish people. You can never aska question without being called "noob" whether you're a long term player or just started that day. No one stays on topic and everyone likes to make fun of everyone else. After going there one or two times to ask questions and insulted by many people, I stayed away.
Point 6: I do not like quests in the wilderness. They are annoying and take forever to do. Not to mention getting killed there by other people who somehow is able to bind you with magic and just keeping attacking you. Before you know it, you loose your armor (if you dare to enter with it) or the quest items you walked 384028483 miles for just to gather them in one place.
Point 7: The community are such beggers and losers. I was banned temporarily once because I was suspected of botting. What REALLY happened was that I alwyas have public chat OFF because I hate talking to people while I work, but some people just follow me where I kill monsters, and as I ignore them, I suddenly get banned for "botting" just for not answering. If they can't tell a botter apart from a person who doesn't want to talk, how can they manage a game?!
Overall, it's a stupid and repetitive game that really goes nowhere. And it was such a sheer coincidence that after I cancelled my paid membership, about a week or two later, the whole card was emptied out by someone and I lost hundreds of dollars. NOTE: I am not blaming Runescape or Jagex, I just thought it was strange to have so much happen one after the other.
No, I can't just agree to disagree here. I put forth a fair bit of effort to list numerous monumental problems with Runescape. You reply with that's just my opinion, in your opinion it's complex and fun. No clarification, no quantification, nothing. Basically you are saying, "Yeah, that guy listed dozens of unassailable points, but take my word for it, it's fun." Your post is very dismissive, yet offers only your self proclaimed expertise as evidence.
I didn't just play Runescape for an afternoon and failed to "get it". Sure there are parts of the game that are complex and fun. However, most of the game is entirely simplistic and mind numbingly boring. Firemaking is a perfect example. You have an inventory full of logs and a tinderbox, you click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You click on the tinderbox and you click on a log and your character lights a fire.
You continue this 27 times until your inventory is empty. You go to the bank, withdraw 27 more logs, and do it again. After severl thousand inventories of logs you have mastered firemaking and can now light logs and wear a cape with burning logs on it.
Farming just might be the absolute worst skill in my opinion, but there are half a dozen in a close second. In farming you put a bunch of organic material into a compost bin, wait an hour, come back with empty buckets, fill them with compost, store the buckets, get a rake, rake the soil, put compost on it, get a seed dibber and some seeds, plant the seeds, water them, come back after an hour to check on them, come back again and pick them, and then, because they are comlpetely useless, put them in the compost bin and start over! Seriously? Who came up with this s... stuff?
I could go on and on and on, yet I feel I've already made my point. I have gone on and on and on while you've said nothing more than "I find runescape more complex/fun". I can't speak for everyone on the internet, but if you are going to be completely dismissive of my arguments I would appreciate you making an argument of your own.
Farming the same raid everyday till a new expansion, were's the skill and fun in that? No sir, I think you fail to see MY point. Simplicity doesn't nessicarly mean boring, for some people, maybe, but as I stated before, it's an opinion. The things you listed aren't 'problems', their YOUR own gripes with the game, therefore your opinion. I'm being dismissive because it's an opinion, so we are entitiled to have our own.
Currently restarting World of Warcraft
I must admit, I played this game at a time when there were about 3,000 people across all servers, instead of today's 200,000+ people. It was a grind to begin with, because it was a simple java program with a script written by two or three people. It wasn't meant to be something as in-depth as World of Warcraft, which is sadly used as the standard to wich all games, past and present are held up to. It was fun back then because there weren't really any MMOs aside of Ultima and Everquest, so it was nice to be able to play something for free, not have to buy a box, and play with tons of other people at once without some sort of awful lag. All on a 56k modem.
You're not alone man, you're not alone. People on Runescape are glorified for being able to sit and grind their eyes out, which requires nothing more than time and extreme boredom. you practically have to grind in runescape to get your "skills" to 99. Even the music on Runescape sounds like some fat old lady vomiting? up her own intestines through an 8-bit trumpet attached to a stick and a pan trying to be drums . But man, if they just took the time to find a viable and interactive solution that everyone can help with, I wouldn't be saying this about Runescape. But oh well, reality is reality and there's no point in dwelling in the past.
i played runescape for a year and when i finally reached lvl 110 people still called me a noob 20 times a day and i only played for 1 hour a day. that made me quit................................................
runescape sucks
It's ridiculous... you're literally hitting cows until about level70! That's why I been playing Eternum Online a lot lately, after about 2 hours of playing I was level 7 with some decent gear.
Great post OP; I enjoyed reading that along with most of the preceding comments. The only reason I would want to re-subscribe to RuneScape is to do the quests; they are pretty entertaining to do even while following a guide. I want to get full dragon in RuneScape if I was to play again but I know I would just end up spending hours of chopping magic logs while reading forums or doing some other task only to have to fletch them into bows then have tons of fun alching them...not to mention I need to make bowstrings -.-.
Anyways one reason RuneScape fails is because of Jagex in general and the way they handled the game and the way they do things. Jagex refuses to return items if you get hacked even if it's evident that you genuinely did get wrecked by another player. They refuse to return items even if you lost them due to a glitch/bug which is always Jagex's fault for having it be there. For example, I remember years ago when it was possible to attack people in the Castle Wars building from the castle during the Castle Wars game itself. This led to me and several other players losing a lot of time they spent getting items just because people decided to exploit but Jagex is to be blamed for that being there and they still didn't reimburse the items. Another thing which is pretty well known is that Dural guy who exploited a function of Player Owned Houses to attack people outside of the wilderness which resulted in people losing a lot of time again to a more severe degree because he targeted people with apparent riches (party hats and what not).
-I probably could go on but Jagex just handles crap poorly.
Another reason why I don't feel like subscribing is the poor PvP. Back in Rs classic you couldn't eat during combat and you were actually locked in combat for 3 hits then you could run away (iirc). This made combat good because when I fight starts you could actually hope for somebody to die. Now all you see is a fight with one person stuffing their face then teleporting.
To cut this short I'll just end my rant with the fact that RuneScape doesn't really have a high potential for skill. Get money to get good gear and just hope you hit somebody high enough consistently so food won't save them and if they don't teleport you get a kill. There's not much you can do as a player that would make you win over another than just luck and praying/eating and hoping they aren't as lucky as you are.
P.S- I really don't get why it should be acceptable to hit a 1 on a chicken as a 100+. The RNG (Random Number Generator) in this game is retarded.
Yeah man,tbh the combat reminds me of Morrowind. Ever played that game? it's quite fun, except for the combat. It's damn passive and you keep hitting 0s no matter how big and heavy your sword is or how cool your bow is.
first of all i want to add that I've quitted runescape for about half a year now and that mostpeople complaining here were probebly low level. (Maybe that's why they got called noob)
Someone posted you can't make profit on grand exchange: WRONG: there are special channels ingame and on IRC where people come together to actually make price agreements. They mass buy one certain item so prices go up extremely fast. And they make an agreement to sell the item when it reaches a certain value. If you want to spend time folowing it, you can double your cash in a week easily. This is the most efficient way there is and there probebly ever will be. (And yes it's not very nice because rich people get richer and poor people have to pay more for they crappy items but oh well that's life isn't it?)
Secondly yes firemaking is boring and useless if you just buylogs and burn them. If you are actually high level you can turn this skill into pure cash. Some monsters (e.g. Mithril dragons) drop bones that if you burn them might giveyou a dragon full helmet. And aren't all games a waste of time? I used to play and do skills like firemaking while calling friends over skype or having fun on the teamspeak clan channel. Or when i was waiting for the rest of my clan to start PK-ing.
Someone else mentioned that the farming skill is boring. Well i have to admit when the skill got released I really tought who's crazy, idiots idea is this. But while farming being in the game and starting to train it i realized this was actually a wonderfull skill to keep the game in balance. Skills like herblore where getting to expensive to train and the potions where getting expensive to actually use all day. I saw a lot of less rich clanmembers trining without potions before farming got released. Besides that farming is an easy skill to level up you don't have to wait one hour for the compost to be readdy... You can start makign in on all the spots on the map and then go training combat /slayer skills or do something else. After you finished you check the compost spots again and you gained the experience for doing nothing? Compost is rather slow experience but when you use allf arming patches you could easily in 30 minutes - 1 hour (spread over a day) get 100K farming experience. Witch makes farming one of the quickest skills to level. (If you check your paths on a regular basis) One last thing about farming is that in my opion it is a pretty unique skill in the large list of MMORPG's.
Another thing i read here is that it is a long way walking all the time. I can not agree with that as well. There are teleports to nearly anny place on the worldmap. If you make effectivly use of the different magic spellbooks, jewelery and special teleport items you can get to anny place within 3 minutes at anny time. I don't know manny MMORPG's where you can travel that quick and where there is no timelock for the teleports.
And the last thing abot quests in the wilderness: Runescape has always been overprotecting players in my opnion you can only attack levels within a certain range. And there are nearly no quests in high level wilderness. And you have an option to use teleport in low wilderness. (i have to admin players will call you "tele noob" or "teletubie" if you do but oh well, let those litle kids cry because thay wasted some precious runes again and they failed tokill someone.
i've played wow after i quitted runescape and this is my opinion about it:
I got referred by a friend so i was able to level up at double speed till level 60 (took me 3 days, result i was lvl 60 and i knew nearly nothing about the game but I wanted to keepleveling (i guess i got that from runescape) so I bought the first and second expension set. And 2 weeks later i was level80. I couldn't believe i was max level in such a short period of time.
Secondly for wow I was playing on Al A'kir witch was down like every day because of to manny people and server crashes. (I have to admit i started playing a week before WotLK came out so I guess that's why.) I had recruited some of my friends toplay wow as well and they said Al A' Kir was to laggy so i had to start over again with them on veknilash. (this would not happen on runescape there you can use your account on anny server you like). So i decided to put my warlock away and start with a new paladin. Paladins were then pretty overpowered together with the death knights so I started to train i realised training a paladin at the early levels isn't very funny so I started to like th egame less and less. Also secondly the only way to quickly level in wow is to actually Qest all the time. And those quests are aalways the same... GRIND, GRIND, GRIND,... (No special clues you have to use your brains for, no puzles to solve, just grinding.) So with about 2 months membership left i quitted wow, raids were fun but if you can only do them once a week what's the point? You clear them all in 2 days and what are you supposed to do the next 5? Except for doing batlegrounds or getting reputation for factions( =GRIND,GRIND AND MORE GRINDING)?
Ow and one last thing, if you say firemaking in runescape is borng what about fishing in wow?
So now i've quitted both but I have to say I enjoyed playing runescape way more then playing WOW.
But that being said play the game you think is most fun and everyone can have his opinion.
Eh man, after a damn heck of a long time of playing runescape, everyone's gotta be damn bored of clicking to do everything. The skills themselves are sufficient, but the rewards, animations,the damn way it is done and has to be done. IT's all a fucking monotonous grind. Take note of the word monotonous because of all the clicking it takes. I play WoW over Runescape because the gameplay is entertaining, not just clicking constantly, I can actually get somewhere in WoW without having to constantly grind, unlike in Runescape, where you have to do the same repetitive task over and over againg in order to level, and WoW is just plain more fun than Runescape, especially at higher levels. The further you get in WoW, the better it gets. There's a reason Wrath of the Lich King is the fastest selling PC game of all time. Warcraft: Raids, Strategy, PvP, Professions, Instances from 1-70, new expansion, more ineractivity. And WoW has so much more content... on RS, you have all your skills, but its the same damn thing all over again. Ive gotten a RS char to 104, and a WoW character to 30, and I can garuntee you that WoW has much more play time, once you hit 70 you do raids, and the expasions are constant, always new stuff, and WoW is about to get another graphics overhaul, RS will never touch it.
I mean Seriously,the reason I don't play Runescape is that all of these dumb ass kids just call everybody "Noobs" over and over I have a level 104 in that game but I play WoW and I have a level 70 and I find it better in graphics,community, and a bunch of things to do while runescape doesn't, there is way to many kids playing and it doesn't appeal to me,and no once you reach 70 you can do a bunch of things that you couldn't do.I can sum up Runescape gameplay right now. *click, wait* How do you mine? How do you cut wood? How do you attack? How do you PK? How do you fish? *click, wait*. WoW has 100s of different attacks, abilities, specs, gear sets, enchants, variations, etc. makes things unpredictable in PVP. You see a mage coming at 70 you don't know if he is going to PoM Pyro you or start beating you down with frost/arcane spells. You see someone in RS, wait for the DDS spec and EAT DEM SHARKS THEN PORT LAWL SKILL...thats how sad it is. Please, don't think your PKing takes skill. It doesn't. RS doesn't. That must be why you like it so much.RS is harder to understand at the start, since the graphics and enemies are all bad... both don't take too long to understand, but as far as mastering, WoW is 100x harder, due to the fact that there is no "auto attack and go afk" button, unlike Runescape, where you click, and... wait. The MOST you'll do is a wep special. On WoW, you have 40+ abilities for each class/race, thats pretty much more than Runescape's spells. RS = E Z mode, WoW = skill. Sure, WoW has over 9 million people, but the world is so huge, you've got the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, plus the Outlands. For those WoW players who have the brains to not play RuneScape, RS is about the size of Zangomarsh in the Outlands. Pretty small, huh? And want to see lag? Go to world one or two in Runescape, and go to a bank. Them you'll see lag.
I also think the emoticons in Rs are terrible. Bunny hop looks like I'm taking a crap. On Runescape, you click on a monster then when you need to you click a bar that says Special Attack. Or if you're about to die which controls the game as a balance which is extremely stupid you click on food...I play the game with one hand and I quit recently...I made over 55M in a month and got a bunch of skills at its finest with one hand...OooOOoo Clicking takes a hella mount of skill. Wow makes me have to think about how to not get aggro... Point is , Runescape is still a gigantic grindfest with no skill, strategy, entertainment, or benefits entering a legitimate realm for comparison as long as its being compared to games well outside of its league. There HAS to be a damn reason Gamespot, IGN, and other top review sites gave runescape a 6.6 and WoW a 9.5.
But the bottom line is, just play what suits you more. If you like to click on rocks or pixel "fish", go right ahead. What's most important is the friends anyway. Thats all I gotta say.
PS.Looking to play a really fun, completely free mmorpg? Google Rubies of Eventide about a 300 mb download fastest place is filefront. com, links at eventide. net Funnest server halberd, completely unmoderated and free for all pvp with global chat, game is more of a traditional d&d type with 100+ class's to choose from, and skill development is unhinderd any class can do any skill.
i truly agree that it takes what seems like forever to get anywhere in this game, i know that i hate trying to gain levels, making money etc. i know all to well what you are all saying as i have played Runescape for some time. i am exhausting the limits of my patents for this game. i now hardly play it... but im still unfinished with the game. i have worked so hard for so long on my acc lvl 75 ( < i know u guys are gonna say "noob" its inevitable in runescape), but it is hard to pull yourelf away from something you have worked on for a long period of time.
There was one wish that i had in this game.. this wish was to be a high level account in this game. i have all ways admired the high level player's determination and motivation for this game, as it takes forever to excel in the game. i have never had such motivation to pursue such a long winded and time consuming goal.
i always see people who have quit runescape on high level acc, and i wonder where all those acc are now and who they belong to and what a waist of such a great account and such a waist of time not being used. reading what you have said, it seems that you guys have some high level acc that are no longer used.
i know when i say what i am about to say, everyone who reads it is going to think... another scammer, another runescape lowlife, another dare i say it "wanker" trying to suck up to those above him. but i hope that you forget this and hear out what i am asking. i was wondering if one of you could see my runescape gaming experience out on a high and help me out.
i was wondering if you could please lend me your acc to me as you have finished with it. i know you guys are still thinking oh another begger runescape deadbeat. but please i know what i am, and what i am doing.. i am none of these things you are thinking.
i understand it would be hard to give such a high level acc away, if your willingness to not throw away all that time spent on a computer is the same as mine. but i hold my promise to whoever is kind enough, to keep original password and allow you to log in as i am, and at your own will take away acc. If you want i can inform you of the progress i am making through this web-site. i know this takes a great deal of trust, but i am willing to keep that trust as i know how valuable these accounts can be to their owner and how bad the feeling is to loose it (as i have done with one of my acc being stolen).
but i hope you see through any distrust you may be feeling and have some trust in me. as i will keep my promise to whoever is kindest.
please contact me trough this website.. PM
thank you
sacrist .
First, Most people I know that complain are HIGH level, not low level. If maxed stats on multiple accounts is low level .. what would high level be? Even my friends that have gone through the trouble to get 99 summoning, and we all know what a pain it is to get all those charms , tell me it is a useless skill when they are done and feel very disappointed, you know something has to be wrong with this game. Just look at what they did for my compadres in The Titans, they win the cup, they earned it, and what did they get? nadda, nothing.. have a nice day BS? it definately takes forever to get nowhere, and with every accomplishment you make it makes you feel dissappointed. most of my friends are 126-138 on the game now .. I maxed prior to summoning, but still have friends that play that I keep tabs on. Even Peter ( Zezima) quit playing as much since they jacked the game all up and he was their most dedicated player lol. Mind you , I once had more xp than he did. Skill capes are an insult, not a reward. it is better xp to mine iron to get to 99 than any other ore. It is better to chop willows than magics.. the game is just whacked in their priorities. Why bother to get to the level to chop magics when willows will always be better xp? I'm soory, but the mindless repetition, and lack of rewards for your efforts really kill the "fun factor" in this game. If it weren;t for the few friends you meet along the way amongst the sea of noob, punk, spamming, flaming kids that learned they could spell swear words on the internet it would not even be worth it to play. Sure you meet some friends along the way, but for the most part the community is garbage, the customer service is an excuse" pitty me" factory even after a decade of them " improving it", and the gameplay gets lamer by the day.
Sure this game could really go far under the right management. Say, you blow their rules and way of doing things out the window.. add the guildwars 1 graphix engine, add guild wars customer service and cash prize tourneys, add real in game reward items, give the game speed and respawn rate an adrenaline shot, bring up the age limit and enforce it, add a chat filter on/ off option, bring back free trade, add more combat options and not this pokemon bs , make all items craftable and tradable, bring back full loot zones, block programs from accessing the client( which they still have not done), ban hard drives of hackers, not just accounts, jagex sells gold instead of allowing others to make a profit off their game ( thus solving the problem of RMT and increasing revenue to pay for better customer service), fix the very broken game economy by raising the minimum on items to match the effort it takes to gain them, this making final products more valueable than supplies. Alod make all items in game able to be used in non, just not necessarily crafted there. There would be more benefit for members for being able to make and sell the items, and increase the demand in game because it is wayyyy off balance. There is too much supply and no demand, allowing non to purchase and use the crafted items would increase the demand side thus balancing out the supply side.
I could go on and on on how to really make this game amazing, but honestly after so many years it seems to be a futile effort, unless someone else buys the game, or makes a similar game and is willing to give players what they want.
The Titans,
They got destroyed by my mates clan VR xD
The Titans,
They got destroyed by my mates clan VR xD
VR ( hostile + awaken ) clan I know very well, and have known them a VERY long time. I have assisted them in the past... and yes, it is well known they have had "honor " issues, in fact I assisted them in an official war against DS as a hired mercenary in the past, along with some of my other friends. It was not surprising to me at all they were disqualified.
The Titans,
They got destroyed by my mates clan VR xD
VR ( hostile + awaken ) clan I know very well, and have known them a VERY long time. I have assisted them in the past... and yes, it is well known they have had "honor " issues, in fact I assisted them in an official war against DS as a hired mercenary in the past, along with some of my other friends. It was not surprising to me at all they were disqualified.
They also DDOS'ed 6 of TT's callers before the actual fighting happened so it went from 100vs100 to 100vs94, can't help but love how far they go to win lol.
The Titans,
They got destroyed by my mates clan VR xD
VR ( hostile + awaken ) clan I know very well, and have known them a VERY long time. I have assisted them in the past... and yes, it is well known they have had "honor " issues, in fact I assisted them in an official war against DS as a hired mercenary in the past, along with some of my other friends. It was not surprising to me at all they were disqualified.
They also DDOS'ed 6 of TT's callers before the actual fighting happened so it went from 100vs100 to 100vs94, can't help but love how far they go to win lol.
That and most of them were using illegal weapons ... That is not a win if they don;t play by the rules. All it is is a riot. lol
Anyone can kill someone by cheating lol... I was actually surprised DF wasn't kicked out as well. LOL
The Titans,
They got destroyed by my mates clan VR xD
VR ( hostile + awaken ) clan I know very well, and have known them a VERY long time. I have assisted them in the past... and yes, it is well known they have had "honor " issues, in fact I assisted them in an official war against DS as a hired mercenary in the past, along with some of my other friends. It was not surprising to me at all they were disqualified.
They also DDOS'ed 6 of TT's callers before the actual fighting happened so it went from 100vs100 to 100vs94, can't help but love how far they go to win lol.
That and most of them were using illegal weapons ... That is not a win if they don;t play by the rules. All it is is a riot. lol
Anyone can kill someone by cheating lol... I was actually surprised DF wasn't kicked out as well. LOL
Have you heard this :P
The Titans,
They got destroyed by my mates clan VR xD
VR ( hostile + awaken ) clan I know very well, and have known them a VERY long time. I have assisted them in the past... and yes, it is well known they have had "honor " issues, in fact I assisted them in an official war against DS as a hired mercenary in the past, along with some of my other friends. It was not surprising to me at all they were disqualified.
They also DDOS'ed 6 of TT's callers before the actual fighting happened so it went from 100vs100 to 100vs94, can't help but love how far they go to win lol.
That and most of them were using illegal weapons ... That is not a win if they don;t play by the rules. All it is is a riot. lol
Anyone can kill someone by cheating lol... I was actually surprised DF wasn't kicked out as well. LOL
Have you heard this :P
Yes lol .. I never said they could rap
Pity the sciting about how good of fighters has hit on here! I will always hate that attitude.
As far as people helping others to get 99s, I always consider that cheating but not like scamming and hacking which is how those not macroing got their 99s. I have always tried to slowly get my own items for all my skills and don't get too much time to play as working aswell as only playing at night so to get sunshine to make vitaminD in my body thus help stop the flu and fatal disease so many of the kids will find far too early in their lives. There were some that genuinely reached their levels including early ingame players that didn't have the huge supply base to rely on, kids now look for any easy way to play a game to max their stats thus lack true skills. I'm sure that for my trying to ask for decency from Jagex they have altered the pixels on my account so even at lvl115 I will never get rich. Compare that to my asking to recover accounts of real life friends and especially a relation who have their high lvl accounts stolen and every one is ignored allowing those hacker thieves to continue to play while the recovery mode has become so user unfriendly now - note the upgrade the hacker was the last to pay members so keeps the account from it's genuine owner!
Nowdays ingame it is a case of mostly high level players so complaints of noob calling have become more just abuse to people they really know or by hacked accounts trying to be banned. With about 600-770 friends long left the game the chat has lost it's appeal aswell but I do have a few very decent long-time friends still on at times although none of us are able to help the others with the big time differences that exist. I mainly wander lost and look forward to 'Tears' time then woow it's 'Penguin Spying' time which after that is more like withdrawl. Sometimes I may stumble across a meteor or an evil tree for something a bit different but without being a PVPer to have the best equipment for experience I can't get too interested in these.
Hacking is still the biggest problem and players must be aware like any game this not only allows them to take accounts by a program on your computer but it can give access to your bank accounts online aswell.
Those that like a variation of game may like 'Tales of Pirates' but it was the paying for each new better wep or armour to take gem things off it to max a weak playing that made me hate it so quick, that with those gems available only in pker areas. So good luck to anyone that likes picking on others behind a screen which is how I see pking!