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ok soooo... im running a quad phenom, with radeon HD 4800 series (4870) to be exact, with the most recent software
and the issue is ! graphical tearing, the 3d world seems fine but the sky, and maybe trees seem to pull away from themselves and cause the ghame to be althou playable, irritating.
im enjoying it thou the whole 1 level i gained xD
help please
5 level 80's on WoW -_- boooooring !!
if the "tearing" you refer to looks like sort of a broken glass ? big ripples that moves across the screen ? it is probably
This can happen due to bad drivers but more comonly it is a heat issue on your graphicscard, or worse, the card has a hardware error .
Mind you this could just be wrong drivers, or some settings in the beta your playing that doesnt like your gfxcard too much, i wouldnt know im not in beta.
But check their boards for people with similar issues, if you cant find that, look up the latest drivers and or check the heat on your card.
thanks alot, i know my card runs fine its just the game cause the artifacts
and yes it is artifacts just googled it so i knew exactly wot it was and i can confirm it is,
its possibly to do witht he fact i had a Radeon card, there drivers are allways far from perfect.
thanks allot
5 level 80's on WoW -_- boooooring !!
Does this happen when u stand still or moving around , if it only happens when moving around or with moving objects like swaying trees and moving characters then maybe its just a simple V-Sync problem.
Try Setting V-Sync on then the FPS will limited to ur refresh rate of ur monitor and therefor no "tearing"
If its still a problem i suggest trying different drivers or modified ones from i.e Guru3D
Also could be a Dual/Quad Core driver issue, dont know about the Quad but for my Dual AMD i had to install the drivers from AMD to get some games stable and playble with almost the same graphical issues that u had/have.
Good luck Rawpure
it does it when I have bloom all the way up. Granted my card is noob compared to yours but....(8800gts).
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ok guys, so, iv checked my heat, stupid ATI overdrive says 89 xD wth ?? luckly for me that was not the case :P its running at a smooth 60 somthing, i keep my computer near an open window at all times ( unless raining duh)
so not a heat issue, with a hardware issue other games would have the same effect surely ?? tested, everything from diablo 2 (cause im hardcore) to crysis, crysis on max running at a smooth 80 fps no artifacts poping up. so yey my hardware is ok
my drivers are updated and guru3d scares me witht he "if we break it its not our fault" rofl.
so this leaves me to believe the fact im just using a Radeon is the source of my problem unfortunately..
thanks for all the help. even with the problem persisting, its nice to know i havnt killed my computer ^^
5 level 80's on WoW -_- boooooring !!
I dont think it is a radeon problem much likely v-sync problem rawpure already mentioned .You are getting to much fps basicly v-sync limits it at your monitor's refresh rate .Enable v-sync
I'd go to the manufactures website and install the latest drivers. if that doesn't work your graphics card may be dieing. I've seen those exact same symptoms before and was corrected by either upgrading the drivers or the card.
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hey guys thanks for the replys, just like to say 70% of the population trying to play aion with a 4800 series are having the same problem, no solution yet. V-sync isnt in game options so i enabled it in the ATI manager and it makes no difference
my card isnt dieing ^^ there both in ship shape condition.
i find it very odd how i can run crysis on max setting at like 80 fps with no artifacts ro anything but this game which is the same engine.
5 level 80's on WoW -_- boooooring !!
Yeah, this is Cryengine, the first one. The one used in the FIRST Far Cry. Haha. I think they have done a good job with the graphics even though I am not a fan of the art style. But yeah, there is no rhyme or reason to your situation. I see that often with different games, even on good hardware.
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Try turning your settings to the lowest possible in the game. Then turn down the video card software settings in windows if either (or both) fixes the issue it is only a graphics effect setting that is your problem at that point you will have to turn stuff on 1 by 1 till you find out which one is the problem. It could be anythin from AA to AF to bloom or anything in that area. Good Luck and be patient.
Edit - Try the Fixed FPS option in Graphics Options tab. Don't know if that is in the US client as i am using the COB client to check from.
glad you figured it out
This can be caused by a number of things, and alltho it might not show in every game it can actually still be a hardware error.
Could be a certain engine utilizing a feature on the card in a way that either shows an existing error, or in rare cases even can cause the error.
I had a friend that had this issue too just recently.
Every game he playd would show no artifacts what so ever, but when he played wow ( which is using a very very old engine, and an engine that has not aged well over the years, meaning drivers are hard to progam for it these days with the newer cards ) he would have horrible artifacts, and we tried EVERYTHING, nothing could fix it, bought a new card, and BAM, no more artifacts.
He didnt have any heatissues or anything either. But if you say they are seeing the issues on a lot of users ATI cards, then yes, it is probably the driver or the game that needs fixing, but mind you, it might not be hehe, depends on how many people that has the issue.