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Y helo thar.
Anyways, was hoping to start a discussion for those who are playing the Chinese / Korean version right now about the most overpowered PvP class in general.
I'm playing a Chanter right now on a Chinese server which so far has made PvE unbearably easy, but I'm beginning to doubt its effectiveness in PvP. Granted, I have not reached that point yet, but its hard to believe I will be able to compete with mages who are nuking for 600+ at level 15 and Assassins which could probably tear me up at melee range. Then again, I could be wrong. The Chanter attacks do come with a wide array of debuffs built in. I dunno.
I just dont want to invest a ton of time when this game goes retail in North America to decide that I'm at a disadvantage on the field cause I picked a crappy class. Call me shallow, but its happened to everyone. I don't really have a set playstyle. I just like to see my name popup in the kill message. Probably just go mage.
I have a lvl 50 assassin on the korean server. They were OPed before the 1.1 update...but now they're just mediocre. (well no, they're still good...)
The most OP class I would have to go with Guardians at this point. With Impenetrable Armor stigma + natural defense + shield block rate + crazy helath + one 19% aspd sword, Guardians pratically don't lack in any department only the fact that they do less dmg opposed to Assassins or Mages...
I would have to say Guardians.
I'd like to sell off my korean Aion account and eventually start NA version when it goes live, and if I do, I'm probably going to make a mage and just nuke people unnoticed.
GRIND sucks? You wanna be max level in a month?
Since when did society award easy-goers and lazy-fools?
The "new" Templars. They got a dps buff, and are a real pain because of their defense.
Pretty much the talk of the town in high level Aion pvp current.
bwahaha templars are fun, but its a pain to fight mages and rangers at a low level.. chasing them around... ugh, after you get a higher level though templars are fun. but anyone whos good enough can beat anybody even if they are op. but i'd love this game to get the most balanced pvp system out there so everyones happy and enjoys it.
There was a recent 1v1 tournament I do believe where a Templar just wrecked everyone because of the new DPS increase they recieved. I think they recieved this buff because Assassins were pulling too much aggro off of them, so their solution was to increase the dps of the Templar.
just to clear up some confusion. Guardian = Templar right?
also, in my little experience on the preview event. once templars got to.. 17+ish they became pretty beastly with their insane defence and decent DPS.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
You guys are kinda missing the point. You need to stop thinking about solo PvP.
All the action is in group play. That is where all the classes shine and contribute to the party.
Don't pick a class because someone thinks it's OP'd, pick a class that fits your style and like what it brings to a group.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Guardian is a trasnformation that you recieve after getting the highest rank or something in the abyss. You basically become God and destroy just about anything in your way.
thanks for clearing it up, i'd heard about some item that costs like.. 20k AP or something that gives you phenominal cosmic powers (+10points to anyone who gets refrence) but didn't know the name.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
I'm going to go with a hunch and believe the guy that said Guardian actually meant Templar. Could be wrong. Since Guardian isn't actually a "class".
Warrior is the base tank archtype. From there you can choose Gladiator (dps tank) or Templar (defensive tank).
I have a 30 Chanter on the Chinese server and I'm pretty happy with it. At some point or another I've dueled or fought every other class. The only class that gives me consistent problems is the Guardian. Well-played Sin's are pretty tough when the get the jump.
I can tell you the Gladiator is the underdog in PVP, but thats why i like it, cause when I kick ass I know im doing a good job rather than using class gimmicks :P, It also looks the coolest.
Yea well I'm pretty sure anyone is going to have trouble with this. (Cleric using Guardian trans)
so the guardian skill in effect, made that cleric into a raid boss.
ya know, if they simply disallowed any healing of the guardian, it could turn into some really fun PvE raidboss like encounter... but in PvP. though the super move it used that appeared to 1shot everyone in 20 meters was a bit overboard.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
A Guardian can be any class, you just got to be good at pvp.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Everyone on the server is told where he is at, if you open your map, you will be able to see a marker of him. He will be a raid boss and with risk comes great reward. Everyone on the server will want a piece of that reward.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
some1 told me (this dude have many lv40+ toons and he was playing in China server)
He said Best class after lv40+ is Templar, Cleric
Before Lv40 is Assassin, etc.
Which classes can sneak and is it all that usefull in the abyss?
My favorite group pvp Assassin video. watch in HD
I want to make one thing clear to those who really don't know the game mechanics very well or simply don't give it much thought.
The guardian achievement and your "rank" in general is all based on the amount of Abyss Points (AP) you have. AP can be obtained in 3 ways:
1: Completing quests pertaining to the Abyss
2: Killing monsters in the Abyss
3: Killing other players of the apposing faction.
There are next to no current guardians out there who got their rank by PvP but rather grinded on Abyss NPCs. Typically the guards around the Forts and Artifact points.
There is an other method that is little known, or rather little talked about, and that is PvP farming. My Legion has actually whitnessed this first hand and I must say it actually makes me sick. Here's a screenshot of a remote area in the upper Abyss (I will nto disclose the exact location) that my Legion and I stumbled on while looking for Elyos to kill. Whe tracked a Rank 4 Assassin over to this location... what we were to see would shock us and spoil our view of the ranking system forever until it is properly fixed.
Badically what you see in this picture is that each race is taking turns killing eachother. This is not a picture of mass PvP. The Elyos would stand around and let the asmos kill them... then the Asmos would do the same for the next turn. As you can see there are multiple kisks set up so they can spawn again right there in that location.
So.... in short. Abyss Rank DOES NOT necisarily mean you are good at PvP. It just means you have a lot of AP and MAY POSSIBLY be good at PvP. Overall it just means you had to grind a lot of mobs to get the points, which in turn gave you the rank.
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I don't think the AP farming method you described is going to work. there is another thread around talking about an assassin who was doing some hardcore PvP, farmed tons of AP quickly ect. and he said that at his current rank, he loses something like 5k+ AP per death, but only gains something like 100 per kill. so I assume kill trading will only work early on, before you reach the point where a death costs more than a kill.
once you reach that point your kill ratio actually matters, and thats where smart PVPers (not good) will win out.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
Like the ones that will peace out in a fight, leaving you to die, so they can save their AP.
I was going more for the ones who don't rush headfirst into a fight they can't win, like we see in so many games. but yes, those types will also have an advantage. working smarter not working harder and all that.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
AP abusing doesn't work anymore. There were couple ways to do this, but they've recently been patched. There is only one way, where you and the different faction can work things out secretly, but if caught your account gets banned. If there are people with extremely high amounts of AP in a short period of time and seem suspicious NCsoft reacts pretty fast and takes care of the matter.
There is a way where you can have a blue revive crystal in the inventory, fly into Elyoss Abyss Main Fort Teminon and die in the process, then revive oneself, go into where the NPCs are in a circle arena looking place and farm for extreme amounts of AP in short time killing the high level NPCs...But when the news was made by a reporter on AionInven the one who agreed to the interview was scrutinized for being sly, and the method doesn't work anymore because the Elyoss will ganks whoever is doing it.
BTW, when I said Guardian, I meant Templar. I couldn't think of a better term for a tanker...
GRIND sucks? You wanna be max level in a month?
Since when did society award easy-goers and lazy-fools?
With an itty bitty living space.
Maligar Kelison
Threat Removal
Hmm people leaving because of AP is interesting... hopefully that doesn't help it but it's too hard to max it out so people shouldn't really mind if they die. I remember in Guild Wars people would leave during a mission if people were dying because they didn't want to lose their survivor title. That was really upsetting to me.