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First person in EVE

cobraone93cobraone93 Member Posts: 13

I have been noticing a lot of post about people wanting first person in EVE. I totally agree! The main reason I was turned off at first with EVE was the lack of first person ability. That was one of the things I DID like about E&B. Coming from E&B to EVE, it was something I missed a lot! However, EVE does have the awesome graphics. So, here is the question. Who else feels that first person will put EVE over the top?


  • MrPopovMrPopov Member Posts: 217

    First-person perspective will not add anything more to the game but unnecessary delays. Delays on other content and delays on having to walk between station services (on top of the already long delays involved in traveling). These delays for mere eye-candy purposes.

    Bottom line: First-person in EVE will NOT add to the type of gameplay most of us encounter in EVE.


  • CennCenn Member Posts: 239

    yep - i agree with r popov.
    first person is an unneccessary waste of time in eve.

    what would you do anyway?

  • PuoltryPuoltry Member Posts: 956

    It wont enhance gameplay.All i want is a view from the "bridge"of my ship.

    Want to ENJOY an mmo?

    Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.

    Just play the damn game:)

  • CatastrofikCatastrofik Member Posts: 43

    Originally posted by Puoltry
    It wont enhance gameplay.All i want is a view from the "bridge"of my ship.

    You don't have a "bridge". You are wired to your ship. You are in a pod, an egg like pod that is filled with goo, wires and you. You see through a camera that rotates around your ship. Backstory. Doesn't anyone read the backstory? Anyway, first person would do nothing for EVE, except give you a different "view", big deal. Put your camera directly behind your ship, zoom it forward as far as you can, place little cardboard cutout of "windows" and a "console" over your monitor and please report back here how much more fun it is.

    Now, if you want a flight simulator, what good would skill training do if you have the "uber" joystick with all the macro buttons and have super reflexes and hand eye coordination...when someone with lvl 5 piloting might suck at using a joystick? Makes the skill system in the game we have now useless. I know "change it all to be everything 'I' want, never mind that it is one of the top games on the market as it is."


    If you want a flight simulator, don't play EVE. If you want first person, don't play eve. Someone recently pointed out that there are a couple of games that do this...two points to that...go play them if you want this function and it is that important...second...they aren't doing as well as EVE is, that means something. I hate this silly "I want something totally out of what the game is" trolling. That is what it is. Sheesh, what next. "There should be a world and you can get off your ship and put on armor and pick up a sword and grow pointy ears and camp some creature for an uber magic sword. That would make EVE better".

    Let the first person thing drop already. Go play flight sims if you need first person that much. Take EVE for what it is or go away, quit trying to make it what it is not.

    Rant over.

    'nuff said.

    PS, if you are playing EVE and quit because there is no first person, can I have your stuff? ::::02::



  • CatastrofikCatastrofik Member Posts: 43

    Originally posted by cobraone93
    I have been noticing a lot of post about people wanting first person in EVE. I totally agree! The main reason I was turned off at first with EVE was the lack of first person ability. That was one of the things I DID like about E&B. Coming from E&B to EVE, it was something I missed a lot! However, EVE does have the awesome graphics. So, here is the question. Who else feels that first person will put EVE over the top?

    First person putting EVE on top...EVE has been bouncing in and out of the top spot for a long time. Might I suggest you try Jumpgate, it has "first person", but then again, it's nowhere near the top.

    This is an OLD discussion that has been going on for a long time. Every n00b throws this out at some point in the "wouldn't it be cool"...the combat in EVE is quite involved and challenging. First person adds nothing.



  • TevalynTevalyn Member Posts: 5

    First person in Eve would be nice. But it would just be eye candy. "Oh thats neat..." there is much more in this game, you just gotta go out and find it. I was very suprised by the depth of the game. Features I would discover, working or not, showed that the devs want this game to grow.

  • RuvenRuven Member Posts: 9
    First person perspectives will definitely not help. If you ask me, the current third-person perspective really helps you observe the scenary around you much better, and you can observe your ship as it reflects light off certain sources. Yes, the lighting effects and beautifully rendered graphics are brilliant, and putting it into first person perspective will spoil all that. Besides, you will end up only looking in one direction and turning will take a long time, especially with the poor Battleships. I can't imagine trying to turn a Armagaddon to seek out and just target hit-and-run enemy. Maybe with the smaller, speedier interceptors, this could be more feasible, but until then, I guess not.

    Ruven Lukas, the legend of Genesis.

    From the Book of Genesis

  • AlkatrazAlkatraz Member Posts: 119
    First Person view....hmm....let me think for a sec.....NO WAY!

  • ice_pice_p Member Posts: 29

    who care's. Proboly Flight Simulator maniacs.image



    ...uhm, and where's the fire buton?...

    NO, NOT THAT, THIS IS AUTO DESTR.......................

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