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We need more info....this place was hopping after the announcement, but now we've covered just about everything possible and speculated on a ton of things and this place has practically ground to a halt!.
So what shall we talk about now!? TGS is still a long way off, and there is no guarantee we'll get more info then, but it'd be kinda odd if they didn't show or say something new on their home turf event!
It would be totally weird if they didnt atleast even show us SOMETHING, im sure they will though.
As far as discussing stuff *shrugs* im just at a loss atm
K make a thread about how much expected graphical threading and other graphic techniques will be in FF14 since it was begun in 2005 but is still in production... Im not good with words, but Id like to know what others feel is a reasonable amount of graphic for FF14... so like taking into consideration the games coming out nowadays and how long they were in production etc. or like games made already that are graphically stunning, what game can we expect FF14 to be on par with or better then... because I am unsure of what I can expect from the makers of beautiful FF12(although it was not an mmo... can we expect graphics similar or better).
(Great FF14 source)