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I am pretty much at the end of the straw with WAR. I cannot seem to play anymore.. I try, I play on Vortex my server seems to be dying some people think it's the reflection of the game.. could be not sure. I do enjoy playing.. just not alone pretty much everyone I know has quit and just done the real life thing.
My question to everyone who has moved on... where are you going?
Most of the people that have left or are leaveing have simply gone back to the games they came from, I came to the game from WOW with a 50 man guild many of which are Warhammer table top gamers, by christmas they had all gone back to WOW.
Another thing I think that is hurting WAR is that there are a lot of folks having connection issues. I think it is related to the patching system. There are multiple threads of new, returning, and even some current folks running into this issue which keeps one from being able to log into the game.
I tried the trial a while ago and was on the fence as to if I would play. Recently I wanted to revisit and try the trial again to help solidify if I would sub or not. That's when I ran into the problems as I mentioned above. Since there is no official support on the forums, you mainly have tons of disgruntled folks complaining about it.
It's funny, but there are many likewise who have had no issues, so it is a mystery as to what the problem is. All I know is that after two full installs, and trying all the tricks/tips on the forums, it was no luck for me...
I'm more then likely going to end up in Aion, when it launches. If Mythic can fix up T4 a lot better.. i would like to go back, but I'm really holding my breathe on that one.
I have seriously considered quitting, however, I have been playing MMOs since '95, and I play them for PvP. Solo, pug, pre-mades, I don't care.
Sadly, I don't see anything better currently for PvP, so i'll stay here with an eye toward upcoming releases.. Here's hoping someone can come up with one soon.
Ive gone back to WoW. Recently gone back to try the trial but still having stuttering, lag issues....
Till i'll stay at WoW till TOR is out..... if its any good....
RIP Orc Choppa
Not to hijack this thread but I thought it prudent to chime in. WoW in the next patch 3.2 now has EXP gained from PvP (atlast) I think this might push some the fence sitters off and back into WoW.
I am finding it harder and harder for me to log into Warhammer nowadays and when I do, I do not stay on for long. So many frustrating things. I am not back in an old game even if I did try out Age Of Conan again a month ago. I will probably try out AION when it arrives, but my dream is that Starwars KOTOR will be amazing, so I hope that will be the game I end up in. There are some other nice games out there such as Mortal Online, Global Agenda and so on.
I love Warhammer, but still I am frustrated everytime I log in, so...
I don't really have a MMO home at the moment, been playing single-player stuff and fooling with the DDO beta a little. Retired from LOTRO and tried to return to WAR with the 10 free days, but got bored and uninstalled after two. Server (Praag) seemed pretty busy in T4, but overall I just couldn't see myself paying for it at this time...looking more toward future releases, maybe STO, ToR or something.
I used to play WOW and quit before WAR came out. Recently, I tried a free trial of WOW to mainly see the new area tho I still played WAR as well. I was surprised at how much nicer it looked then the older worlds and got sucked in to subbing again, It took me all of 2 weeks to quit WOW.
I do not understand what it is that people like about this god awful game. I hate it soooo much that I get pissed when my friend and nephew talk about WOW in front of me. lol Anyhoo, WAR is way better then WOW and will only get better, does it have problems, of course. It is a brand new game, it will take time but as it is now I think it rocks. The difference in WAR and WOW is that in WOW everything costs a million gold and you have to farm / grind for everything, That sux. In WAR gold is not that important and there is very little grind, WAR wants ys to just play whereas WOW wants ya to WORK. THAT is why WAR is better.
Why grind when you can PLAY?
I quit WAR like 3 months ago, and well haven't really been playing any MMOs. I tried AOC for a bit, cool game but the game is pretty demanding regards to computer specs. I tried the free Aion betas, the game seems pretty cool, but otherwise I'm currently not playing any MMOs right now.
WoW is work??? you should see the grind fest in EQ or Lineage....atleast wow gave you a bunch of quests to do. WAR is fun and but its pretty much a rehashed WoW with a few unique concepts...
There are times when one must ask themselves is it my passion that truly frightens you? Or your own?
LOL! No grind in WAR? What about doing the same scenario over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over (times 1 million) again and again and again (times 1 million)?
If that's not a boring Renown XP grind, then I don't know what else is.
LOL! No grind in WAR? What about doing the same scenario over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over (times 1 million) again and again and again (times 1 million)?
If that's not a boring Renown XP grind, then I don't know what else is.
I have to chime in and agree with Guillermo197. Sure, there are expensive things in WoW, but none of them are really necessary. Just in the process of leveling from quests I had enough gold to pay for all the training and a flying mount at end game. The only things that really cost money in WoW are convenience items, like multi person mounts, or epic flying. WoW is just as much of a grind as you want to make it.
If JudgeThane couldn't last two weeks in WoW then I don't understand how he had the patience for WAR. I can handle quests, and pvping for honor points in WoW. WAR was a lot slower and the brick wall at late T2/ early T3 in WAR was brutal (at least at launch), running the same scenario over and over, or the same PQ over and over. It was mind numbing and reminded me of the Asian grinding games that I've tried.
I found the need for gold to be about the same between games. Working up professions would inevitably send one to the AH on both games, and money was needed there, training mounts and any gear you might want to buy. I'm not saying WoW is awesome and perfect, but to say WoW is all grind and WAR is none is just crazy.
Anyway, to contribute to the topic:
I had come from WoW to WAR, but went back to City of Heroes to see how the game was doing and try out some of the new additions. I have a time card for Age of Conan that I think I'm going to use up as well. Mainly I'm just waiting for some of the games in alpha/beta to release. SWTOR is looking pretty sweet I plan to try Champions online too.
I've pretty much started playing more and more offline games either on the PC or console. Many of them rpgs or similar style games. The enjoyment I get from those games are way above what MMOs offer. They are just lonely since I'm playing by myself. At the time I joined WAR I was MMO hoping so there really was no one game I returned to. At the moment though I'm playing Lord of the Rings Online again but chances are I'll be quitting that once my time runs out as well. Guild Wars has stayed installed on my system though.
I am waiting and hoping to get into Global Agenda beta. I left War since the grind got boring. Was never any people to do public quests. End up doing world pvp or the same scenario's. Just felt like classes are unbalnce and just over all to simple with the skills you use. Anyways enough my bad talking war, it was still fun for while and sure some enjoy it still. All the MMO I want to play are not out yet and just been playing crappy f2p games and ps3.
I quit playing war due to heavy disappointment. Went back to WoW again and played for a few months. Now, I've stoped playing WoW to because of boredom. Now, I'm not against WoW but I played it for over four years so I had enough of it.
Atm, I'm waiting for Star Wars the old republic. (trying to keep my expectations lower this time)
Most are going to AION at least short term or back to WoW for the Wintergrasp upgrades. At least that's the talk on the official WAR boards and other sites. That's the only place you are going to get RvR with hundreds of people pvping without crashing and a crapload of low fps.
AION will take quite a few people away from WAR as most are just playing it because there is nothing else to do for PvP really.
I stopped playing a few months after release after being disappointed, and most of my friends leaving.. sooo, I went back to some of my older games like FFXI, where I had a great time with my old friends.. I actually tried Darkfall with a guild and canceled that after two weeks.. now I think I'll try AION while I for SW:TOR. My friends are starting to convince me to return to WoW too.. so either WoW or Aion in the near future. :P
I see Mythic is really hard at work with patches and events, but I won't be returning to it.. ever, most likely.
Waiting for Fallen Earth, World of Darkness, Old Republic, FFXIV
LOL! No grind in WAR? What about doing the same scenario over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over (times 1 million) again and again and again (times 1 million)?
If that's not a boring Renown XP grind, then I don't know what else is.
I have to chime in and agree with Guillermo197. Sure, there are expensive things in WoW, but none of them are really necessary. Just in the process of leveling from quests I had enough gold to pay for all the training and a flying mount at end game. The only things that really cost money in WoW are convenience items, like multi person mounts, or epic flying. WoW is just as much of a grind as you want to make it.
If JudgeThane couldn't last two weeks in WoW then I don't understand how he had the patience for WAR. I can handle quests, and pvping for honor points in WoW. WAR was a lot slower and the brick wall at late T2/ early T3 in WAR was brutal (at least at launch), running the same scenario over and over, or the same PQ over and over. It was mind numbing and reminded me of the Asian grinding games that I've tried.
I found the need for gold to be about the same between games. Working up professions would inevitably send one to the AH on both games, and money was needed there, training mounts and any gear you might want to buy. I'm not saying WoW is awesome and perfect, but to say WoW is all grind and WAR is none is just crazy.
Anyway, to contribute to the topic:
I had come from WoW to WAR, but went back to City of Heroes to see how the game was doing and try out some of the new additions. I have a time card for Age of Conan that I think I'm going to use up as well. Mainly I'm just waiting for some of the games in alpha/beta to release. SWTOR is looking pretty sweet I plan to try Champions online too.
The game is what you make it .. You chose to girnd Scs ..There is no need for it i am currenlty lvl 40 RR 65 on Vortex and havent done 1 Sc since lvl 19.. and zero PQs ... Dont complain about a game mechanic you CHOSE to do over and over .. you didnt have to do it and there never was a need to do it.. .. try getting in a Alliance and forming WBS for ORvR where you should be in ORvR game not quein SCs lol
Ive stopped playing P2P MMOs. I try out few free ones (to chat to ppl and so on) and play normal RPGs to enjoy gaming. I promise you.. Playing offline RPG is the future for me from now on. WHy ? Because I have had enough of the "its a game" temprament that is allowed. If you play an online RPG game to cheat, steal, fool and ninja ppl - just to change name and looks the day after and start over.. then its time to realise that MMOs are not even worth the title - "a game".
I went to AoC and I am so glad I did. Warhammer = bore
"I don't give a sh*t what other people say. I play what I like and I'll pay to do it too!" - SerialMMOist
The game is what you make it .. You chose to girnd Scs ..There is no need for it i am currenlty lvl 40 RR 65 on Vortex and havent done 1 Sc since lvl 19.. and zero PQs ... Dont complain about a game mechanic you CHOSE to do over and over .. you didnt have to do it and there never was a need to do it.. .. try getting in a Alliance and forming WBS for ORvR where you should be in ORvR game not quein SCs lol
Notice that I said "(at least at launch)", where I was noting that was my experience from the game when I played it. If you weren't there for launch, scenarios were about all that was happening, RVR had very little reward and was far to rare, and quests gave pitiful xp. They may have changed it, but all they did was lessen the leveling grind a bit. If you don't start at max level with top level gear, then there's going to be a grind and there's still plenty of other grinds in the game. It's the same with all games.
I started playing WAR again recently due to the re-enlistment bonuses and 10 days free.
I forgot how much I enjoyed the game. The PvE side is really great. With the Tome of Knowledge and Public quests, I forgot how fun and impressive it all was. It just adds another much needed layer to the quest grind.
I love the visual style and graphics much better then WoW or any other P2P MMO I've played, especially better then EQ2 where the character models just look out of place with the world.
At this point it's a question of: Will I want to continue playing after the 10 days are up? I guess it'll come down to how much fun I'm having with the PvE grind and if I'm enjoying PvP scenarios. Hopefully Tiers 1, 2, and 3 are still fairly populated so I can find open Warbands for PQs. I think with the new 1.3 patch more people will be coming back so hopefully the population is good.
They've also added four new careers since I played last, just made a Empire Knight of the Blazing Sun this morning and though I didn't play long I really love their visual style and the game just seems so much more "complete" now that all the careers are in. 16 careers is quite a lot of choice for a MMO!
I was a Beta veteran and Collectors edition pre-order and attended a Gamesworkshop so I have all kinds of bonus stuff for all my charactes, but I was suprised when I made a new character this morning my mailbox was full of rewards!
I didn't mind the Battleground grind in WoW and there were only 3 available when I really did it for a while. WAR has soo many scenarios, hopefully I can grind out a few Renown levels in each Tier to break up the PvE quest/PQ grind a bit.
As others have mentioned, I think this game is really great and all it needs is time to mature and add more end game content and fix balance issues.
I cancelled my WoW account a little while ago and have been dabbling in Runes of Magic, which is a good game too (for F2P it's amazing) but I guess I just really enjoy the Warhammer world, especially the Empire and Greenskins.
I came back and tried the 10 day free trial a month ago.....and lasted about an hour and a half before I uninstalled the game and went back to DAOC. I just cannot get into WAR, I find it mind-numbingly boring.
Currently Playing: DAOC Uthgard
Previously Played: UO, DAOC, Shadowbane, AC2, SWG, Horizons, COX, WOW, EQ2, LOTRO, AOC, WAR, Vanguard, Rift, SWTOR, ESO, GW2.