could you elaborate a bit please.. what launcher did you download, EU or US, what firewall do you have, does a gameguard image show up.. etc etc.. with just the "!?!" I cant do much...
After I clicked that "start game" and nothing happens......... wtf ?
The first thing that should happen is that Game Guard starts. When this does not happen there are two possiblitties. Your anti-virus software has identified GG as a security risk and disabled it, or your system is really infected and GG sees the infection and aborts.
When that does not lead to a solution, ask their support. They help trial accounts too.
could you elaborate a bit please.. what launcher did you download, EU or US, what firewall do you have, does a gameguard image show up.. etc etc.. with just the "!?!" I cant do much...
The first thing that should happen is that Game Guard starts. When this does not happen there are two possiblitties. Your anti-virus software has identified GG as a security risk and disabled it, or your system is really infected and GG sees the infection and aborts.
When that does not lead to a solution, ask their support. They help trial accounts too.