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Just a simple question... I'm wanting to return to Conan, but something in particular made me leave the last time.
Are you still forced to do gray quests in each nation's starting zones (or kill grind) in order to break the 30's and push into the 40's? I remember looking for 'zones' that would service such levels and coming up empty handed... being told that I basically had to fight through tons of low level missions where everything pretty much gets killed in one hit.
So have some missions/zones been added for these levels? I really don't buy into the: Oh, you still get good xp - logic. They may as well make everything end game a one-hit-kill and still give me 'cool gear' on such logic.
Its more like, "i have too many quests, which grey ones to delete?"
And you still get good xp for quests and great xp per kill.
As far as the ease of the quests, if you plan it out right you can usually get a good amount of quests your not quite ready for yet, especially later on when theres far too many aggressive mobs to simply pull just one.
In the later levels this continues, you find that once one map starts to get easy you have the choice of going to the next map, taking out 10 quests and start going, or stay and continue finishing up quests. Youll need considerably less easy quests if you do the group and dungeons and their associated quests.
They really did fix the content up to endgame, and are planning to add more endgame content next patch.
Too bad they didnt do all of this before launching.
I suggest you make a trial account. It doesnt take all that much effort to hit 50 and get a good look at how things have shaped up.
Hmm, how far can you get on the trial account anyways?
And that's a bit encouraging, I'll give it another try. I'm one of the strange people who wishes there was more post-launch entry/mid-game content. End game content is great and all, but... I dunno, I like making new characters and starting over.
But, I'm the minority. They don't make money off my demographic.
You can now practically solo to 80 (which is not recommended, you miss tons of fun), the quest gap has finally been overcome.
Its more like, "i have too many quests, which grey ones to delete?"
And you still get good xp for quests and great xp per kill.
As far as the ease of the quests, if you plan it out right you can usually get a good amount of quests your not quite ready for yet, especially later on when theres far too many aggressive mobs to simply pull just one.
In the later levels this continues, you find that once one map starts to get easy you have the choice of going to the next map, taking out 10 quests and start going, or stay and continue finishing up quests. Youll need considerably less easy quests if you do the group and dungeons and their associated quests.
They really did fix the content up to endgame, and are planning to add more endgame content next patch.
Too bad they didnt do all of this before launching.
I suggest you make a trial account. It doesnt take all that much effort to hit 50 and get a good look at how things have shaped up.
^ thats true
In the end I realized I had to delete or skip quite a few quests, and found quite a few I missed too, when I levelled my way to 80. I even missed an entire half of ymir's pass! Here's a tip- if you can't find quests to do: there's an area or zone you're missing.
and here's an even better tip:
don't solo if you can help it, the group stuff is amazing.
Lets see, 30-50...hmm. quest and quest some more, and some solo & group dungeons, and I am done. Seriosuly, no need to grind a single lvl between lvl 30-50!
Enjoy the game.
Lot of quest at each level no grind feeling at all .
Itemisation stats have all been simplifies ,combos reduced etc
If u have a toon above lvl 50 then u get a 1 time free optio of making a lvl 50 toon directly of any profession on any server.
This three places Wild Lands of Zelata, Khopshef Province and Conan valley is for lv20 to lv40. The annoying thing is you have to go back & forth with this places. Usually around lv 36+ you can do the Sanctum with group of 6 ppl.
Field of the dead for Lv40 to lv50
So if you done it right i dont think you will have any problem.
Can you turn on the quest markers above NPC's heads for grey quests? Also they should increase the number of active quests from 30 to I dunno at least 50 juggling quests is a pain if you are doing 2 or 3 zones in parallel. It's kind of tight even if you arent. Still quite enjoying my return on a trial account.