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the developers have said in numerous interviews that alignment will have a great impact in the game, my question is how? I mean aside from the "Mr. Joe Armorsmith scowls at you and walks away."
This I believe is the segway for PvP. Why else have alignment? Should not Lawful Good Paladins be able to smite Chaotic Evil rogues. Shouldn't Neutral Good Clerics be able to banish to the 9 hells those of Evil?
If this is not the case, then why have alignment? If it is just to have petty NPC's not deal with us then don't waste the code. Now if those NPC's are crafty and hunt down people who's alignments do not agree with them, then that adds a bit of immersiveness. My choice though would be to have the NPC's remeber those that they see as unfit either because the NPC views them as Evil,or the NPC is Evil and views the PC as good, then they should remeber these PCS. Similiar to a hate list, and then turn around and give out quests to destroy those characters to PC's that fit the NPC's alignment.
That would be a good alignment system!
I hope it will affect magicals intelligent tools as well.
A chaotic good sword could very well refused to serve a lawfull good master or a chaotic evil master, or maybe a little 1 of them depending on the main focus on the item(is it chaotic with a good tendancy or is it good with a chaotic tendancy).
- "EQ2 or WoW? I wont touch it! Not even with a stick!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
sentient weapons is something I left out for a whole new thread, but you are right, just another way to make alignment fit into the game and have a purpose.
Not sure how alignment will work... though with intelligent items that is fairly straight forward. Will be a nice feature of the game.
A person can always hide ones true self... normally the only way to tell a characters alignment is to cast a spell detect or act in a manner associated with that alignment. A CE Rogue can pretend to be something else. A LG paladin would not automatically detect on a person that is very walking down the street and helps someone. That person might be CE and pretending to do go to throw people off.
Of course, this game will not get to the point and you couldl have people detecting as soon as they walk in to a room - if evil was detected (or good) do they automatically fight? Of course not! In reality, say the paladin detects evil and attacks and kills the 'person', would the city militia not arrest the paladin? I have not read anything on alignments so I do not know what the devs have planned but the XP loss in groups will be one what of dealing with it. A lot of people will be of the good alignments with a smaller % in the evil. Everyone will probably create an evil aligned character (I know I will) but my main character will be of the good alignments.
Currently Playing:- nothing
If they import many of the spells from the PnP game, alignment will be important. Spells like "Protection from Chaos" or abilities like "Smite Evil" work specifically with the alignment system. This would be important even if there isn't any PvP (is the bad guy Evil or Neutral?)
I dont see how it could work, it would just mean nobody would go an evil character as they woudl get whooped by all the goody-two-shoes out there, I mean Vampirian suggesting that :
Should not Lawful Good Paladins be able to smite Chaotic Evil rogues. Shouldn't Neutral Good Clerics be able to banish to the 9 hells those of Evil?
No, alignment shouldnt effect spells or abilities but it could effect weapons, because then the bad guys could have kick ass weapons aswell.
Cheers for the beers
Tacklebury --}>>>