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Apparently if you are a "Station Access" subscriber, you get 8 EQ2 Character Slots as opposed to 4.
More Character Slots for Station Access Subscribers!
As an added benefit for our Station Access subscribers, we are pleased to announce that all Station Access accounts now include four additional EverQuest II character slots. This brings the total available character slots up to eight for our Station Access subscribers.
This makes Station Access an even better value for EverQuest II players. Don't forget that Station Access also includes access to EverQuest, EverQuest Online Adventures, EverQuest for the Macintosh, PlanetSide, and all the Station Pass games for the price of $21.99 per month.
Legends subscribers who have purchased EverQuest II gain the extra character slots as well!
Fact: In the United States, 4% of all children are born with a heart defect.
Fact: Only 1% of those has Ebstein's Anomaly.
Fact: My daughter is in that 1%.
Since I have the all access pass, and have had since the beginning, its nice to have extra 4 charater slots. Though I would think sometime in the future they will be giving these 4 extra charaters to others. Right now, seems shelfish to those of us having the All Access Pass, but there are alot of other things going on with the game that alot of people are unhappy with atm.
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The developers of EQ2 are a bunch of idiots. This limitting character slots so much thing is just dumb and it is losing them customers.
I would have bought EQ2 if not for this limitation. As it is now, I am playing WoW and enjoying it very much! I am glad a picked WoW, it is a lot of fun.
I just wish EQ2 wouldn't try to get more money out of its customers so much...
That, indeed, appears to be the case.
What exactly is a "Legends" subscriber? Apparently they get 4 more too.
it would be nice to have 4 more charcter slots but i refuse to pay them more money to get them. Ive always known the people at soe are nothing more than a bunch of money grubbing leaches but this is a little over the line.
Ya some people will say "they are a buisness they want to make money" well we all know that but what ever happened to making your customers happy? Or customer service? yu would think after paying $80 for the game (collectors eddition) and the $15 a month you would atleast get some customer support. Send a cst to customer suppoert and see how long it takes to get a responce then when you do its some generic form letter that is no help at all.
i dont know this may be the straw that breaks the camels back. i like eq2 but the money grubbing is getting out of hand. Im to the point that i wouldnt be surprised if soe owns the plat buying sites also.
I am the eggman. I am the eggman. I am the walrus.
What can you do with 5 or 8 char slots that you can't do with 4?
I seriously don't get it. There are four basic class archetypes, you can try one of each. If you level a swashbuckler to 12 and decide you don't like it, you can delete it and start over. I mean if you don't like it, then why keep a 12 swash sitting on your account forever? Take a SS, stick it in your sig with an R.I.P. or something if you want to honor it. It's a game character, get over it.
Four archetypes, four character slots. Makes perfect sense to me. SWG only allowed one. This is a four fold improvement over that game, which is from the same company. You should be happy that it's not just 1.
Habit is not to be flung out the window by any man, but coaxed down the stairs one step at a time. - Mark Twain
The purpose of creating an MMORPG for most multi millionare companies is to make money. All businesses use some form of sucking more money out of its customers. If I was making an mmorpg I would probly be doing the same thing. Blizzard is making money out of its players, and so is SoE and many other rpg creators, so deal with it.
Look how many games SoE has made, and every single one of them has been successful and looked great (even SWG still has subscribers, maybe not a huge amount, but still some). Its not like they take that money and spend it on themselves, they use it to make better games.
I really have liked SoE and have never had a probem with tech support or in game ?'s. So I think SoE can continue to use there "money sucking" ideas. If you dont like it, dont play SoE games.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
I am the eggman. I am the eggman. I am the walrus.
I think by now we all know companies exist to make money. Let's not debate the obvious. The reality is that most people in the business world have two goals: make money AND provide good product or service. Most people actually have integrity and want customers to be happy ... Sony people included.
I have nothing against Sony at all. Been playing EQ since beta 3, and they've always treated me fine. When I've needed customer service, I've gotten it. That doesn't mean that we, as consumers, should not simply voice our complaints in a civilized manner when we think something goes too far ... as I think this does. I run my own business, and when people are dissatisfied, they tell me ... and if they have a valid point, I fix it. It's the way of the business world.
I am not advocating going off the deep end, having a meltdown, and embarking on a lifelong crusade because people disagree with something ... like some of the juvenile nutcases around here do. Simply voicing disagreement. It's the American way
BTW, I am not an SWG player, but last time I saw numbers, which wasn't too long ago, SWG had a rather large number of subscriptions, contrary to what some around here would like to believe.
4 chaars isnt enough?
u guay and gurls are crazy
Actually there are about 10 different sub-class archetypes, all seriously different, and those for two different cities (good/evil). Added to this are the combinations of crafting professions (9), which means there are about 180 seriously different character types.
What do you do if your L30 crafter is an adventuring class which you don't like playing any more - delete him and start over again - Nope, You get annoyed with SoE's money grabbing.
You sound like a fanboy who's never actually played the game, perhaps you're one of their customer service folk !
I think the whole thing sux balls. Just because of this I am seriously thinking of going to WoW! And I hate myself for wanting to, but this is going to far SOE!
It seems SOE wants to milk the cow dry.....
Would be cool if EQ2 players did a protest against this kind of teatment. We are all paying a monthy cost for the game and should ALL be teated equal and have the same options. Just because some other guy has more money that you and your left out of great stuff....and Im not only thinking of the exstra slots. etc etc...they have a bunch of things but u have to pay MORE to have access.
This SUCKS! In an MMORPG we are are equals, now SOE has managed to ruin that....screw them.
They need to think, EQ is a highly populated game, one of the highest. If they would just let all people have the 4 slots they would have alot more customers. I think it is messed up that they do this/
Well I gave EQII a chance... my experience?
First of all... I'm not a fanboi, or a sheep that devotes my allegiance just because "TEH R SO UBORZ!!1!" if you are... well there's nothing wrong with blind faith, to each their own.
I've played enough MMORPG's that I know what they are capable of and what they had to offer. Final Fantasy XI you only had 1 character... which is pretty limited, HOWEVER you could change your job so you weren't stuck with the same class... which I liked a lot. If you wanted more characters *and more stuff selling at the AH * you bought each character at... like $1 per character. Also you could get that card game at a lil extra too if you wanted, though I liked it I was more focused on the RPG aspect and couldn't justify the extra cost... but anyways...
EQ2... you have 4 character slots, which in reality and in theory, you could have a fighter, mage, priest, and scout to test out the different newbie classes. That is until you factor in a few things...
Classes/Subclasses, crafting, twinking.
Yah there are only 4 basic classes, but it'd be nice to have the "room" to experiment with other race/class/subclass combos before you figure out which one you like... and you can't really get a feel for that till lvl 15-21 at earliest, once you have some decent equipment and skills. Would I rather delete my lvl 21 Templar and level up from scratch a Warden to find I don't like how it plays, then build up from scratch my Templar again? I don't know many SANE people that would....
But then again I have 3 other slots to do that with... right? Well I don't know about the rest of you, but I like to know the capabilities of the other classes I'm with and how they work. That way I know how effective groups can be, what works and what doesn't. Also I like variety. Sometimes healing gets uber-boring, so I'll switch to a tank-class to beat stuff up, or a glass cannon to nuke stuff, or a thief so I can stab things. The more you know about other classes personally the better off you are with effective grouping and living... Why are you getting killed healing? Because you know the tank isn't taunting like it should... Why is your cleric earning you group debt? Because he's spam healing every chance he gets. Why can't you get aggro off the mage? Because he's spam nuking it from the beginning. Why is the rogue use ambush? Because he's not hidden before he tries to use it. Granted these are very basic almost common sense things... but if you don't know why/how your party member *or even you* are screwing up or not using their class to their even normal potential... So having the space to experiment freely is a good thing... it helps educate, keep things fresh and playable... and for all those 1337ists it keeps newbies near the lvl 10ish range and not killing you in your advanced groups ;D
I liked the game, though I wish there was a similar Auction House system to Final Fantasy: XI that would accommodate 56k'ers, or people who couldn't leave their computers on for extended periods of time, but it does seem that the people who dual-box it with one account for selling/crafting and the other for leveling have a supreme advantage over those who can't afford a second computer and account... but I guess that's a lil off topic of the post.
Yes, I realize that it's just yet another way to make money. If I could sell 1 penny for 1 dollar I guess I would too... but that still doesn't make it "right". If they came out with an expansion pack boasting more zones, loot, features, AND 4 extra character slots... then I wouldn't have complained because I would have been under the illusion that they didn't have the capability to add the extra slots THEN. But 1 month after release, and then say "HEY! If you shell out 21.99 a month you can have 4 extra slots!!! .... oh and you can play our other games too." And please... let's be realistic. If you're the only person using the computer, and with the EQ2 account and buy that for the 4 extra slots... will you really have time to play the other games? Or... if you already have the Station Access for say EQ and Planetside... would ya pick up EQ2 just because you got "FOUR MORE SLOTS!!!1!"
Don't get me wrong... been "paying to play" for MMORPG's since UO first came out so that's not my issue. I undestand that MMORPG's have Overhead, need servers per month, need space to store the equipment per month, bandwidth per month, utilities per month, employment and benifits per month... ect. But their timing was very "greedy" and could have been pulled off better if they wanted to make a lil extra cash.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."