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Not being someone who posts many messages on, I do not know what to expect from this question. Simply I just want to know how the leveling is in AoC? Is it fast, or slow comparitive to other games. For example, WoW, which yes I know many people will say WoW's leveling speed is way to quick, however I very much enjoy the leveling speed of WoW. So if the leveling speed is similar to WoW that is a plus for me. Also a big part of leveling is questing, so the only other question I would like to know about is. How are the quests? I don't want to know what the quests are actually like persay such as what you have to do, but I want to know more of.. Is it easy to find what you are looking for when doing a quest? Does the Quest Log provide an accurate description of where I should be going to accomplish a quest. No, I do not need things such as QuestHelper like in WoW because I know there is nothing like that in AoC, but I would like to be able to read the log of a quest and atleast have a clue where I should be headed. One game in particular that I enjoyed the gameplay aspects of but absolutely hated the leveling aspect was Everquest II, and that was because there was always so many quests and never a good enough description of where to go. Especially once you got around level 30. Some people may say well exploring is half the fun in an MMORPG, and you are correct, but at the same time I look at it this way, if I want to explore I will go explore, if I want to quest, then I want to quest. Also I am not saying I want to get to the Max level quickly and just skip everything else. I just simply want to be able to quest without pulling my hair out on where to go next. Sorry if you think that is to linear, but I kind of enjoy Linear games.
By the looks, this game might be perfect for you then.
- You will progress faster then WOW, at least in the beginning.
- Questing, that can be done all the way to the top if grab all of them, and in the beginning there will almost be too many.
- Its also easy to find what your lokking for in the game, so don`t worry.
- This game is built up in linear way, with zones that tell stories, and you will hear about something in one zone, and encounter it later in the game. Everything is built up with a story (at least my opinion)
Go ahead, and get that free trial, and try for yourself. Then judge.
(Note: First Island is very RPG like, then the MMO part opens up after lvl 20 more.)
WTB: Paragraphs.
I just couldn't read your entire message, but: leveling is fast in AoC. You can get from level 1-40 in couple weeks. And maybe month for new player to get max level 80.
Everyone starts from same island - Tortuga - there you have plenty of solo and multiplayer quests. Each classes have also own unique story quests that are done during night. Most of NPCs are voice acted. If you go to PvP except that you are ganked a lot.
After Tortuga you have pretty much two choices where you can continue questing: Egypt like zone or viking like zone. Both have plenty of quests and leveling is fast. Eventually NPCs will start giving quests to other zones and if you go there, you should find more quests around your level. Only important NPCs are voice acted. Also at levels 30, 50 and 80 you are doing special solo destiny quests. Below level 50 there is also plenty of dungeons where you can level fast.
When you hit level 60, your choices become much more limited and there is basically lack of content - or choices. You still can level pretty fast with quests - but you just can do it one place at time. Also there is only couple dungeons around your level.
Around levels 65-75 you really have one place to do quests at time and lack of dungeons. You are likely going to need to do also some grinding - or camping monsters spawns to get higher level. Above level 75 you can start doing level 80 dungeons. But you have only few quests outside dungeons.
At max level you can start doing raids. Currently there is 3 tier 1, 2 tier 2 and 1 tier 3 raid dungeons that you can do once in week. From tier 1 and 2 you can get one set of weapons and armour for your class (tier 3 is dropping currently only tier 2). Raiding is done 20 player raid groups. At some point in raid groups - Age of Conan changes to Age of Clones, because same class players are basically wearing same equipment and have same set of feats.
Quests in AoC are pretty much standard MMORPG stuff: “kill 10 these around here and come back to me” or “deliver this package to there”. Destiny story line quests are bringing bit new taste for new players – not much but bit (older players just want to do them so fast as possible or just skip them). Also there are quests like where NPCs want to have sex with your female character and other quests that fit to brutal world.
Basically quests don't affect to your character other way than giving for you some XP, money and loot. You can't be evil person and unlock evil characters storyline (and same time lock good persons storyline), have love affairs with NPCs or do quests that really change world. Also in the end there is very limited number of quests and after playing couple characters doing quests will start feeling like grind.
Equipment in AoC is still pretty limited to few choices – especially at higher levels and raids. There are some good choices that you can make at lower levels allowing you to customize your characters look. Full plate armour still doesn't look like plate armour – or rusty, bloody and nasty looking plate armour as it should. There are plenty of really boring looking cloaks that just have different texture. And generally there is plastic look in characters. You really don't have control over your characters look – game has it.
I don't want to comment much about PvP (I really don't understand this PvP thingy in MMORPG when there is far better choices like Counter Strike or Team Fortress around). But hey – another man's turd is another man's treasury. If I have understand correctly PvP is currently broken: PvP servers are full of respawn/newbiew gankers and siege battles are basically non-functional / pointless. Most of PvP mini games are premades where gankers have made optimal teams against anyone who try to fight against them. Like always PvP players are whining in forums that another class is too powerful and cause problems for PvE players when their class is suddenly nerfed.
Guild cities only function is to provide place to craft items. Currently only armour crafter items are widely needed – other crafting is minimal. Buildings also provide some minimal bonuses for guild members. Guild leaders can grow their epeen by building walls and other useless things to city, but otherwise there really isn't any function there. There isn't housing or PvE raids against your guild cities.
Grouping mechanism are following standard MMORPG holy trinity: tanker-damage dealer-healer. As always there is plenty of players who can or want to do damage, but only few players that want to do tanking or healing. So most of your time in groups is used to waiting that some healer who doesn't have all great loot from dungeon or tanker who hasn't have recent burn outs wants to join to your group. Last patch also broke tanking – or moved more responsibilities for damage dealers who don't normally have any clue what tanking means.
Graphically your character and world looks far better than in any other MMORPG also music is super fantastic (unfortunately in last patch I was forced to turn off all sounds). Leveling is fast and easy (you can easily fight against multiple monsters higher than your level – unless your class is barbarian or assassin that requires bit skill too). Otherwise – AoC is pretty much standard MMORPG.
"I know I said this was my last post, but you my friend are a idiotic moron." -Shadow4482
Umm, Resetgun has not played in awhile obviously. AoC just added an entire zone of 75+ quests (Tarantia Commons). They also Ymir's awhile back (55 - 70). I was able to quest all the way to 80. You never need to grind anymore.
The game is fun and you feel like you are making progress. Playing on a pvp server is pretty brutual. If you are primarily interested in pve then Set and Wiccana are both pretty high pop servers in the US. If pvp is more your thing, I would recomend Cimmeria or Tyranny.
I haven't noticed much of a change post 1.05 in leveling... it's a bit slower.... but you can still crack out levels a night.
It''s certaintly still faster than most popular MMOs
this game is better and more fun than the detractors give it credit.
Leveling is actually really balanced.
It can tend to slow down around the 40+ range for your average gamer but certainly it's not any slower then a compriable MMO.
The Dungeons throughout this game are pretty bad ass and very fun to see.
I recently took one of my level 40's through the Cradle of Decay which they added after a few of my toons were 80.
Very cool stuff.
I stopped playing last sunday. Have at least couple weeks break now.
Ymir is 53-65. Pretty good zone with lot's of quests. And Tarantia is good addition for 75+ players. Thought same time you can start doing level 80 dungeons that have way better loot.
I am not saying that there isn't quest content for every level - there is just very limited content currently above level 50+. Hopefully Funcom will start adding new content to those levels - and couple more raid dungeons with different sets of tier equipment would be great too.
AoC is not bad game for one who enjoys linear MMOs. It will provide good time for couple months - which is not bad deal from video game.
"I know I said this was my last post, but you my friend are a idiotic moron." -Shadow4482
I'd like to thank everyone that gave advice on this thread, for a prospective player it's been helpful!