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Hi guys,
Got a quick question about Aion beta, I've been thinking of pre-ordering the game from D2D lately, and in the preorder package it says immediate access to beta. Does that mean if I preorder I would be able to log on tonight and start playing the beta client? or does that mean that there are certain events I Would just be allowed to play?
Any clarification here would be greatly appreciated! thanks!
No you would not. The beta weekend is over, the next beta weekend is July 17th.
Ya unless you pre order it at a EB/Gamestop that ran out of beta cards. The beta cards come in the pre order case at best buy stores. If you pre order it online, you will get an e-mail with the beta key, however it might not be instantly. Once you have the beta key you have instant access to the beta events (when they are actually running). Beta 4 just finished, beta 5 starts on the 17th.
Ok, that makes sense, thanks for the clarification!
i beleive you also get to start the game a week early from having nthe pre order
48 hours.
48 hours.
48 hours for the NA version, a few more hours for the EU version, early access will go live at the same time but Europe release date is scheduled a bit after the NA one.
EU players get a 5 day head start as opposed to US who get only 2 days head start.