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Hi, i used to play when the game launched and a few times since but the graphics, armor skins were all the same...just colored differently. (Environment was nice though)
So, I do recall there was a plan to redo all the skeletons to allow for more variations in armor.....has that happened yet?
Oh, and have they redone the pets for shaman? They look kind of like plastic toys that dont move well......and the deer looked like sausages.....
No, and they won't either.
the graphics are still the best out there IMO, in spite of some of the problems you mentioned.
Extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice.
I disagree, and for how good the quality they are the graphics are WAY too harsh on system resources for what you get.
Honestly I see no reason a top of the line computer today lags on this game with its settings turned up all the way.
I've tried this game on several different PC's I can never get it to run as cleanly as it should.
I believe in recent patch notes they were changing the way the game engine works with cpu's and gpu's , sorry not making a link for ya, but since I mentioned it you can find it easily.
no plans for it - not going to happen
EQ2 fan sites
EQII now has quite a few armour options, especially after Kunark came out. The low level game still has some of the same stuff, but what do you want at level 10?... planes armour?... The new Market Place sets also add some nice flavour and add to the visual changes.
To be honest I've not seen 2 characters wearing the same stuff for a long time, everyone is visually an individual and I can recognise my friends from a mile away due to what they wear. Of course the when they added the apperance tad (level 20) about a year ago that made things even better with getting that individual fashion statement you need to make.
And as far as performance playing on a pretty old system now, I have a pretty crappy Nvidia 9400 gts (8800gtx is still better) I have 4 gig of ram which is not uncommon now and the total rig is over 2 years old...I run the game at high quality with the shadows turned a little bit down and I get a steady 35-40 fps...if I still had my 8800gtx I was always over 40fp.
EQII imho is still one of the best looking mmo's and with the changes over the last few months one of the most playable...the mentoring system alone makes it worth it.
I was able to get over 40 FPS on extreme ( could of got higher if I made more adjustments to my video card and CPU/RAM) and that 40+ FPS is with Anisotropic filtering of 16x and Antialiasing of 16x.
Here my S.S. of 40 FPS
The "skeletal revamp" is not going to happen... ever. They instituted appearance slots, and there is a huge assortment of clothes and armor available to use. Very few, as in less than 5, toons look anything alike at any level (of course you're going to have some that follow the fashion of the week, typical human behavior), and the selection of wearable items grows exponentially as you level. Which leveling now is nearly instantaneous.
As far as graphical performance is concerned, it is loads better than it used to be. Anyone with any "freeze frame" problems at all will almost always be a computer problem, or a settings problem. GPU usage is much better, shadows experienced a huge improvement recently, and all around performance is substantially better. Plus the fact that the typical mainstream pc is quite better than they used to be as well.
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
---> Trial <---
No. And they probably won't. Especially considering that only one game in history has redone their graphics, why do you think EQ2 would be the exception?
They have said they are not going to be doing this. I think they have found another way to build armor sets etc. They have started adding more armor types and plan to add a bunch in the next expansion.
They have been upgrading the graphics engine however. In the last update they moved shadows from the cpu to the gpu and in the next update or maybe the one after they are revamping the shader going from 1.0 to 3.0 so again moving from CPU to GPU. They have posted some pictures on utube showing before and after and the changes really look amazing.