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According to an interview with Dr. Greg Zeschuk at Eurogamer, Mythic will definitely assist BioWare in the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic:
"I think we always have lots of opinions to share, Ray and I," said Zeschuk in an interview published today. "We've both played Warhammer, and actually I've still been playing it on and off for a while, so I think for us it's not to much a popularity boost as just the fact that we can probably bring perspectives to the table that will be new and perhaps helpful to the guys from Mythic in the same way from an online perspective they can certainly share with us.
"To give credit to the Austin team [making Star Wars: The Old Republic], we have a number of serious MMO veterans on there, so it's certainly not neophytes, but there's absolutely opportunities to share and learn things back and forth."
How do you think this partnership will affect the development of both Warhammer Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic? Let us know in the comments!
For the full story, go here.
Well, it depends. If Mythic gives them advice coming from the DAoC perspective, then it may help. If Mythic is suggesting that Bioware imitate or borrow from their method on WAR....not so much. I don't think Scenarios and Compunds (Keeps in WAR) would benefit TOR as they were done in WAR. PQs? I wasn't really impressed and certainly don't believe they were deserving of all the hype they got pre-launch.
The only lesson I think Mythic could "teach" them is to finish the darn game before launching it, which I think Bioware knows already.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
Seriously? There goes all hope of SW:TOR being worth playing. You would think after the flop WAR was that Bioware would be smarter than this.
The article mentions a lot of sharing ideas, but that can mean so much
SWTOR is pretty much done from what we hear, I suspect if they are trading any ideas, maybe it could be about improving code or whatever; I seriously doubt it would involve content.
I Reject your Reality and Substitute it with My Own!
from daoc perspective they can give tor a nice point in pvp/rvr to the game that maybe bioware does not have. from the war perspective hope they use war experience to share bioware what NOT TO DO
in all ways, is nice to have 2 awesome companies working together
I am skeptical about this. Maybe mythic could offer some experience with working in a MMO style game. What MMO managment entails and such. As far as the game design I wouldn't let Mythic derail you or distract you. I can just see Paul Barnett offering wacky stuff which drove their animators crazy and putting less effort into the game itself. Please avoid that.
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I think its a smart move, after all it will be bioware's first mmorpg and besides sharing technology like this will probably make better products for us consumers.
Failhammer does have allot of nice attributes/functions that can be used and could make a game better plus Bioware can learn from any of Mythics failings/potholes.
I hope this chemestry helps to make TOR a better game than it's sounding so far.
WAR was good with artistic design but its a far cry from Star Wars. WAR also stank. I played it. I was hyped about it. I got several of my friends to buy the game and many promptly quit. I ran a guild and had several T4 toons. RvR areas were stale because you couldn't farm in them and therefore ambush/be ambushed. Server loads blew for any scale of combat that was half decent.
I did like the way their quest lines ran however. Whatever people say about the XP gains etc. and the problems they had with them I felt they offered a good PvE experience from a storyteller point of view. The areas actually felt like a war was going on with cannons booming and npcs fighting each other etc. WoW has had a lot more time with their engine so they can make more "fun to play" quests rather than Kill X number of Y however. This is accepted by a majority of the MMO community. Thus it was the expectation that PvP was where WAR would shine.
It failed from concept because Mythic had good ideas but didn't ask the community if they wanted a "scenario based" game. WAR has awesome scenarios but we can all admit scens are limited in terms of flavor compared to World PvP. So world PvP was hashed at the last minute due to a principle design flaw. PvP suffered to the point where groups would avoid each other so they could pass back and forth objectives for realm points. DAoC was the opposite, but Mythic has stated they didn't want to make DAoC II...but just because you made the first fantasy RvRvR game doesn't mean all RvRvR games are DAoC 1.5. This makes me think their CEO has lost touch with actual gaming.
Since Bioware is one of the best story tellers out there I'm not sure what they could get out of Mythic beyond basic server code information. Even that was screwed up in WAR. Sorry to bash Mythic so badly but they talk a lot about adding "fun" to the game and maybe Bioware bought it hook line and sinker. It sucks since my experience with WAR is that Mythic is limited to talking the talk.
Just keep them away from server stability
The following statement is false
The previous statement is true
Mythic will just help out with content, the big decisions will be Bioware since they are in charge. It will help to speed up the game. Good thing Mark idiot Jacobs is gone too.
It's amazing how a statement which suggests that Bioware will be drawing on Mythics experiences in the MMO genre gets taken as, "Mythic will be co-developing the game."
That's not what is happening. The key here is that Greg said he plays Warhammer, "on and off," and also states that Bioware staff HAVE played Warhammer, not do. This to me suggests that he is snubbing WAR as a throw away MMO of some for, suggesting that Mythic have experience but that they probably aren't going for a game that is like WAR.
So yeah, random statements ftw. - MMO commentary from an overly angry brit. OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED!
I don't know why people think warhammer failed. They maintain 300,000 subscribers. More than DAOC or UO ever had. More than currently EQ and EQ2. More than Lotro and AoC. More than cities of heroes/villians. All considered succesful MMO's. Tied with EVE which is considered very successful.
Most of the people that complain about it where expecting one of two things: Warhammer was going to be WoW with better PvP(something it was never meant to be) and 2nd, their own internal hype meter for a game goes way off the charts. They envision something in their heads that nothing can live up to. I've seen that again and again.
Tribes 2 is back!!!!
And from the makers of tribes: Fallen Empire: Legions
That's assuming Bioware has any say, what-so-ever. EA calls the shots, not Mythic or Bioware.
And lets not forget that inside of a few years, both studios are merging into one, so this was inevitable.
The only thing Mythic can share with Bioware that would actually be beneficial are grunt work programmers.
If Mythic does give ideas to Bioware then I wont be buying The Old Republic for atleast a month.
More scenarios aka Battlegrounds and possible RvR for TOR. The PvE in TOR should have been nailed by now.
Remember that SWTOR is pretty much complete, Mythic won't have much content to work with at this point. They would probably help with tech stuff, like server stabilty or whatever. Content will always be under the Iron Fist of BioWare
I Reject your Reality and Substitute it with My Own!
This is sad news to me. I wouldn't want SWTOR to have any similarity to WAR or DAoC, both of which are too hardcore for my taste. I wanted this to be the first truly casual MMO that didn't cater to the hardcore elite and didn't embrace old school paradigms. With Mythic involved, this could very well change everything about this game except the story. Mythic is no better than any other MMO company that embraces tried and true MMO paradigms, from grindy game play to worhtless time sinks and ridiculous player based economies and focus on crafting and PvP that gets better rewards than PvE.
The only news I could have found worse would have been SOE joining the team.
This is going to turn out to be just like the rest of the crappy MMOs that infect the market. /cry
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
Ok it wasn't a failure. It just SUX monumentally.
The game was an utter waste of my time and I seriously hope that Bioware takes into consideration that the aspects of their games that people enjoyed in the past are the opposite of what made people cancel subscriptions in WAR in DROVES.
So maybe its not a failure when compared to Korean grind F2P games. It still sucks beyond description and I hope TOR is NOTHING like it what so ever.
Ok it wasn't a failure. It just SUX monumentally.
The game was an utter waste of my time and I seriously hope that Bioware takes into consideration that the aspects of their games that people enjoyed in the past are the opposite of what made people cancel subscriptions in WAR in DROVES.
So maybe its not a failure when compared to Korean grind F2P games. It still sucks beyond description and I hope TOR is NOTHING like it what so ever.
sucks for YOU. Let's be clear on that. Just because YOU don't like a game means the rest of the world agrees. The numbers show that most people like it better than most of the MMO's on the market(not even talking about korean MMO's but rather proven MMO's along with the latest gen). YOU simply wanted to believe the game was something it was never meant to be. And when it didn't live up to your own personal hype YOU determined it sucks for everyone.
Tribes 2 is back!!!!
And from the makers of tribes: Fallen Empire: Legions
Um... if you think any mmo to be released in the last 4 years caters to the hardcore-elite (outside Darkfall), you might seriously consider finding a new genre of game to get into.
PvP ≠ hardcore-elite.
After WoW, no company has risked releasing ANYTHING that doesnt cater primarily to casuals.
Actually the ENORMOUS number of people who left, determined it sucked. When 3 times the number that remain left because the game was not what was promised, not what was hyped, did not match the LORE in almost any way, did not match the storyline that has existed for 20 years in any way, did not meet the expectations of anyone who knew the IP in any way other than having some of the names of certain characters or classes present, that is how I define SUX.
Those who chose to stay and pay for that travesty were the minority sweetheart. Don't forget that for a minute.
And other than being able to tell Bioware a good efficient way of screwing up a good IP, there isn't much help they can provide other than giving them people to write standard code for them. Create the good stuff on the Bioware side, have the Mythic people do the grunt work. That should give them a good game.
Ok it wasn't a failure. It just SUX monumentally.
The game was an utter waste of my time and I seriously hope that Bioware takes into consideration that the aspects of their games that people enjoyed in the past are the opposite of what made people cancel subscriptions in WAR in DROVES.
So maybe its not a failure when compared to Korean grind F2P games. It still sucks beyond description and I hope TOR is NOTHING like it what so ever.
sucks for YOU. Let's be clear on that. Just because YOU don't like a game means the rest of the world agrees. The numbers show that most people like it better than most of the MMO's on the market(not even talking about korean MMO's but rather proven MMO's along with the latest gen). YOU simply wanted to believe the game was something it was never meant to be. And when it didn't live up to your own personal hype YOU determined it sucks for everyone.
When a game drops from approximately 800k subs to supposedly 300k(may be less) it's called failure.And yes the game sux for those 500k people who left .What Mythic had is long gone and I doubt they can make a successful MMO anymore.I have a bad feeling about their involvment in ToR.
So what's next? Paul Barnett in SW ToR videocast
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
Actually WAR sucks because it didn't live up to its own hype via failed promises and actually turning out to be a WoW clone. Many of us were expecting DAoC meets Planetside type of PvP. The Ebb and Flow. The strategy and tactics. The idea that you were progressing the campaign more than your own toon.
Did you WAR fanbois ever even make it to a city siege? When totally awesome epic climax involves sitting in the same spot spamming AoE for 6 hours because only enough defenders to fill out 2/10 instances is what you are working for all those months you get the impression that any shared ideas coming out of Mythic are something less than a boon to the Star Wars IP.
Um... if you think any mmo to be released in the last 4 years caters to the hardcore-elite (outside Darkfall), you might seriously consider finding a new genre of game to get into.
PvP ≠ hardcore-elite.
After WoW, no company has risked releasing ANYTHING that doesnt cater primarily to casuals.
Really? So, all of those games, including the casual friendly WoW, don't do the bait and switch thing by starting off casual, then making end game completely about raiding? Are you high on something or just clueless? Every supposedly casual game out there still gives hardcores the best rewards and the most interesting and exclusive content, so please excuse my dismay at your point of view.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal