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I know this thread has been talked about alot, but i wanted to try out EQ2, I really dont got alot of time raiding for like 5hours or so..only got like 1 to 2 hours to play, whats a strong solo class....i was thinking about a Dirge, prolly not a strong solo class but seems fun to play, can a Dirge solo his way to lvl 80? or should i roll a Fury or a Conjurer...maybe its a bit easier with a 'strong solo' class....not sure. thx
At the starter levels all the classes solo fine and even as you advance. The biggest difference will be in certain situations one class will have some advantages over others such as crowd control, high DPS, ranged DPS, healing, etc, but this is normal. The starter areas do tend to be a bit quiet but are seldom completely empty so some help can be found.
Easiest class will be Necromancer. Strong pet, versatility in spells, go crafting w/ sage and make your own spells from the stuff you gather and your good to go.
Or go outfitter and make your own cloth armor, a set of mastercraft helps anyone.
2nd class would be Conjurer, same thing as necro on the good side. More damage later on, less versatility.
3rd would probly be the shadowknight, very much like a DK in wow only much easier to solo with.
4th if you like nuking stuff on a squishy, try a Warlock, lots of fun there and you can bump your survival by adding on the Stamina.
Hope this helps
Sorry and no offense to above poster, i simply disagree with them "all classes can solo" when they can not realistically. Certain classes are simply MISERABLY difficult to solo. The 4 I've mentioned will allow you to solo without playing the game in a VERY "not fun" manner.
Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil. Never back away from an enemy. Either fight or surrender. It is not enough to say I will not be evil. Evil must be fought wherever it is found.The Iron Code"
I would go with a Fury. Mine is 80 and EASILLY made it there soloing. I could root and kill things that were impossible for any other class. Meaning orange ^^^ if you understand that. Pretty much a full group mob that was much higher in lvl than me. Fury's do incredible damage and can heal themselves. Trust me, you will love it.
The only downside to them is that they aren't very useful in pvp at 80, unless you get the best gear, then you'll regulate.
Another class that is a blast to play is Ranger. Incredible in pvp throughout the game but soloing gets a little hard 70-80.
Swashbucklers and Brigands do great damage with tons of stuns. Very fun classes also.
Have fun! And if you join the pvp server Nagafen, I'm Bret.
LoL. No offense taken.
Having solo'd a priest through much of EQ until I started high end raiding I probably have a higher threshold to leveling. I would agree that there are certainly classes that are much easier to solo and who can solo much faster and your choices and reasons are excellent. I probably over simplified it a bit but I enjoy trying out all the characters and so have solo'd every class in EQ2 to about 40 or so. My two highest characters are a Templar and Warden (yeah I tend to favor healers) with the Warden I mostly did solo work and got him to level 67 before I stopped playing EQ2 on a regular basis. The Templar I got to max but really spent most of my time after after level 30 or so in groups.
Without a doubt the class you choose will make a difference and much more so than say in WoW but really for me I enjoyed all the classes and don't hate me when I say I created some Fae also and thought they were great (my level 48 Fae monk is kick ass).
While the above posts are correct. I'll answer your specific Question about dirges soloing to 80.
The ansswer is a resounding yes. You can solo to 80. While some content may be beyond your reach to do like a Necromancer, or Illusionist can do. There is still plenty for a dirge to do.
I have a troubadour that I strictly solo with. They are very similar to the dirge. What makes him fun he is the only class along with the dirge that can cast spells on the run. So I am capable of bring down 3 ups my own level. The only problem with this is you need lots of room to kite the mob. So doing heroic dungeons are out solo. Necromancers/conjurors,Some priests and Illusionist/coercers probably can do dungeons if played well.
So if your having fun with the dirge, go ahead and play him. The whole idea to playing in my opinion is to have fun playing what and how you want.
The played a Fury for awhile and I found soloing was super easy, then a Necromancer. Both I played to 60 and it really was a breeze. I do have to say that the bards (troub, dirge) I found the hardest of all the classes because so many things can go wrong. Though they can kill some tough mobs you have to do everything right with the kiting.
Rogues are good too if you have a good poison to proc with.
I forgot to mention earlier. My family plays on the Butcherblock server. If you would like to duo sometime let me know.
You can find me on:
Twangin - Dirge
Lecher - ShadowKnight
Fhang - Necromancer
Ssybillant - Bruiser (iksar monks ftw )
Angyl - Swashbuckler
Give me a shout, we can duo through some quests when you have time or you can join one of our groups. Mentoring makes the level difference not such a big deal anymore.
Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil. Never back away from an enemy. Either fight or surrender. It is not enough to say I will not be evil. Evil must be fought wherever it is found.The Iron Code"
You can basicly solo all classes and there all relivant. You would prolly have more fun playing a scout or mage class they get invites constantly. Also Raiding in EQ2 isnt like other games i personally only raid on sundays on my server and we have done a few different raids Crushbone has a allicance that you can join at lvl 80 and raid on days that fit you best most days you only raid like 2-3 hours and i have a blast doing it.
But you really should look at like Trouby or Dirge it seems they are always in demand. And for fun solo'n go with Conj because as a necro i can personally tell you we are gimped end game and basicly all we do is solo anyways. But no matter what you chose you will have fun in eq2 there is tons of content for both solo and groups and raid.
If you Choose Crushbone hit me up i love to help actual new players with decent food storage boxes and back packs.
Tayanissa- 80 Necro
Ficissa- 50 Warden
Chantelle - 80 Provisioner
Shyne- 40 Wiz 50 tailor
ok, i dont have alot of time in the day to play or to raid, as much as i like the Dirge class i guess i wont be able to accomplish alot of soloing in the time frame i have to play, so i was thinking of starting up and testing out a Conjurer, i think they are a pretty solid solo class, and can take down alot of tough mobs...any info on how this class is overall and if its fun to play, as well if its pretty easy to solo with this class?....thx