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Edit: By popular demand, please see home made player videos here
instead of AV created trailer below. Thank you -CC Edited 2:37pm PST July 10, 2009
That is all in-game footage, very real, and may help to explain to those who haven't played what it is about DFO that makes many of us so enamored with the game.
Cheers -CC
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
nice vid, but i think these are the best videos ever, i know people may not like the guild and alliance but he does make good vids lol check em out
this game is the best
This is the first real footage of this game I've watched. I found the whole waving paw thing really comical.
Thanks that was funny.
Hilarious.. so unappealing. Though, I bet there are a few thousand 15 year olds all excted about all the blood and guts.
"No they are not charity. That is where the whales come in. (I play for free. Whales pays.) Devs get a business. That is how it works."
I have no idea how to interpret that since it is a one-liner zing with no substance. What's appealing is a player driven free for all world with awesome PvP. Share with us a MMO that appeals to you so there is some context here.
Thanks -CC
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
I'm actually the only 15 year old in a clan that I just joined. Everyone is at least 18 or older. In my old clan it was the same situation. Not that many people my age play.
The video was kinda cool seeing the siege, but wasnt (IMO) impressed with the graphics or the appearence of choppy gameplay. Darkfall is getting there.
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
Battles aren't all like that because people always start with range attacks (archery, magic) then melee when they get closer.
A staged "trailer" is hardly representative of real DFO PvP.
I win!!! LOL@U
It's the gameplay trailer that Av made during beta.
It's not like that.
City building, seiging, combat.
None of it is acuratly depicted in Av's videos.
Watch some of the player videos of seiges.
People don't stand in one place and hit each other. They are constantly running around each other swinging thier weapons; trying to hit the other person in the back.
Someone actually put this video up against some of the player vids on the official boards to show the dif. in combat. The thread was naturally deleted.
A staged "trailer" is hardly representative of real DFO PvP.
Do you really even care?
Xero posted home made movies from The Mercs. They rock.
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
give AV a break fariic, gameplay trailers were made to entice people to play. let's take aion for example, the trailer doesn't depict the actual ingame experience at all. maybe it's a bad example because its a cinematic trailer, not ingame footage like darkfall trailers
That "video" is almost a year old. Posted on the DFO forums by Tasos 8-2008
I win!!! LOL@U
I actually completely agree with you.
I really like the video.
But, it's not a very good indication of how combat really is. That was a HUGE let down for me. If I had seen people circle straffing during melee combat, or known that PvE was a simpler version of Lineage 2, I wouldn't have baught the game.
Trailers should entice, not mislead.
Especially when they are supposed to be GAMEPLAY. Av did post editing.
I actually expected city building to look like that.
I thought there was actual lightening in the game cause the video makes it seem like there is a storm in the very beginning cause Av added a lighting effect to dramatize the city popping out of the ground.
Someone pointed out that sprint wasn't in at one point during beta, and that the combat doesn't show people actually sprinting during melee fights.
CC also made the point of saying that the vid gave an acurate depiction of gameplay.
It doesn't.
If he had just said that he was posting a part of the official gameplay vid cause he thought it was cool and wanted to share it, then I would have actually wrote a responce that agreed with him.
That's not what he did.
A staged "trailer" is hardly representative of real DFO PvP.
Do you really even care?
Xero posted home made movies from The Mercs. They rock.
Yes, I do...
Everyone bought into the "trailer", but that isn't the game.
I win!!! LOL@U
All in-game footage..? Very real..? Its a game trailer that is probably beefed up as well, and this video was released in august 2008. Hell, there wasnt even warhulks in at start, but they're in this awesome video from months before launch, cool eh..?
The combat in the trailer actually is very real, but due to popular demand, I have edited my OP.
We can now reference player made videos and discuss those.
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
So is "Professional Wrestling"
I win!!! LOL@U
why do people bother beating a dead horse?? cant i log in to and not see dfo related spam all over the main page...
we already know DFO sucks its been repeated time and again by soo many people both haters and X-players.
we know the developer lied to their comunity... again spammed everywhere..
we know the trailer is a total let down...
its great that many people like the game but id really rather see something new in the NEWs thead instead of more dfo spam.
sure many years ago i was tempted to try DFO but if i want a CS 1.6 fight... ill open steam... people who play it.. enjoy it thats great people who hate it.. well thats great too each their own... but cant we bury this stupid debate ... so actually decent games that are missed can have some lime light one the news reader?? instead of more dfo pro/con debates T-T"
So why reply? Doesn't that just propagate the spam? Now please run along to whatever game forum you care about. Thanks
I win!!! LOL@U
ichmen, are you aware of the recent patch and updates to forum/mainsite? just making sure, you might be talking about the beta or when pve sucked and was impossible to kill high lvl mobs
umm seeing as MMORPG is a community forum, allowing its community to respond to and write replys to threads or posts. its well within my rights as a member of to post in any thread i choose, i may also freely bash/hype &/or praise any game i feel inclined to. without any proding or suggesting from anyone.
if you had bothered to read my post instead of try to snip it you would have read. im tired of the DFO debate as a whole. there in lies where you failed in your attempt to zig me and bash my post.
you failed in that you suggest i "run along to whatever game forum i care about" but you see. i dont have A forum i care about. i read random game threads all over, DFO is spammed every single day on the news thread of new posts/threads. by those for or those against DFO. and each thread/post becomes a hotbed of flames and trolling that has nothing to do with or DFO, it becomes a moral debate between two camps of gamers that really has no reason to be spammed all over a Gaming website.
my post was a simple request to stop the mass spamming of DFO on the news reader cause its pretty much pointless clicking any link there now as its always a DFO hate thread either hate at DFO or hate at community members. neither have anything to do with a game or its discussion.
so that being said. i think ill run along to my MMORPG game forums i care so much about... but only if you promise to run along to your own game forum you care soo much about...
i was generalizing actually. i learned of DFO many years ago, followed it off and on after that. read their outdated offcial site a few months back and after all the flaming and trolling kind of gave up on the game. as it seemed it was too imcomplete, im used to asian grinders so i tend to grind to much but im also more a quester /pver as of late instead of a pvper. cause pvp gets boring if you dont have the 1337 gear. lol
but to be honest i havent really kept up todate with DFO apart from the flame/troll fests that populate the forums here as of late. like i said i kind of gave up on the game until it gets more complete. much like AoC and WAR are imcomplete for the most part.
though im either for nor against DFO, as a gamer i want a good game that is complete not an incomplete one which DFO seemed to be a few months ago when it launched (yes i know its improved from then but i tend to treat games like i do a new Windows OS give it a few months to fix the major junk then check back for minor fixes)
check the "expansion" notes and the new website when you can
how did you not expect real players to strafe/jump/whatever in battle? especially in a full loot game?
it's only misleading if you're terribly naive TBQH. you can argue that real players wouldn't just ride straight up to a city under siege but there is no post-editing -- the building animation is exactly how it happens in-game.
the most unrealistic thing in that whole video IMO is the mass ship fleet battle, but that's only because noone's built up a large enough fleet yet.
in any case, it should have been obvious that the video is a taste of what's possible in DF, and looking at the actual game, it's very accurate.