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I have two.
Krugg 15 Crusader 13 Outfitter
Kiff 14 Shaman
My friend wont start new character and now he is getting bored because he has no one to group with. I tell him that he has no one to group with because he's too high. Everone on the server is around my level. I told him everyone has more than 1 character.
Lynxal, 22 Kerran Ranger
In all of the MMORPG's I've played, I always seem to just make one character and stick with him through the good and the bad. Not sure why.
Thats what my friend does and I tell him thats why he gets bored. Different is good. Try something else...enjoy the game aspect of this game.
He want's to stick with that one guy and level him up as fast as possible....and in doing so is having no fun.
Joanaho Bagussatu
Gnomish Tinkerer-Explorer Extraordinaire
Joanaho Bagussatu
Gnomish Tinkerer-Explorer Extraordinaire
Solitus Omni Fixer
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
1) Wrython Hellsong, Erudite Dirge...lvl 30 -- Befallen
A.K.A. Wrython
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
im sticking with 1
22 Necro Befallen
22 Assassin Unrest
22 necro/18 scholar
20 inquisitor/13 ...uhh, I forget. Crafter is it? Whatever ISN'T a scholar or outfitter.
12 Crusader who is getting very dusty sitting on the shelf.
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