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Let me start by saying I love EQ2. I have never had more fun playing an MMO. As with any game, there are things that drive me crazy about this game:
1. I was killed by a bear that chased me all the way through a forest into a keep and up the stairs. Gimme a break. When you aggro a mob it follows you WAAAAAY too far, especially when you're a crafter.
2. Why doesn't anyone actually LOOK for things instead of getting the quest then immediately asking where it is. I mean I had a guy in Qeynos ask where to find Knolls. Come on, walk out of the friggin' gate for cryin' out loud. I searched for the stupid Dwarf Hawl (Sp?) for 3 days. You get XP for finding new things, so just get out there and look.
3. If you walk by a resource 6 times, then see someone else harvest it, don't go back for it, let the person have it. This is wose than kill stealing to me.
4. Can a guy get some more inventory space? I mean it takes 14 subcomponents and 38 raw materials to build anything, and the whole opening bags thing is just a pain.
5. Only 4 toons per account. This is annoying. I mean I could accept 6, but 8 would be awsome. At six you could have one to try different things, and if you liked something a lot, you'd have the 6th one as your expiremental/mule toon.
6. Having to be online to sell anything. I mean SOE says they don't like to encourage AFK play yet I don't know a single person that will sit at their computer and sell things. Why have all these AFK players clogging the servers?
7. Freeport. I know that's kind of broad, but I don't like the way the city is set up (especially North Freeport), or the area around Freeport. I like Qeynos a lot better.
8. Fish chasing me across land. How stupid is that?
These are my biggest pet peeves so far. Anyone else got any?
I have to agree about the aggro mobs. I had a hound chase me for nearly 5 minutes. And of course in my frenzied state of running I managed to pick up a few more aggros along the way. Needless to say it didn't end well.
I have to agree with you about the inventory space. I think however that one of the exploring quests reward is a 10 slot backpack. But I understand your dislike of the amount of space you are given. Even the bank does not hold much.
I have 3. The first one is, of course the lack of room in your inventory and bank. Second is the fact that mobs chase you around for like 5 minutes before they finely stop and third, guards do aboslutly nothing to help you.. unless of course you die
I agree with 2, but then you have people complaining right on this board that they can't even FIND quests easily enough, so what do you expect. Stay tuned as MMORPGs are dumbed down more and more to the lowest common denominator. What we need with a lot of the current crop of players is a big flashing "Quest" sign over the NPC's head with an arrow pointing down.
As to 3, amen, but then courtesy seems to be regarded as stupidity by a lot of players.
On 4, it was a struggle until I made myself 6 slot backpacks for all inventory and bank slots. Now it's manageable. Since that's low level skills, anyone can do it, and it just skills you up as you go, so it's a dual benefit. For my real packrat friends, they just make a mule toon. But then, we'll all have all 10-slot packs soon enough, so the problem should be minimal.
On 1 , well, it really isn't that difficult to avoid aggro unless you're in a dicey spot and if you are in a dicey spot then you recognize and accept the risk ... heck, the mobs ARE marked as aggro or not. I don't find it that difficult to lose aggro using creative sprinting and the yell for help button. Of course, it sometimes seems like a problem because the yell button won't work unless you've engaged, so the best idea when you aggro something is often to stop, engage, then run. Overall, doesn't bother me ... just part of the game, and it was much worse in EQ1. Just makes it fun IMO. And why wouldn't nasty mobs chase you a long way if you got too close?
Yeah, I hate to bash WoW openly like this, but I think one of the reasons it's so popular is because it is dumbed down. They've made it very simple and an easy journey. First you go here, then there, then over there. I feel the same way about City of Heroes (although CoH is a much worse game).
About the aggro: If it were a kobald I might see it, but a normal bear? They will hardly attack let alone chase into a settlement then into a building. Regular animals shouldn't follow you that long. Heck the people don't follow you that long. Another downside is the Dev's like to put resource spawns and agrro spawns on the same spot. I've learned exactly how far I can be from a resource and still harvest. I haven't quite gotten the aggro range down yet .
I think that resource nodes should be locked just like combat. Damn these people who think they can just run up and take from your hardfound pile of what have you. So I agree with that, and I feel that it is something that should be changed.
People who don't wanna look are either lazy or loot whores, so they just want the end result, not the effort it takes to get there. They see someone who has something they want, ask how they got it, start the quest and get guided hand by hand to every step. I don't really care about that though, that is something that cannot be changed and these people are only ruining the game for themselves I feel. What does bother me though is that I am apparently the only person who seems to have gotten a paper map along with my game discs...because there are a whole lot of people running around asking questions that can easily be answered by taking 10 seconds and looking at that map.
I like that the mobs aggro on you forever. It makes you commit to the battle and ups the difficulty. If they turn away after running for 10 seconds then you have no fear of what you are about to fight because you can just turn tail and run and then try and different approach with basically no type of penalty at all.
I craft and have not had a prblem wth lack of inventory space so I have no comment on that one.
# of deleted posts thus far: 1
First, just a tip. You don't have to just open all bags. Type /togglebags to open all at once, or go to options and set it to a key.
As far as things that bug me. I agree about the mobs chasing you across the land, and the fact that I have Spirit of the Wolf and sprint and they still hit me. The fact that mobs can attack you through walls/floors. Example, I was in Tower of Zavronn and I was on 5th floor, something on first floor was aggroing me and killed me.
You can't mount a griff because something is attacking you.
Fish and sharks and other sea creatures chase you onto land.
I'm a shammy, my fear speel is supposed to take aggro off of me, it does temporarily, I run for about 5 secs and then mobs get super speed and catch up to me.
Searching for an NPC for hours to no avail
Massive timer pops for named NPCs for quest.
Collection quests. Ohh I hate those things.
Death by crafting.
33.333333333333336% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
Killer 100%
Achiever 53%
Explorer 33%
Socializer 13%
Ahh that's the command. I remember seeing that there was one, but coulldn't remember what it was thanks.
Personally I like looking for things. I love the exploring part of this game. Unfortuately it does take me days to find anything because I'm like Ellen DeGeneres' character in Finding Nemo: "Must find Dwarf, must find...Oh look something shiney."
I like the locking resource idea, wish the Dev's thought of it.
I highly recommend being a scout as a first character they get tracking making finding things an absolute doddle! To open all bags its Alt+I as default.
I like challenges one thing that EQ2 appeals to me. Getting nice stuff should take a long time and be difficult whether you've played it for a long time or just starting. My REAL peeve is not the mean amount of inventory space, doing some quests will get a 10 and 8 slot backpack and you can make storage boxes for your bank, BUT the fact that with one CD-key the maximum number of characters is 4! Ever. That's it. If it was 8, that would be better since you try one of each class for each side, but 4 is very mean.
Node locking nah, its not YOUR node, they already extremely dumbed down harvesting for you whiners just looking to exploit broker/wholesaler, so someone comes and beats on rock you get 2 swings they get 1, cry a freaking rivier (i got all my skills to 40 in freeport newb zones in two days, so dont tell me that it is hard to get it done) but u say they locked encounters with mobs so they are mine why not nodes....think again the only reason combat encounters are locked is so SOE can maintain PVE balance, so that mobs that intended to be hard, remain hard, ie so u cant just zerg the raid mob
Mobs chasing you (to OP) you never played FFXI when the mob follows u until A you die B it dies C you zone, be thankful that thier tenacity is no where near FFXI level
Originally posted by protoroc
Node locking nah, its not YOUR node, they already extremely dumbed down harvesting for you whiners just looking to exploit broker/wholesaler, so someone comes and beats on rock you get 2 swings they get 1, cry a freaking rivier (i got all my skills to 40 in freeport newb zones in two days, so dont tell me that it is hard to get it done)
First, no one said it was hard we just said it's a pain, big difference. Writing the preamble to the Constitution 2000 times isn't hard, but it's not going to be a lot of fun either. Second, it's not about ownership it's about common courtesy, a lot of people don't have it (obviously) so in my opinion it should be enforced. Third, no one is crying, we're just saying what we don't like and ways we feel it can be improved. How has it been "dumbed down" to "exploit"?
but u say they locked encounters with mobs so they are mine why not nodes....think again the only reason combat encounters are locked is so SOE can maintain PVE balance, so that mobs that intended to be hard, remain hard, ie so u cant just zerg the raid mob
Actually locking mobs was also intended to prevent kill stealing
Mobs chasing you (to OP) you never played FFXI when the mob follows u until A you die B it dies C you zone, be thankful that thier tenacity is no where near FFXI level
Just because another game is more jacked up, doesn't make it any less of a problem. I mean Dhamer was a little sicker than the Boston Strangler, doesn't mean I'm invting either one to dinner.
Someone said opening backpacks. You can set that to a hotkey. Makes life a lot easier.
DEATH BY CRAFTING... lol yes I found that to be pretty dumb...
*tinkering away... then the hotkey comes up*
*sifts through crafting keys quickly* Nope.... don't have that one... well maybe it's like making an iron bar and I need to hit my alchemy keys.... *press press press press press press* Nope... well it shouldn't be too bad of a hi.... *CRUNCH* Ow my kidneys! I mean I have a hard time imagining an armorsmith CRITTING is hand with his hammer and flatlining. True it's not that hard to play "Simon" with the crafting buttons though more time consuming than it should be, but for those who have died because their keys aren't matching up because the crafting system is still screwey know what I'm talkin about.
Now the MOB chasing thing... 2 things that really annoyed me.... #1. They ignore terrain. Don't tell me that "they can't program that in" because they darn well did in CoH. #2. Good luck running, they have it so once you're engaged you run at a penguins pace trying to get away until the mob decides it's had enough... which could be in my experience 1/2 way across antonica, and you may as well grab your ankles if you had highwaymen on you. They chased me for 5 minutes till I got the bright idea to take a griff to saftey, and discovered that "I couldn't" while they took turns defiling my corpse.
Harvesting nodes... in my most honest opinion, I would have thought that they would have made nodes exactly like mobs in the game. Why haven't they? *shrugs* L A Z Y I think. Nothing was worse than running around newbie zones trying to get your *insert harvesting skill here* past 40 so you can gather crap in antonica *yes I know they lowered it to 20, but seeing how they did that AFTER I spent days having my nodes KS'd it's too little too late*. Yes it show's the "dedication" blah blah blah... but again, they did it to MOB's, they could easily do it to nodes.... maybe they'll make you pay for that too lmao.
Broker/selling... before I let my account expire, my character was a little over 12 days old. I'd say 15% of that was leveling, 30% was crafting. The rest was setting up my character to sell then running errands, sleeping, whatever... and hoping that the server didn't go down or I got kicked from the game while doing stuff. They could "lessen" the pain by making an AH like in FF:XI... the pretty much have similar "chaining" systems, I don't see why they can't have similar selling systems.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
Well, I assume you're using sprint when running. Then you use the yell button and click attack off and you will no longer be running at snail's pace
I'll let someone else take the other points lol.
*blinks* Thanks for the master of the obvious tips, but I really didn't need them. I was just going along with the post topic, but I appreciate the help!
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
Updated the list with a couple of things.
Most of your complaints you are going to find in all mmorpgs, so deal with it. None of the ones you posted are really that bad that will actually affect gameplay that much.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
Oh of course, the game is playable... and maybe I'm just burned out on MMORPG's in general I'm not too sure. But I guess I was expecting "more" since Sony had enough MMORPG time under it's belt...
Visually it was great, and for a game that was just released it wasn't "bad".... but since the post was about annoying things about EQ2 I don't really see why one can't "complain" about aspects of a game one doesn't like, especially if there's valid reason to be upset with certain aspects of the game.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
Joanaho Bagussatu
Gnomish Tinkerer-Explorer Extraordinaire
Joanaho Bagussatu
Gnomish Tinkerer-Explorer Extraordinaire
Solitus Omni Fixer
Things that make me Say @#$%!
WoW Rocks
WoW - Kel'Thuzad - Human Warlock - Pamargen
There are 10 types of People in the World those that UnderStand Binary and those that Dont.
Black holes are where god Divided by Zero
WoW - Kel'Thuzad - Human Warlock - Pamargen
There are 10 types of People in the World those that UnderStand Binary and those that Dont.
Black holes are where god Divided by Zero
Where's that auto-lock feature when someone starts promoting a MMORPG in the wrong forum?