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Virtual PC 2007

RaizeenRaizeen Member Posts: 622

Not sure if this is the right place but has anyone used this before? if so is it hard to install and i read up on it and its not supported by vista premium but they say it will install anyways and that messages comes up saying its not supported but still works blah blah so on do these come up alot? is there anything special you have to do to install it then? i want to be able to play some realy old star wars games but not sure if it would help a x64 system but some say it does so i wanna give it a try would be nice to be able to run things in 98 and xp mode


  • BukoBuko Member Posts: 61

    Personally I love it, and it works fine running on Vista 32/64. So no, nothing special you have to do.

  • RaizeenRaizeen Member Posts: 622

    will any version of 98/ME  or xp work on it? does it matter what sp it has or anything?

  • BukoBuko Member Posts: 61

    The OS's SP's wont matter any, and any Windows based OS should be installable. It's basically just a virtual HDD, so the normal stuff applies.

  • RaizeenRaizeen Member Posts: 622

    last question i wont have to install anything like directx on the virtual hd? trying to get win 98 and xp on there and also it doesent matter if its x32 or x64 i guess? what about the keys do you need a new xp key just for the virtual hd then? since the other comp has xp on it

  • BukoBuko Member Posts: 61

    Yes you will need to use a CD key. Pretty sure the same goes for DirectX, haven't tried it though. It's just like a fresh OS install, except you dont have to install drivers because it runs on it's own virtual hardware.

  • RaizeenRaizeen Member Posts: 622

    installed XP on it but no drivers work on it network wont show up or even playing up music or videos

  • BukoBuko Member Posts: 61

    You have to set it up to bridge the network connection from your normal PC, to the virtual one. When you first start it up, you should get a little pop-up called "Virtual PC Console", where you can select which virtual OS you want to start. If you right click on that, there'll be a settings option. That's where you can configure the network, sound card and such. Again, you shouldn't have to install any drivers, becuse it uses it's own virtual hardware. Don't know about the video portion though. Have codec's installed?

  • RaizeenRaizeen Member Posts: 622

    nwm i deleted the xp and installed a win 98 and now everythings work on it xD sound and internet time to play some old games i just hope hamachi will work on the virtual drive and even on win 98

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