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Do Inquisitors in any way resemble the zealot religious fanatics from Warhammer (witch hunters) and Warhammer 40,000 (Inquisitors)?
Also, have they made the betrayel quest any easier? It took me three days to complete the first time I tried it. I want to play an ogre or troll, most likely.
Edit: If I chose to play the trial and upgrade next month rather than wait till next month to reactivate the account, how much would I be spending on expansions and the game (and I probably won't be doing this)?
Don't know about the lore question but if you go ahead and buy the latest game you get all the expansions included for whatever the price is.
Also the betrayal quests are easy i think you can start betrayal at lvl 10 the only problem is betryayal is long and repetitve. Chances are you'll be doing the same quest for about 1-3 days to betray all the way.