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Paragon Studios is looking to reward their loyal customers. Subscribers who keep their accounts active from August 15th, 2009 through November 15th, 2009, will be rewarded with access to the closed beta program for the upcoming City of Heroes/Villains expansion, Going Rogue.
In addition, players will also receive a badge for their loyalty. Heroes will receive the "Vigilant" badge, while villains will receive the "Determined" badge.
There is a bit of a catch to the loyalty program though, as the beta access will be distributed through a three-tier system. Details below:
* Going Rogue Closed Beta Access will be granted using a three-tier system:
o Tier One: City of Heroes Veterans with 60+ months of paid time.
o Tier Two: Loyalty Program players
o Tier Three: Players who Pre-Order Going Rogue (Preorder details to be announced at a later date)
For additional details on the loyalty program, check out the official Loyalty Program site here.
Or... you can just wait until they announce the forth option..
Any account that has purchased all the extra Micrtotransactions, will get Closed Beta invites as well! All for the low price of $10 extra per package! And you earn a badge!
Gullible for Heroes
Taken for villains!
So, buy those costume packs! There are 5 avail "packages" of content for you to purchase on top of the $15 sub you're already paying! Only $50 dollars of extra money!
jadded much?
To some people, everything should be free, I guess. Never mind that that $15/mo pays for regular, pretty cool upgrades of the game, which introduce new, long-sought-after features. And mind you, you don't pay a penny for those updates themselves, like you do with other games *cough*WoW*cough*. The extras, well, they're for people who want all the goodies there are to get, and who think that putting some cash into a company that's proven its track record with making a cool game and then supporting and evolving it through five+ years is a good idea. So people like me.
I'll be getting GR, just like I'll likely also get Champions Online.
yeah i guess
8 character slots per server
12 server
10 classes
a gazilion powers
3 personally created missions
Vetran reward acess
Time travel powers
Task Forces
Raid content
Solo Missions
Oh yeah
And unprecident character customzation isn't enough for his 15 bucks a month.
What would that cost you in WoW i wonder?
I hope you enjoy all that you'll be able to get EVERYTHING on CO's item mall for a one-time $50 payment. But if there are XP multipliers and attribute enchancers via their item mall, that'll take the monthly fee way above $14,90 (as it's not one-time payments) and over time the game will be way way more expensive than CoX. So you'd need to pay $100 to "fully enjoy" CO and get some $20 monthly fees on more if you want to access everything on the game.
Especially because CoX account setting up costs $19,90 (actually just a $5 cost, because you get a month included with it).
Especially because CoX account setting up costs $19,90 (actually just a $5 cost, because you get a month included with it).
OR you can go on ebay and get an old CoH or CoV game for 3 bucks and make a new account and get the month of gametime XD
I would wait on CO, I can't say why as the last time I did the mods smacked me and deleted the post.
Just take this as the random advice that it is. Wait a month or two.
I just think it's horrible to vets who weren't there since day one... you either have to be there since the very beginning... or for 3 months. Why no tier for every 12 months? You miss a couple of months because money was tight and WHOOPS, you're not good enough to be in the first set even though you have 59 months of paid time.
Way to go
Well that is 60 months from when they start the Close Beta. Which is not today. SOOOOO it is possible that those people who didn't play from Day One, but did start back in 2004 will still get in by hitting their 60 month mark by then. Course I'm a 60 month vet so I may be a bit biased.
As far as the costume packs for sale, I don't see what's the big deal. Every game nickle and dimes you with extras, like paid name change and server transfer, NCSoft just added some unique costume sets is all.
considering im a 63 month vet right now chances are if you 59 now youll be 60 by GR