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I know this is a forum and people full have the right to post, but has anyone else noticed a clear pattern to posts regarding games?
In the few months or weeks just before release ALL of the whiners and fanbois come crawling out from everywhere. I think it's fair to say most people recognize that. However, does anyone else realize that the posts are generally all exactly the same?
I mean you could literally apply generic vairables to the arguments people use and you wouldn't tell the difference. It's always the same type of people too. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying these people shouldn't have the right to post or whatever, but I'm just plain sick and tired of seeing the same exact threads for every game. Same music, different lyrics basically.
Dunno about you guys, but I'm just really sick of it.
PS: Try to come up with more variable thread titles you've seen, just for funsies.
that's t'interweb for ya. this is about the only huge site where i bother to read the forums (and *shock* contribute). i have always thought it has something to do with a certain critical mass of users where there are many more people with an opinion than an informed opinion (so arguments are generic and cut'n'paste).
i prefer news only sites or very small communities. fortunately some of the posts on this site are very informed / interesting so its kept me coming back to read what they say.
[x] game is going to [rock/suck] because it [does/does not] have [feature].
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
That is more or less the same conclusion I came to. We see this homogenization of whining/support mainly because of a lack of either critical thought, factual knowledge, or a combination of the two.
Add in a huge dash of stereotyping and misinformation and you get what we see. Every single freaking game release too.
You are all just [y] haters.
HAHA! YES! I see that one all the time.
that and:
Your all just [x] fanbois.
Important to note the incorrect 'your'. If they actually use the correct contraction then there's usually a chance they have something intelligent to say.