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To win, all you have to do is come up with a cool character concept for your character. I'll PM the key to whoever comes up with the most interesting/coolest character. if it helps, I prefer Marvel over DC.
How about a giant crystalline alien who crash landed his ship on Earth during a scientific expedition? He's got a bluish tint to him and is extremely heavy and dense. He looks a little like Iceman paired with the hulk. His powers are super strength. On his home planet he is a normal citizen, a scientist. It is an intense, high gravity world. Because of this, on Earth he is able to lift many tons. His body makes him highly damage resistant. He is an intelligent intellectual who is viewed as being a big brute on the outside. The press calls him THE BLUE WHALE.
Not too original, I know, but I tried. Haha. I hope someone worthy gets the key if I don't. I joined the Champions site in the summer of last year and applied for beta as soon as it became possible. I never heard anything.
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What if i AM a super hero? What if i use my super persuasion power in sending me the key? Would that make me selfish? Yes, but at least i'll be playing Champions and having a blast, while the others will try to fry their brain with "original" ideas while all they do is combine already imagined powers by others.
Gimme the beta key.
How about a Super Mod? Able to delete posts with a single key stroke, faster than an AOC thread is closed, more powerful than a troll on the WOW forums. Just a thought.
Heh, feels...odd... having my first post on here being in an attempt to get a beta key, heh. That alone may just kill my chances. If it helps any, I have been a member of this site itself for awhile and just never got around to posting, plus I've followed Champ-O since it was announced. On to the concept:
Her name is Elizabeth Moore. She's better known under her...unique... super hero handle of Suggestive Imagery. Why Suggestive Imagery? A masterful manipulator of the art of illusions, mind control... your own personal fantasy could be a weapon against you. From crippling you within your own thoughts to giving you the boost you need to unlock potential you didn't even know you had, she's definitely one you want to have fighting along side you.
You know how some people have parents that warn them about what can happen at crazy parties and such? Like how if you go away and leave your drink there, when you come back, you probably shouldn't try and finish off that drink? Yeah, Elizabeth didn't listen. Unfortunately that was the last time she'd be partying at some random person's least for awhile. Whatever she got slipped, she was out...for awhile. By the time she had awaken she was in...well what looked like a stereotypical villain-y lab. A few cryotubes a bunch of sharp objects, really dim lighting that just seems really hard to work with and a bunch of operating tables.
She wasn't the only one who was taken. Multiple tests, shots, strange green fluids, more tests. She had been down there for at least a couple of weeks before...progress... began to show. The others weren't so fortunate. Most didn't survive the tests or were killed because they were no longer of use.
Alot of useless banter aside... she eventually becomes exactly what they were trying to achieve. Of course, this is more powerful than they could possibly imagine and she escapes... or so she thought she escaped.
Evil rich people always have some kind of insurance policy. (This is where the Nemisis system comes in) She isn't the first of the ...weapons... that they've built. Some of these were designed to catch runners. She's constantly hunted and has to be on her toes all the time. She doesn't get much sleep and can be a bit ...cranky... at times because of it.
She's also a bit demented for a hero, mainly because she doesn't really do what she does for great least not all the time. She just kind of does it. As such, sometimes she goes overboard. A few criminals that should have just ended up in prison have ended up in the psych ward.
A nineteen year old partier turned into super-for-hire, Liz is ...*epic sounds and lights*... Suggestive Imagery!
((That was a serious concept with a teeny weeny bit of humor thrown on top. Please don't discredit it thinking it's a joke.))
i like this 1
Heinrich Ledergerber is a retired clockwork master from Switzerland. He spent his life making many toys for children powered solely by clockwork energy. He was living happily the life of an Old man until one Christmas, his grand-daughter opened some kind of flashy Japanese toys and that she never wanted to let it go for even a second. His ex-millitary experience (he was one of the main engineer in charge of operating the defence for maintining Switzerland a neutral state during WW2) made him detect the subtle mind control power that was present in the toy. Seeing that the corruption of the world has even reached noble profession like toy-making, he could no longer stand idle.
He went to his workshop and compacted it completely in his big brown backpack, equipped his sight enhancing jeweler lens and restored to use his perpetual motion flying gear, that will serve him as his vehicle. Still rusty for all those years without fighting, he headed for Millenium City to join Champions to act with best of the profession. He has a long time without a fight, but with his seemingly unlimited arsenal of gadget at hand and one ready for every situation, he is ready to face anything and his name his now: The Swiss Knife.
Ok. I am working on a comic book called Paladin. It is about this very religious lawyer named Eric Kale that gets killed by a mysterious gang in his hometown. He wakes up in the middle of nothing. Just white light when God talks to him and tells him that he has a job for him. Eric agrees to take the job and gets revived as the Paladin, a holy warrior meant to destroy all evil. He has regeneration (like wolverine), he can heal people, he can project holy blasts, and he has an awesome sword. Plus, he has wings. Yes, he can fly. In the world of my comic book, there has always been a paladin. After one dies, another one is born. And they all have the same sword. Fun Fact: King Arthur was a paladin, so yes, Paladin wields Excalibur.
If this offends your religious views, in this comic book, God has many names such as Buddha, Ala, and all those gods. So theyre all the same person just different views of him. I'm not saying its like that in the real world because I obviously dont know. I"m just saying.
In Champions Online, my character will be Eric Kale's grandson. It turns out Eric's emo son, Ken became evil and killed his own son for not obeying him. His son (Ben), later was reborn as the new Paladin. He looks a lot like Eric Kale's version of the Paladin but with a little bit more of a futuristic look.
Here is a picture of the Original Paladin (Eric Kale). I made it on hero machine v 2.5:
Oh! And by the way, if it changes anything, I am 14 and I dont have a job. I am looking for one though. I really want to play Champions Online but I just dont have the money to pay for the monthly fee. My parents would not spend 10-15 dollars for me to play it, so I'm not sure how I'll be able to play it if I'm able to play it at all. Thank you for taking the time to read this and even if you dont pick me, I really appreciate what you're doing here.
Ok I come up with villans better then Heros, so here is a simple yet funny Hero....
Capitan FRANCE!!!
7ft Tall
3 times the size of a line backer
Powers -
Super Strength, Super Speed, Regeneration, and Virtually indestructable
White and Blue
He fights for the good of everyone and always has a smile on his face, he is a bit slow in the head but always means well.
Does Captain France speak english ?
Does Captain France speak english ?
Sorry I forgot that part, Yes he does speak a very broken english with a Heavy Heavy French accent. Oh and one more thing, he is from Canada, Quebec specifically.
my hero is simple to explain :P
he born and boooooommmmm hes a hero now :P
Ok. Theres nothing to lose. Tell us about him. sounds like hes a mutant. What else? Does he have any powers? How did he actually become a hero? Did he want to be when he was little, or what? I really shouldnt be helping you right now, but...I dont know. I'm just bored.
Oh! And when is this contest over? today?
Ok. Theres nothing to lose. Tell us about him. sounds like hes a mutant. What else? Does he have any powers? How did he actually become a hero? Did he want to be when he was little, or what? I really shouldnt be helping you right now, but...I dont know. I'm just bored.
Oh! And when is this contest over? today?
oh boy..its a mistery :P
do u think ill reveal his identity ?
Ok. Theres nothing to lose. Tell us about him. sounds like hes a mutant. What else? Does he have any powers? How did he actually become a hero? Did he want to be when he was little, or what? I really shouldnt be helping you right now, but...I dont know. I'm just bored.
Oh! And when is this contest over? today?
oh boy..its a mistery :P
do u think ill reveal his identity ?
I didnt write that! So...are you going to tell us his powers? what he looks like?
Ok. Theres nothing to lose. Tell us about him. sounds like hes a mutant. What else? Does he have any powers? How did he actually become a hero? Did he want to be when he was little, or what? I really shouldnt be helping you right now, but...I dont know. I'm just bored.
Oh! And when is this contest over? today?
oh boy..its a mistery :P
do u think ill reveal his identity ?
I didnt write that! So...are you going to tell us his powers? what he looks like?
dude...hes so fast! all u can see is a green thing like a twister! and dust, of course :P
Oh. Ok. You say that like I should know that already.
But you never told me anything so there!
My super hero will be called "Fartastico" he will wear a green an white suite He'll be able to summon the elements such as creating Gale Force Winds, he can ignite his gas explosins and hurl them as large fire balls. He has a shield that can stop most attackers, this shield glows a faint green around the body and is made up of methane gas. His Gas production allows him to be lighter than air and can fly at super sonic speed.'re crazy