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You know its pretty sad when a great company's community posters are horribly inconsistant!! You boot the game up and it says all servers are down. You boot the game up later and it says we're aware of login issues. You go to the website to the forum boards and a Blizzard person says All Servers up. You check Realm Status and it either says their all up or half are down.
Then you try to login to post on the website and it says the one thing..that explains it all. THE LOGIN SERVER IS DOWN!!!
Normally i'd be like Ok its just a new game a few kinks are gonna happen. But see I already went through the 3 days of being gameless with EQ2. But they never once were inconsistant with themselves other than one bad post from Smed which was corrected later.
Im not gonna go comparing games, but they are games. but I will compare customer service. And Blizzard's is the worse!! They need to be atleast semi consistant!! You can't tell everyone ALL servers are up if the one MOST important Server of ALL IS NOT. I mean if all servers are up and the Login Server is down then...isn't that a a Down Server!!
*rant rant* I Mean...I can understand downtimes are gonna happen but its frustrating when they tell you its all good and its NOT
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
<"Oh lets call him George W."
-Hilary Clinton
<"Oh lets call him George W."
-Hilary Clinton
Well I wouldn't go as far as calling them dumbasses. The problem is they can't treat a MMO like they would a regular game which until now was all they had made. Regular PC Games, which of course were awsome. Customer service wise on the website they treat it like any other game which leaves them open for alot of ass kickings by crazed addicts.
Well Im not leaving EQ2 and I'm not leaving WoW yet but this seriously destroys what building confidence I had started to build up. I'd say they just need to redo the log in servers and give us a new patcher instead of bit torrent. But..creating a better login system could be even more disasterious!!
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Yea, why would Blizz try to make a new login server, when they can't even get the one they are using now to work ?!?!?
Chief Red Cloud
Chief Red Cloud
I agree with last post and enough said...
lol, i really hate this attitude, they just tell you to suck it up and go on, not caring whether it gets fixed or not. If a game if out for a month, and still is having major problems, then you know that the company doesn't really care; as others in this topic are saying, they don't even update you on what is occuring, and if they do, its inaccurate.
<edit> its a fun game of course, but i don't think its fun enough for me to have to take it all; i'll probly pick it up again in a few months when everything calms down some
-EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server <retired>
-Eq2 character: Grotub, mystic of the Crushbone server
-Eq2 guild:; on Crushbone
A lot of people complain about petty shit when it comes to games...ou play for 17 and a half hours straight and when it comes down for three hours you get all pissy. Really, what's the problem? All the times I have been on the game, excluding one, the servers were always up and healthy or they came down with a warning. And that warning usually comes around 90%ish of the time. In my opinion, that's very good. Theer is hardly any unexplained downtime and it usually always anticipated.
The instance you are talking about with the server down time and the Realm Status Page and all of that, a Blizzard rep went and posted everything on the forum before it happened. One rep said "Logon in servers are going down at 6:15 AM PST and will be back atleast half an hour later." And another told you the servers were going down for the new weekly maintenance and he said that the Realm Status page was going to be wrong for those 4 hours the servers were down.
Maybe you should take the time and energy you spend bitching about little things for not being able to play a game for three days and focus on finding out why you can't play. Because like I said, Blizzard tells you exactly why you aren't playing most of the time that you're not playing.
I find it funny how, before release, everyone was saying that WoW's release would be the best release ever, and it would destroy any other attempt, and you constantly said that other games would be full of bugs and problems (like what WoW is having now ), and now that WoW is out and its release is horrible; your all saying to shut up and go on with it. Well, its a month after release and a day, and its still not fixed. I don't see you saying the release rocks now.
just my 2 cents...not that 2 cents can buy anything anymore
-EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server <retired>
-Eq2 character: Grotub, mystic of the Crushbone server
-Eq2 guild:; on Crushbone
-WoW character: Grotub, warlock of the Burning Blade server <retired>
Agree 100%. I seriously think most people must pick the absolute worst time to log on...that's my only guess. EVERY, and I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME EXCEPT ONCE, that I wanted to play, I've been able to log on successfully. If something's down, it'll come back up. Yes the bugs are still might take a little longer for a company not as experienced with MMOs to come through but rest assure, Blizzard'll figure it out.
GL & HF all.
Yea you're right. We all sit around until the servers go down, then we decide to play, and realize we can't log on for the next 7 hours.
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
Hey bobjones... Blizzard isn't forcing you to pay for the game. Besides, the game isn't down as often as all you morons hype it up to be. If you consider this game to be "having major problems" then you are probably overlooking the fact that 23 hours a day you are able to play the game.
And I have a serious question about this then you know that the company doesn't really care, how do you know that Blizzard isn't working its ass off to fix all the bugs it can as soon as it can? Do you know how complicating fixing a bug in the system is? Lets put it this way... you try and fix a virus without using anti-virus programs. Sure, its possible, I've done it before, but it's a bitch and it takes a long time to diagnose... exactly what Bliz is going through.
So in conclusion, stop crying 24/7 saying "Blizzard sucks get it together" "WAH WAH WAH WAH" "I want my mommy" stupid babies... the game is fun, and it doesn't have many bugs, and its not down that often.
Had to edit the post because I just saw this When you cant log in for 3 days, or even log in to the website to make a post, thats some seriously crappy service. Lol you should change your name to "Dumbass the Exagerator" that way people will know everything you say is overexagerated bullshit. Just so you know there are 24 hours in one day... just making sure you know, because it sounds like you didn't.
Chief Red Cloud
Chief Red Cloud
how many months of beta?.....hmm......i can't remeber, like 4, 5, something (really uncertain), then a stress test tossed in there, then open beta, then yet ANOTHER stress test, then the game releases, and after 1 month of release, and after all those tests, they still have MAJOR bugs, glitchs, ect. Thats when you know a company is ****, or just doesn't care.
and by the way, i quit the game because i just won't take it and have to pay $15.00 a month to have a bug fest, i can go into the jungle and get eaten alive by insects and still have less bugs then WoW, and the jungle is free!
<edit> it would be a fun game.......if there was less bugs, i may come back to it in a few months, mabye a year, then hope that the game has fixed itself, and try it again
-EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server <retired>
-Eq2 character: Grotub, mystic of the Crushbone server
-Eq2 guild:; on Crushbone
-WoW character: Grotub, warlock of the Burning Blade server <retired>
Also I'd like to call to everyone's attention, mainly the cry babies, that in the first month the game was out a guy got 3 weeks play time and level 60... By your estimates this is impossible though, because "the servers are constantly down." By your whining I would assume that the servers were down more often than they were up, and this is clearly not the case.
And I guess patching the game is clear bullshit... because it takes away from your "precious gametime." On that topic though the downloader suxors... oh well i dled from fileplanet so it would go quicker. I probably should have just bitched about it to Blizzard though, because thats much more effective than finding an alternative method to solving my problems...
Chief Red Cloud
Chief Red Cloud
they still have MAJOR bugs, glitchs, ect
I really truly enjoy your vague reference to "MAJOR bugs, glitches, ect". The login server was down a couple times, who cares, the servers never had this many people logging in during the betas. I have never seen a bug/glitch except that animals can walk straight up walls; however, this is funny not something that I should bitch about. But you do put up a good point, HOW DARE Blizzard take away time from your playing to update their game... they should NEVER update EVER because it takes away your precious time. Besides, I never saw anyone mention that for every day the server is down/messed up Blizzard gives you extra days free... of course that doesn't matter though for reasons unknown to any sentient being.
Chief Red Cloud
Chief Red Cloud
-EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server <retired>
-Eq2 character: Grotub, mystic of the Crushbone server
-Eq2 guild:; on Crushbone
-WoW character: Grotub, warlock of the Burning Blade server <retired>
when did i say patching was bad? un-schedualed downtime, without even informing the players, and having wrong info on site, is bad.
I agree that they should inform all players on Blizzards main website as to why the game is down, but where are the "major bugs/glitches" that you speak of? The game isn't down often enough for people to complain. If the game was constantly down during peak hours... then sure go ahead. But it happened ONE time.
Again obviously you missed this in my last post so I'll repeat it WHERE ARE THE BUGS/GLITCHES THAT YOU SPEAK OF? Please respond to that question :P.
Chief Red Cloud
Chief Red Cloud
-EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server <retired>
-Eq2 character: Grotub, mystic of the Crushbone server
-Eq2 guild:; on Crushbone
-WoW character: Grotub, warlock of the Burning Blade server <retired>
i'm not going to pay $15.00 a month for something when due to problems i can only play it for about 15 days out of the month, and in those 15 days there is so much server lag, and amazingly rude community, my money can be better spent on other games , but these games are completly personal preferance, so play WoW if you like, keep on posting if you like, but honeslty, just honestly, i'm not really paying attention, and honeslty don't care about either of them, because, for me, its Christmas Eve, and i have better ways to spend my time
-EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server <retired>
-Eq2 character: Grotub, mystic of the Crushbone server
-Eq2 guild:; on Crushbone
-WoW character: Grotub, warlock of the Burning Blade server <retired>
i was more meaning to refer to all the downtime and such, i one streak for about 2 weeks, the game kicked me off every 20-40 min., ocassinaly every 10 min., now that went on for 2 FULL WEEKS, that stacked with all the login server troubles, server troubles, ect. I have had my fair share of quests not register, items not doing what they are suppposed to do, falling through platforms, and my fair share of other stuff, and if that happens all to me, imagine what happens to everyone in a whole
Not trying to call you a liar or anything, but I'm level 30 and I have never experienced any of these problems... If the game kicked you off every 20-40 minutes you should probly check your internet connection, because I've played some pretty long runs (3 hours) without any problems, and my friends have played 7 hour stretches (a conservative enstimate) with no problems at all... As for "login server troubles" again that is a limited problem, in my experience it has only happened once or twice. As for quests being messed up, I have no clue... between myself and my friends we've probably done over rwo hundred quests and have never had a problem with quests registering or with not recieving quest items. I have a question for you, what level were you and what allegiance?
i'm not going to pay $15.00 a month for something when due to problems i can only play it for about 15 days out of the month, and in those 15 days there is so much server lag, and amazingly rude community, my money can be better spent on other games , but these games are completly personal preferance, so play WoW if you like, keep on posting if you like, but honeslty, just honestly, i'm not really paying attention, and honeslty don't care about either of them, because, for me, its Christmas Eve, and i have better ways to spend my time
Hehe do you consider 15 ping server lag? because personally I dont... and amazingly rude community?? do you want people to bend over for you on command or something? some people are rude but overall people are genarally kind, tell me honestly that you have never had anyone randomly give you an item or cast a spell on you? And have a merry Christmas.
Chief Red Cloud
Chief Red Cloud
The spells they keep casting on me drain my life....I just can't seem to make friends with the majority of the horde..
Red Cloud's right though, when you get a community, you have your people that try to help all the time, and you also have your people that get smart mouthed and aggrivated. I'd have to say that most of the time ppl don't give you true advice and actually get aggrivated is when ppl keep asking where stuff is or where NPCs are when it tells you right in the freaking quest. Nobody takes the time to read and that's what makes the majority of the community "aggrivated" in my opinion.
GL & HF all.
The spells they keep casting on me drain my life....