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Since everybody is complaining about how long this patch is taking (and will take) I have decided to start a new game and will be inforcing it the goal of the game is to finish patching it first so keep telling how far you are in your patch!!!!
meh i got the stopwatch on one of my phones keepin track of the time, ive had a connection issue with the server patch twice now so its had to sorta partially restart lol. oh well. im patient so its fine
Waiting For: FF14,Guild Wars2
RIP: Tabula Rasa&Hellgate:London(online)
Playing:Fallen Earth&Guild Wars& Dragon Age
well my patcher just crashed first time i have ever had a patcher crash well now im restarting so 3900kb for the win
17.1 mb for the last hour.
I've got to say I haven't played the Beta yet and I am really excited to get in there and play, bt I don't hold out hopes today will work.
I wisht hey would just put up the patch version on file planet and let us get the patch that way. That seems like a no-brainer.
this is why companys should simply just offer torrents instead of some shitty patcher
Closing in on 52.2 mb and a total of 1.4% complete!
Mine froze up at 20.8MB
"My Fantasy is having two men at once...
One Cooking and One Cleaning!"
"A good man can make you feel sexy,
strong and able to take on the whole world...
oh sorry...that's does that..."
Or run torrents WITH their patcher. (e.g. WoW). I'm still downloading the client itself, so I'm not expecting to be on until sometime later this week. No big deal since I'm only marginally interested. Best of luck to all.
How dare you present him with logic! Don't you understand? He fights epic fights, in epic games, with epic toons....eats epic food and takes epic dumps! He has more e..pic..icity...ness in his little finger than you have in your whole unepic body! - ChicagoCub
What a fail, great job Cryptic another reason why any other companies besides blizzard should take a trip to Anaheim CA and learn something for god sakes. I cannot believe you release 1.8 gig client to Fileplanet (tricked me into subbing to them so I can try this game thanks for wasting my $20 for a quarterly sub to fileplanet) that needs to then be patched to 3 gigs lol. I firmly believe that MYthic, Cryptic, SOE are all sitting in their offices smoking crack what the hell is wrong with you people? Well back tot WOW again lol what else is new.
Now the patcher says connection server lost FTW!!! This is looking great having bad feelings about the game allready. You only get a chance to make a first impression and so far its not so good.
Restarted patcher (there are some options at the top I thought I'd try to skip the patcher)
However, it looks like they posted a workaround involve deleting your 'pigg' folder. can't cut and paste from the instructions though.
Workaround does not work, sorry but doesnt look like I am going to enjoy this game anyways. OPen beta is "hey look at what we have and try it out report some bugs and buy our game" so far its not looking like I am impressed lol. Urrrrgh looks like I am sticking with the big boys Arenanet and blizz for now on noone else seems to have a clue what they're doing. No excuse to not have planned for your open beta obviously Cryptic did not plan for theirs.
Wow, mine is actually moving pretty fast now about a mb every 5-10 seconds. Up to 200 mbs maybe it will finish sometime this evening.
why dont they just use torrents? do they think the word torrent means piracy or something like most noobs do? with torrents they wouldint have any problems at all
Come on people its the new and its beta just hang in there.
At 413.4MB
It's not new, thats the point its been worked on a few yrs allready now, face it its a bad impression and it allready left a bad taste in my mouth.
hah I got to 412mb and it froze, back to 0...
One more game for blizzard to laugh at while they roll in their money lol. GReat job Cryptic kudos, I dont get to play this game by 8 pm tonight say bye bye and back to blizz games for me. I will take quality over quanitity anyday, better get on the bandwagon and fix your crapfest of a patcher. WAR is better, at least their patcher worked.