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I'm a bit behind the curve on this one, I must admit. But doesn't the government get its money by stealing it from the general population?
So how is stealing money from people to give it to other people to replace cars they have with cars they don't need a worthwhile plan? Maybe if the government didn't steal that money from people in the first place, people would have been able to buy their own cars rather than saddling up to big-brother to buy it for them with stolen money?
I made $8/hr. I know if I wasn't taxed I could afford a car.
No, the government doesn't get its money from stealing from the general population.
Welcome back to the curve midpoint.
Where does the money come from then? Printing dollars dilutes the value and is therefor the same as stealing value from your savings.
Did you know states run businesses just like the federal government does? States have prisons that produce income for other things as well as other revenue generating sources. There are also state lotteries and fines from violators of offenses.
They traded almost all of the federal gold reserve for cash there.
It was obviously a win win situation.
Unfortunately for us, now owns the greater westcoast and has imposed some fairly brutal laws.
They borrowed the money from China.
The government ran out of cash on April 24 of the this yr,thats from all their collection resources.So they have been borrowing money ever since.
Their is no way they will be able to continue with the borrowing,tax revenues are at a all time low and their getting worse.Even if the this so called jobless recovery takes place the revenues will still be far below what the government and states need to maintain all the programs thats sucking the life out of the economy.
Uptown Up in Arms Over "Near Riot-Like" Activity,Chicago nights
Police, Schools, Fire dept will be cut for the government will reduce their spending.this is called the waterfall effect.
Now you know why guns sells are thru the roof.
One can only guess whats going to happen future,but the if Government continues at its current course of spending,well i don't have to tell you where we are headed.The more T bills and bonds they sell more of the value will decrease which means the federal reserve will be force to buy more of the Government debt like they did last week with the 5 yr bonds and T bills.
Note the highlighted CUSIPs: the high-lighted area.
912828KY5 is the 5 Year auctioned off on June 24, $40 billion offered, $11 billion of which was accepted by primary dealers. And poof - now they hold just a little over 50% of this issue,the rest went to the government
912828KV1 is the 5 Year auctioned off on May 27, $25 billion offered, $18.5 billion of which went to primary dealers.
It seems the Fed today is particularly concerned with thee 5 year point T bill.This is vary bad..
In Georgia Federal and state regulators have put as many as one-third of Georgia’s 300 banks under intensified monitoring and recovery plans, mostly strict enforcement orders a step or two short of seizure, according to banking experts. A majority of these 90 to 100 banks, these experts say, are operating under “cease and desist” orders that require them to complete tough turnaround plans within strict deadlines.
On one side we have the collapsing real economy,On the other side we have the exponential expansion of social promises denominated in trillions of dollars, and on the other we have a real economy incapable of delivering such value. One one side we have uncontrollable government and one the other side we have a populace showing up at town hall meetings.
David Cameron: 'British Government could default on its debts' Could is more likely than won't.As unreasonable as that sounds.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
....ding ding...we have a winner.
Ah yes, I saw the news report...
Government gets "Cash for Gold"
Ah yes, I saw the news report...
Government gets "Cash for Gold"
Told you guys.
China, haha.
How would China have american money. Silly people.1
1 is a joke for christ sakes, one correction and I'll netrage at you so fast!
It's a tax break.
There is no tax money for Cash for Clunkers.
The Car dealers receive a tax credit. They are paying less tax.
Less tax is coming in, but no extra tax is going out.
The car dealers are able to sell their cars to you cheaper, because they are not paying so much tax to the government and passing that cost on to the purchaser.
It's a tax break.
There is no tax money for Cash for Clunkers.
The Car dealers receive a tax credit. They are paying less tax.
Less tax is coming in, but no extra tax is going out.
Yep, in the end though that money is going to come from somewhere to fill the vacuum. I have a feeling we'll be paying for it.
That money will be coming from China and Dubai for the forseeable future!
Just as it has been for years. It's a big part of the problem, but you have a left wing government in office so there isn't much chance of it changing. They like to borrow their way out of debt.
Ultimately government must cut it's spending and taxes must rise. The fantasy economy will either end from lack of credit or collapse completely.
In the related videos, more proof of The Onion's uncontainable amounts of win
In the related videos, more proof of The Onion's uncontainable amounts of win
When I saw that, I laughed so hard. My girl looked at me like I was a loon (which really I can be at times).
It was even better than the U.N. being overtaken by a dictator.
That's what I keep trying to pound into peoples head.
Atleast you explain things soooooo SOOOO much better than I could ever try.
People think that the government just makes money at a whim and it's all magical value.
Drives me batshit man.
Didn't the government run out of cash back in 1933?
Anyway, nice to see people who could afford a car without the program get a break on them. I read the most popular vehicle sold is a Ford SUV (I forget the model) and gets, what 19mpg? And all the "clunker" cars, which could be at least donated or something, are to be destroyed, right? gg.
edit: Wrong intel. The Ford Escape is #5. Gets 19 in the city. Some news articles have added up the cost and emissions it took to make the "gas-savers" at the plants, and how many years it will take to have them make up the difference.
So, what can we bail out next? Pizza joints? That sounds good. Let's bail out some pizza joints.
Didn't the government run out of cash back in 1933?
Anyway, nice to see people who could afford a car without the program get a break on them. I read the most popular vehicle sold is a Ford SUV (I forget the model) and gets, what 19mpg? And all the "clunker" cars, which could be at least donated or something, are to be destroyed, right? gg.
Its normal to run a deficit from 2 to 4 percent but when you get to 10 or 12 your slipping into the banana republic status,you can't be a member of the UN if your debt is over 4 %.Inherently you tend to run off investors with debt numbers like that.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Its normal to run a deficit from 2 to 4 percent but when you get to 10 or 12 your slipping into the banana republic status,you can't be a member of the UN if your debt is over 4 %.Inherently you tend to run off investors with debt numbers like that.
You know what that means, don't you? Now's our chance to get out of the useless U.N.!
Its normal to run a deficit from 2 to 4 percent but when you get to 10 or 12 your slipping into the banana republic status,you can't be a member of the UN if your debt is over 4 %.Inherently you tend to run off investors with debt numbers like that.
You know what that means, don't you? Now's our chance to get out of the useless U.N.!,that was a good one Mr Franchise,i going have to agree in fear's of you sending the mob after me..BTW,Your name keeps reminding me of the mob..
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Didn't the government run out of cash back in 1933?
Anyway, nice to see people who could afford a car without the program get a break on them. I read the most popular vehicle sold is a Ford SUV (I forget the model) and gets, what 19mpg? And all the "clunker" cars, which could be at least donated or something, are to be destroyed, right? gg.
edit: Wrong intel. The Ford Escape is #5. Gets 19 in the city. Some news articles have added up the cost and emissions it took to make the "gas-savers" at the plants, and how many years it will take to have them make up the difference.
So, what can we bail out next? Pizza joints? That sounds good. Let's bail out some pizza joints.
I think the first government debt was the Continental congress,when they borrowed money to start a army.
Indeed it would be more environmentally friendly to reduce and reuse old car than put new ones on the road.The production and the life of the new car out weights any benefit gained by low emissions.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.