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Hello, I am currently on the market for a replacement for an old ATI Radeon x1900 video card. I am hoping to get a slightly newer and better performing card, but my motherboard is somewhat limiting, being an ABIT IP35. Are they any good quality cards that are in the same technology range as the x1900 but perform slightly better and are stable? It would be preferably a Nvidia card, I just don't know which type I should go to.
Thank you for your help!
I am assuming that is an AGP board
The best AGP card you can get is ATI AGP3850 and the AGP4670.
O.O an ABIT board. Those have gone out of style. That particular board has a PCI-e x 16 slot.
Absolute best card you can get tha fits in the X1900 power requirements is the ATI HD4850. The reason being the power cords. Everything better that the HD4850 needs 2 PCI-e 6 pin power connectors. The HD4850 requires only 1 like the x1900.
nifty was assuming that board was an AGP
the 4850 is an A+ card, but what is you CPU if you have anything smaller than a 4000x2 series AMD or Core2 then it will be overkill .... unless you plan a cpu upgrade too, but then you might as well get a new mobo.. ram.. etc
isnt upgrading fun?
Going off from what Cleffy said you'll need to check you power supply and find out if it has the PCI-e power connecters they look like this PCI-e. You need 2 whcih if you see one there has to be another.
Now Tibbz brings up a good point that you'll have a bottleneck if you have a slower processor. You'll need to have an evuivelant to a dual core proccessor to show the full potential of a more powerful card. The motherboard isn't all that old, it has a 775 socket in it so thats not to bad. Would make me assume it has dualcore. Problem would be your board doesn't support PCIe 2.0... So your options are limited.
Thanks for the replies, my CPU is an Intel Core Duo E6750 2.66, and it seems to be performing well, so I don't think bottlenecking will be too much of an issue. As for the power cords, how can I find out whether or not my power supply can man up to it?
The X1900 already uses a 6-pin connector. Basing it off that fact, an HD4850 is the highest range card that uses a single 6-pin connector.
But most video cards come with an adapter to hook 2 4-pin molex connectors up to a 6 pin pci-e connector so it should be fine even if the new card takes 2 provided he has enough amps on the 12v rail anyway.
yap yap
4850 is $95 bucks too, very nice price.. it should go well with your Core2 ^^
Thanks everyone, I'm excited to not have weird artifacts on my screen when anything 3d is on!