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This morning I received email from PlayOnline notifying me that they were moving to a 3-D Secure enabled payment method. This is something MasterCard/Visa offers to its customers, allowing them to create a PIN for their online credit transactions. My MasterCard is from Citibank, not exactly a small institution, but it doesn't support the 3-D Secure system. I have no other credit card available.
PlayOnline has given me until Monday, 8/31, to set up my account to use a 3-D Secure card, or they will cancel the account. So I have 3 business days to apply for and receive a new credit card for my account. Clearly, this isn't going to happen.
What are they thinking? Do they really plan to close all the accounts who don't have a 3-D Secure option available? Are they nuts?
Did anyone else get this email? Is anyone else in this situation?
Just another example of the splendid SE accounting service, I guess.
In the beginning, there was nothing, then God said, "Let there be light." And there as light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a lot better.
Oh, man - it just keeps getting better and better.
Now I log into my FFXI account, and am told that the account has been disabled. So the amount of time I get to switch to their wonderful 3-D Secure credit card has gone from 3 days to 0.
This is the kind of customer service that just keeps customers coming back - why, the word of mouth advertising is invaluable!
Suddenly FFXIV seems much less appealing. After all, the same crew will be running the show.
In the beginning, there was nothing, then God said, "Let there be light." And there as light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a lot better.
OK - just finished chatting with the SE chat rep. Basically, they have no interest in me as a subscriber if I don't have a 3-D Secure credit card. I was unable to get my account extended to allow me to play while I applied for a new card. I was told that during whatever number of weeks it took to get a different card, I'd be unable to play.
So that's it for me and FFXI. It's likely over for me and FFXIV as well, since they will doubtless have the same policy in place for that game.
Too bad - I was enjoying the game. But they don't seem to care about that.
In the beginning, there was nothing, then God said, "Let there be light." And there as light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a lot better.
I heard about this but that it wouldn't affect existing customers unless they changed their billing information. Did you change it?
EVE - Sharvala
FFXI - Shazamalicious
Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
"Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"
If this is like what I signed up for back in the day it's not directly through your bank but through Visa or Mastercard...
But, bah, oh well.
I started playing in early July on the 10 day free trial. I converted that to a full account, giving them my credit card info at the time I signed up. No mention was made of this policy when I joined. But I'd been playing on the free 30 days you get when you buy FFXI, so they had never actually charged my card.
So I've been playing the last two months completely unaware that this was happening, until they disabled the account today. Nice.
As for 3-D Secure, it is indeed offered through MasterCard and Visa, but your bank has to buy into it as well (literally, I suspect). In choosing to do this, they've shut out Citibank cards (my credit card) and Bank of America credit cards (where I currently bank, and where I could get a second card easily). They are the 5th largest and the largest banks respectively in the US. But SEI doesn't see a problem with shutting them out.
I really hope this bites them badly. I've been playing two months, advanced 1 job to 34, 5 jobs to 20, and was about to start on the sixth job. Now I can't.
So the policies only affect new accounts, which includes mine, even though I've been playing for two months. So much for new player friendliness. And for me, so much for FFXIV. Pity - it looked pretty good.
In the beginning, there was nothing, then God said, "Let there be light." And there as light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a lot better.
My account is disabled now to, I checked to see if I could get w/e they wanted on my credit card active, but it's not even offered for my card.
So basically even if I wanted to, I can't play FFXI at this point.
Square enix just suddenly went really retarded on all of us.
This is just messed up. I like SE as much as the next guy, but they implemented this way too early. They're going to have to let up on this for a while until that kind of thing is more of the norm. It's not fair at all, and I feel for you guys getting shafted like that.
To be the best, you must help each other become the best.
FFXI Character: Satimasu
FFXI Server: Valefor
FFXIV Character: Tamorae Fonteil
yes this is horrible i am haveing the same problem i spent 9 hours yesterday trying to do something about this and i got no where i use 3 different banks and none of them ever heard of securecode and i called master card and got a list of places in my area that had it but when i called them they said they did not have it eather but it showed that they did on mastercards web site i have every se game that they have out with all the FF games but with all the problems i have had because of the securecode issue and the lack of playonline careing and just plane being out right rude i want nothing to do with se and i will boycotte any new game they come out with till i can get back on FFxi and i say we should keep calling them till we can get back on and have our friends do the same if they can play or not togeather we can win this if we stay the course and when we call playonline we should talk to a manager after a few weeks they should give up i'm up to keeping up the good fight till we win what do you say?
give me FFXI or give me death
This seems all stupid. I'm not sure why they would do this. I heard it's only if you change your information for players already signed up and paying but i can tell you, they cut off my account because of some secured 3-d whatever crap and my card doesn't support it, i'll be looking into legal actions. They implement something that allows us to not play something we put this kind of time and money into and basically say "Fuck you" if we try to fix the problem. I can understand they want people to play XIV but they're getting rid of customers too soon before even the last expansion is coming out. At least implement this just a couple of months before XIV. This is stuipd and i can guarantee that if they do this crap for XIV i will not, under any circumstances be playing it. Not like i'm happy with what i hear about it now anyways.
EVE - Sharvala
FFXI - Shazamalicious
Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
"Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"
im not having any problem with it personally but i udnerstand ur frustration id be flippin pissed to. however did anyone get an explanation as to why they did it? personally i dont remember seeing SE so ahrd on pushing something like thisunless they have a reason but i could be wrong XD.
my first guess would be to reduce rmt activity but like my statement above, i could be wrong XD
I can't understand why its so hard for people to READ and UNDERSTAND what they read.
It sucks to hear about the frustrations some people are going through with this newly implemented system. Personally, it looks to me like SE is trying to drop their fan base, who knows why?
Maybe they're trying to lose their US customers, and cater more toward the Asian counterpart.
Whatever it is though, this change is unfortunate, and if they keep down this deteriorating run, then I don't see Final Fantasy digging them out of another financial hole.
I wanted to sign up for the first time today, but I guess my credit card isn't "good enough"
So not only are they losing current customers, but they are not getting new customers. I don't know who made that kind of decision for that company, but I think it was a serious mistake. Guess I will wait on earthrise.
I have been playing FFXI since the release on PS2. I have gotten the same message along with 150 people on the same server and linkshell as I am that live in the same area I do. All of our accounts are now canceld becuase of this issue. I did the same and I called and tried to find out a solution to fix this problem and all I get is uncooperative rude bitches who think they are better than everyone else. There are no banks in Hawaii (I've Checked) that support this 3-D Feature for Visa or Secure Code for Mastercard. I even went as far as applying for a paypal card and not even that is supported. When I asked the person from playonline they said there was nothing they could do i either had to find a card/bank that supports it or i wont be able to play. I told him he just lost 150 accounts that have been paying to play for over 5 years now and all he could say was "Oh well..." From my understanding with FFXIV coming out its not going to be run through playonline who is the one to blame for all this mess. That is just what I heard im not totally certain about that but i'll just wait and see.
Well looks like my break has been extended permanently and now if this is the case with FFXIV then well SE just lost a customer completely. This is the only game that has kept me playing for more then a year and guess it's over now good job SE hope you realize you just f**ked up big time.
LMAO i think you're attempting to get hacked
this is awful news. it's really hard to believe that such an unthinkable thing would happen especially with an old game like ffxi. why would they even bother to "upgrade" their payment system at this point... makes no sense. although in a way, this doesn't surprise me. PlayOnline has been a shitty system since the beginning and SE has never handled payment as well as other subscription MMO's. here are some problems i experienced a few years back that pissed me off:
1. there used to be a policy where if you took a break from the game and didn't pay for 3 months they would delete your character. i lost 2-3 characters this way.
2. they bill on the 1st of the month regardless of when you sign up, but they also bill you when you sign up. for instance, if you sign up on August 30th they'll bill you $12.99 for two days of access and then bill you again on September 1st. i would have to time the activation of my account in order to avoid getting screwed.
3. this one was by far the worst. if your account was inactive for a year they would lock your account and serial number. i wanted to play again after chains of promathia was released and actually had to repurchase the game. i called a rep to try to circumvent this policy, he basically said, "yep we see your account, it's locked. you have to buy a new disc."
SE fails in this department more than anyone in the business. that being said, the game was amazing so i was willing to live with those things. however, this discrimination against credit cards isn't something that you can just swallow. i bet my card won't work either, which is a damn shame because with all the FFXVI hype i wanted to play FFXI a bit for nostalgia's sake.
Maybe this SecureCode technology is more widely adopted in Japan, where the majority of FFXI players are?
This is not widely used here in the U.S., so it seems like a very bad idea to force people into using it.
I donno, maybe Japan suddenly had a huge credit card scam that the public demanded this new security feature?
I mean SE usually don't pull this type of stuff, I dont' think they ever did really till now. Something must have happened somewhere to caused this. Or for some reason the executives sudden got very stupid.
op ,this mean player wont be able to use pre-paid credit card now lol
i bet they ll lose lot of customer .i dont play game that require MY credit card its that simple
too many way to get hacked ,hell i just call a restaurant with my pre-paid credit card and they processed twice imagine if i used
my personal credit card lol.those company dont know their customer lol or pre-paid credit card are avail with the 3D
system(wich i doubt)
yep this means lot of futur gamer wont be able to play ff 14 when it goes live unless they finally do like wow and sell pre-paid time a eb-game(i doubt that lol they havent sent card in my eg game for years lol.
they re killing their own game lol
a lot of gamer like me use pre-paid credit card
I'm Eu player , i never played FFXI but i'm done little "espionage" trough EU FF players i know ( i know few linkshells) and all of them got account suspended due to "new better payment option" , i guess PO now want to base only on Japan MMO players.
admittedly this is the essence of a moronic move with the best of intentions
Nope japan don't use 3-D secure.. SE is testing this on cadana/us pc players only.. i'm not to happy about it because i have friends and events i would like to get back to right now.
Still best mmo out there if you can pay them :P
YA IF THEY ASKED THE NINE DIDGIT NUMBER AT THE BACK OF aprepaid credit card i woudld say ok but that new thing will kill ff none in their right mind would use their personnal credit card too many chance of fraud
Now, I am sorry to bring back a old thread, but is this payment plan baing ran by Se or Play Online or whatever it is. If its through play online you have nothing to worry about with FFXIV I believe because they are cutting out the Play Online bull shit and it will strictly be ran by SE. I could be totally wrong about this though.