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A few More questions

LordAnubisLordAnubis Member Posts: 112

Ok got a few question concering this game. Please ignore me if this has been covered before but ive only been following this game for about a week now.

1) Ok the only ummorpg that springs to mind is Eve which has a daily DT (down time) has eve severs are based in the UK and the dt is mid day this dosnt inturuped my playing time but for other people this is in there prime playing time. Does wish have or require a daily DT or weekly if so what time (GMT) if you could well this be.

2) Live content i hear this a lot and this is a question requarding time zones again a GM team hosting these advents will most likly be time zoned based so well it be the gase that some one in a different zone will not be able to partake as there not on the same time as the gms hosting.

3) Jan 1t is the bug day (yay) and i see from the fact that when i started wish this morning there still changing it (ie new patch dl) but around what time well this be starting or do i have to try every hour and hope.

4) In game stuff now i see by the way of the FAQ that you can be a craft or adventure but can you be both at the same time as because the way i read this  is you can only have a certain amount of abilitys at one time . If this is true will there be to caps one for crafting and one for adventure or one cap that makes you a below average crafter and warrior. In a nut shell can we have a warrior and crafting school at the same time.


Thanks for the answers in advance and see you lot in beta


  • nephillimnephillim Member Posts: 291

    1) i heard recently that with Wish they will do something called a 'hot update' or something... the idea i got was that they will be able update the game in some way without actually bringing the server down...
    could someone confirm this?

    2) concerning Live Content, there aren't 'GM Events' as such. this would be pointless in a game where 10, 20, 30, even 40,000 people are online. because only a handful of people would ever be able to take part in a GM Event. But with Live Content, I get the impression that there will be several stories goig on at once, from the main story of the Nadirak invasion, all the way down to some little story of Bob losing his cat and now you have to find it ::::36::
    and within each story there will be several quests running at once.

    3) i don't know what time zone the Wish team are working in... but I'm in GMT timezone, and I will be up in the early hours of the 1st waiting for it to come online::::29::

    4) i hope there are skill caps! if you could (given enough time) master every skill in the game it would be pointless. but at the same time, i expect to see a 'multi-class' aspect to it. where you could be a druid, with some fighting ability or visa versa. or you could be a blacksmith, and be able to cast spells.

    [we need a worldwide genocide/ a planetary suicide/ and when the whole damned world is dead/ there''s your f***ing peace]

  • psychoduckpsychoduck Member Posts: 59

    MR is florida uses GMT-5.
    And live content will be 24/7.

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