Baahh...half the people complain that the famerate sucks and the other half complain that the graphics are dated
How bad do you think the framerate would be if the world was as "bit bumpy" as AOC? Graphics are eye-candy and any seasoned MMO player (im talking MUD.....pre 1995 if you please, not you "ive played eq1 for 10 years" people who are scared to branch out from Sony...) will overlook graphics that dont glow in the dark like WOW or eat 3 gigs of ram like AOC.
I've put tissues at the door for those crying both coming and going..
i mention perspective, actually several times, for a reason.
i point out that although my machine is old, the graphics are done fairly well imo, ive no idea what they look like from your uberware model 1337zxt. im glad that you like them and note your objectivity.
as far as lag, i have 8 computers feeding off my wireless router, 5 of which are playing streaming games of some type nearly constantly, one is downloading music, one surfs the web in search of senior romance, and one is dedicated to surfing various online game forums. no i do not operate all of the machines personally. i imagine, though im not technically inclined, that this is part of what would cause me ingame lag as well as my machine.
that said, i still think the graphics and lag will of the reasons given for the delay in launch was optimization.
- eqlive has lasted about that long - and that's saying something. i've also played a couple other titles too.
edit> btw i played eqlive originally on a machine with 384 mb of system ram and 32 mb vram.
Welcome to the life of a minority. Pvp players who want to control land or have more control of the game and other players are either a minority or seen as such. Sorry man. It sucks I know but you are going to just have to deal with it. Or get rich and make your own game.
Let's review for a moment that no matter what people want, it's a bitter pill that we all must swallow when it's not.
There have been less than 10 posts in the pvp forum in the last 2 days... and half of them were from non-pvpr's.
There simply isn't support for this type of server in the game community. No magical 10k players have materialized and ever since greenion has been banned, the pvp forum is quiet as a peep.
This is not, nor ever will be, a pvp'rs game.
It just goes to show how one person can create a lot of drama and claim he represents the community, but when banned, the forum goes silent.. if he represented the 'community', they would have come out. They simply did not.
To this i just must give a 'haha', because the rest of us told you so.
Let's review for a moment that no matter what people want, it's a bitter pill that we all must swallow when it's not.
There have been less than 10 posts in the pvp forum in the last 2 days... and half of them were from non-pvpr's.
There simply isn't support for this type of server in the game community. No magical 10k players have materialized and ever since greenion has been banned, the pvp forum is quiet as a peep.
This is not, nor ever will be, a pvp'rs game.
It just goes to show how one person can create a lot of drama and claim he represents the community, but when banned, the forum goes silent.. if he represented the 'community', they would have come out. They simply did not.
To this i just must give a 'haha', because the rest of us told you so.
- wtf dood are you a 2yo?
lolz, im sure the nice people with money invested in teh game's development are happy to hear it dood. i'll be unbanned tommorow btw...i thought that forum was 17+? you dont sound like an adult...
- personally i hope it does well. itd do better opening a pvp server. they should also consider a few tweeks to their existing ruleset - like the radar.
the game does have a lot of unrealized versatility in its design relative especially to pvp...
{the internets is full of tubes}
this is teh crux of the reasoning behind my interest in the title at this point. of the three titles launching nearly simultaneously, champions, aion, and fallen earth, this one is the single overall design that seems to allow the leeway for the future expansion into an alternate more pvp focused ruleset.
{harvesting for those with a less discriminating palate}
the graphics are good imo, better than some of the games im currently playing, the apoc genre is new to me so the environment very novel, i like the semblance of realism. having played 8 simultaneous solo unguilded exiles in eqii pvp for several years running i have to say i like the solo feel of the gameplay as a whole in relation to crafting, harvesting, missions, and general random wanderings. self sufficiency in this game is rewarded in and at an appropriate calibration and measure. playing the game is what seems to advance a character...
...i had a lowbie ask me for some armor last night...first, i tried to explain several times about the chat filters to him and to talk in local instead of new player chat (since im standing right in front of him - dood totally failed to catch on to this complex set of actions). then i went on to explain that i had no armor to give him and that a tee shirt, if i happened to have all the materials for one on me, would take 8 minutes or so, as well as each piece of first tier armor individually...and armor doesnt drop off mobs (much, some stuff does on the oddish occasion - i've scavaged several pieces of wearable gear and weapons from nodes)... so, to make a fullish set of armor would take me well over an hour at very least...not to mention weapons and ammo. the point is, is crafting is a key part in character development in this design...and its something i like about it.
the combat system deserves a paragraph of its own. this i really dig. changing out weapons, the dual action of weilding single handeds, missing a target with ranged and melee, having to move while excellent combat system. the hybrid between fps and mmorpg style i think is a step forward in mmorpg combat mechanic design. the ai is there but seems throttled a bit back perhaps. the point is it isnt point and click pve, it does take maneuvering and cover does seem to come into play when combatting ranged pve mobs (they can hit you when prone, but not with a wall between you) in melee situations pve mobs dont simply agro and stand and fight, they maneuver and try to flank as well, they wander into the agro area of potential adds. there is some challenge to the pve imo especially with the nuanced combat system seeming to induce reflexive logical strategic response as a skill base.
the factional system is interesting in scope, at least seemingly, if it is cleverly implemented then it should be an asset to the overall gameplay. im honestly a bit unfamiliar with the higher tiers of gameplay other than reading other people's views and explanations (ultimately connotated by their views)...and this is where the bulk of the pvp is.
i have to say that the pvp system in this game needs some tweeking immediately in its standard ruleset, seeing any other player friend or foe imo should not be on radar. i think an optional flagging system for their current ruleset would be a smart consideration. as well, an open pvp server with some other relative settings changed to make gameplay as a whole more challenging for the avid gamer would greatly behoove them.
- out of this year's games im going to play this one due to its core properties coupled with the versatility i see as potential for expansion in terms of ruleset, as well as in the traditional sense in potential for further expansion level and environment wise.
for now though...
...lets just party up as if the server might crash any minute...
My reply to the second poster was going to be similar, nothing wrong with the post but definitely strikes me of a blog entry.
What I've always appreciated was elective PvP where, at some point (say an arbitrary level 10), I can remove my Immortal Ring of Peace and Tranquiility - permanently - and then become eligible to attack or be attacked. Not being able to attack, just not BEING ABLE TO, another player is incredibly artificial. To put it in perspective, one of the things that bugs me about WoW's "pvp" servers is I still cannot attack my own faction. Some of the folks NEED TO BE ATTACKED, and I cannot do it. UO at release was interesting, and I confess probably a little more on that end of the spectrum than I would appreciate these days, but it is disappointing to hear these kind of reports coming out about FE because I thought it may be something I'd give a chance. I still might, but not with the same expectations.
How dare you present him with logic! Don't you understand? He fights epic fights, in epic games, with epic toons....eats epic food and takes epic dumps! He has more e..pic..icity...ness in his little finger than you have in your whole unepic body! - ChicagoCub
the combat system deserves a paragraph of its own. this i really dig. changing out weapons, the dual action of weilding single handeds, missing a target with ranged and melee, having to move while excellent combat system. the hybrid between fps and mmorpg style i think is a step forward in mmorpg combat mechanic design.
IMHO that's the worst side of this game, unfortunately...
My reply to the second poster was going to be similar, nothing wrong with the post but definitely strikes me of a blog entry.
What I've always appreciated was elective PvP where, at some point (say an arbitrary level 10), I can remove my Immortal Ring of Peace and Tranquiility - permanently - and then become eligible to attack or be attacked. Not being able to attack, just not BEING ABLE TO, another player is incredibly artificial. To put it in perspective, one of the things that bugs me about WoW's "pvp" servers is I still cannot attack my own faction. Some of the folks NEED TO BE ATTACKED, and I cannot do it. UO at release was interesting, and I confess probably a little more on that end of the spectrum than I would appreciate these days, but it is disappointing to hear these kind of reports coming out about FE because I thought it may be something I'd give a chance. I still might, but not with the same expectations.
Yeah, I have to say a hybrid system is what is pretty fun, like what Warhammer did initially with it's keep battles and such. This is what FE does as well, to some degree, but I just don't know what kind of effect the conflict towns really have and what incentive there is to actually go there to try and affect the town one way or another.
Ideally, what I would really love is a combination of player housing and conflict towns. The idea of player housing being that people can either buy a place in existing towns for exorbitant amounts of money, or be able to pitch a tent out in the wilderness, then upgrade it with materials over time, going up a chain of enhancements, like a lean-to, then a shack, then a hut, then a house, etc, but the structure is destructible. And when people build, let's say, structures in a small area, then a village crops up and NPC's start appearing, merchants and quest givers, and the area becomes a conflict town. On top of this, these structures can be attacked by NPC's, with regular schedules of fighting of bands of mutants and animals, with them trying to destroy the structures. This on top of the idea that other players can attack as well. This would allow the more timid people to buy in town without having to worry about losing their home, or the more adventurous people to build outside of the existing towns to form communities of their own.
You know what the free popcorn was in reference too yeah?
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
the combat system deserves a paragraph of its own. this i really dig. changing out weapons, the dual action of weilding single handeds, missing a target with ranged and melee, having to move while excellent combat system. the hybrid between fps and mmorpg style i think is a step forward in mmorpg combat mechanic design.
IMHO that's the worst side of this game, unfortunately...
really its one of the best parts of their design imo.
- because of the difficulty inherent in the combat system their chosen ruleset settings make more sense to me in the short run, although i still feel expanding the game with an alternate ruleset a good idea...
i watched my wife who is only familiar with classic mmorpg combat, basic click style combat, struggle with movement and equipping different sets of weapons. she also had a bit of a problem getting used to ahving to aim to hit something, as well as having to move while fighting an npc.
so due to this learning curve i thnk their initial ruleset settings wise to foster some familiarity into the system to those that will have a harder time with it...basicly allowing them to learn in a virtually pve only environ, a very consensual pvp setting.
i still feel an alternate more pvp focused ruleset is in order, but i wanted to mention this in tandem with the novel approach to combat within the game.
Ive been a long time lurker but never a poster.. but I felt compelled to reply to your ramblings.. which IMO are great.. keep up with them and please consider starting a Fallern Earth Blog. A good blogging community helps the game.
Have you read the interview on Ten ton hammer?
They touch on a lot of future PVP additions and hint at large pvp harvesting zones in the later tiers of the game.
A few snippets..
Ten Ton Hammer: And then the PvP areas are also somewhat broken down by sector as well, correct?
Lee Hammock: In Sector 1 most of the PvP areas are more free-for-all where you’re fighting over a specific resource. In Sector 2 you start getting introduced to conflict towns, and large swaths of the sector are PvP zones instead of the more limited areas found earlier. In those you fight over towns to take control of them for your faction and unlock new content by doing missions and doing stuff in the town. So that’s really the focus of PvP from Sector 2 onwards.
Lee Hammock: We added more difficult terrain, more blockers and that kind of stuff. Also, previously to take control of the towns you had to complete missions. The way we set it up originally was that those missions would send a faction to go get a certain resource, and then we’d send another faction to go get the same resource. But since it wasn’t specifically telling you to go kill the other team both sides would just go get the resource and not shoot each other.
It was kind of like, OK we tried to get you to PvP but you didn’t actually shoot each other which is kind of the goal here. So we added missions to all the conflict towns so now you can actually get rewards just for killing other players.
We also have some plans for a long term PvP system where you can effectively play a “bad guy”. Early on you can basically decide that you’re going to play an outlaw so you can go through this outlaw play and will have a whole set of towns that are run by the bad guys, but you’re PvP flagged all the time. So for people who want that hardcore PvP experience, they can choose to go and do it.
Ten Ton Hammer: And this would on the same live server?
Lee Hammock: Yep, it would be all on the same server. Then other non-outlaw players can flag themselves as sheriffs or deputies to get involved in the system, and then they would also be permanently flagged for PvP but they would be kind of the “good guy” side of things.
I also have a question for you...
I am a fan of sandbox MMO's akin to pre CU SWG. I am also a fan of theme park MMO's like WoW. It's blending the two that no one has accomplished. I have tried Darkfall but found that it drops you in the world and says.. right go kill mobs for hours and hours until you get good.. now you can play.
What type of game is fallen Earth? Is it a sandbox game? Is it a themepark game? it doesnt ellude to being either on the website or interviews.
Baahh...half the people complain that the famerate sucks and the other half complain that the graphics are dated
How bad do you think the framerate would be if the world was as "bit bumpy" as AOC? Graphics are eye-candy and any seasoned MMO player (im talking MUD.....pre 1995 if you please, not you "ive played eq1 for 10 years" people who are scared to branch out from Sony...) will overlook graphics that dont glow in the dark like WOW or eat 3 gigs of ram like AOC.
I've put tissues at the door for those crying both coming and going..
i mention perspective, actually several times, for a reason.
i point out that although my machine is old, the graphics are done fairly well imo, ive no idea what they look like from your uberware model 1337zxt. im glad that you like them and note your objectivity.
as far as lag, i have 8 computers feeding off my wireless router, 5 of which are playing streaming games of some type nearly constantly, one is downloading music, one surfs the web in search of senior romance, and one is dedicated to surfing various online game forums. no i do not operate all of the machines personally. i imagine, though im not technically inclined, that this is part of what would cause me ingame lag as well as my machine.
that said, i still think the graphics and lag will of the reasons given for the delay in launch was optimization.
- eqlive has lasted about that long - and that's saying something. i've also played a couple other titles too.
edit> btw i played eqlive originally on a machine with 384 mb of system ram and 32 mb vram.
Welcome to the life of a minority. Pvp players who want to control land or have more control of the game and other players are either a minority or seen as such. Sorry man. It sucks I know but you are going to just have to deal with it. Or get rich and make your own game.
Let's review for a moment that no matter what people want, it's a bitter pill that we all must swallow when it's not.
There have been less than 10 posts in the pvp forum in the last 2 days... and half of them were from non-pvpr's.
There simply isn't support for this type of server in the game community. No magical 10k players have materialized and ever since greenion has been banned, the pvp forum is quiet as a peep.
This is not, nor ever will be, a pvp'rs game.
It just goes to show how one person can create a lot of drama and claim he represents the community, but when banned, the forum goes silent.. if he represented the 'community', they would have come out. They simply did not.
To this i just must give a 'haha', because the rest of us told you so.
Originally posted by DeadDingo
Let's review for a moment that no matter what people want, it's a bitter pill that we all must swallow when it's not.
There have been less than 10 posts in the pvp forum in the last 2 days... and half of them were from non-pvpr's.
There simply isn't support for this type of server in the game community. No magical 10k players have materialized and ever since greenion has been banned, the pvp forum is quiet as a peep.
This is not, nor ever will be, a pvp'rs game.
It just goes to show how one person can create a lot of drama and claim he represents the community, but when banned, the forum goes silent.. if he represented the 'community', they would have come out. They simply did not.
To this i just must give a 'haha', because the rest of us told you so.
- wtf dood are you a 2yo?
lolz, im sure the nice people with money invested in teh game's development are happy to hear it dood. i'll be unbanned tommorow btw...i thought that forum was 17+? you dont sound like an adult...
- personally i hope it does well. itd do better opening a pvp server. they should also consider a few tweeks to their existing ruleset - like the radar.
This game is such a dead subject on these forums, it's good that it gets a little play.
In reference to the , this game isn't for PvP'rs, there is no community support, etc...
There was, they realized it wasn't going to change, so they left.
It really entertains me that the things I loath most about the game (agonizingly slow travel with no reason)
and that god forsaken jump/pause straddle a cow thing. were both implemented for PvP reasons.
The game is so un-hostile and forgiving I'm surprised they just don't rename it Pigpen's Sand pit or Beachless
Blanket Bingo.
For the record I found the PvP a bit distasteful and I'm not an avid PvPr. Unfortunately the game screams PvP,
but instead you get a whimpering pew pew v e.
the game does have a lot of unrealized versatility in its design relative especially to pvp...
{the internets is full of tubes}
this is teh crux of the reasoning behind my interest in the title at this point. of the three titles launching nearly simultaneously, champions, aion, and fallen earth, this one is the single overall design that seems to allow the leeway for the future expansion into an alternate more pvp focused ruleset.
{harvesting for those with a less discriminating palate}
the graphics are good imo, better than some of the games im currently playing, the apoc genre is new to me so the environment very novel, i like the semblance of realism. having played 8 simultaneous solo unguilded exiles in eqii pvp for several years running i have to say i like the solo feel of the gameplay as a whole in relation to crafting, harvesting, missions, and general random wanderings. self sufficiency in this game is rewarded in and at an appropriate calibration and measure. playing the game is what seems to advance a character...
...i had a lowbie ask me for some armor last night...first, i tried to explain several times about the chat filters to him and to talk in local instead of new player chat (since im standing right in front of him - dood totally failed to catch on to this complex set of actions). then i went on to explain that i had no armor to give him and that a tee shirt, if i happened to have all the materials for one on me, would take 8 minutes or so, as well as each piece of first tier armor individually...and armor doesnt drop off mobs (much, some stuff does on the oddish occasion - i've scavaged several pieces of wearable gear and weapons from nodes)... so, to make a fullish set of armor would take me well over an hour at very least...not to mention weapons and ammo. the point is, is crafting is a key part in character development in this design...and its something i like about it.
the combat system deserves a paragraph of its own. this i really dig. changing out weapons, the dual action of weilding single handeds, missing a target with ranged and melee, having to move while excellent combat system. the hybrid between fps and mmorpg style i think is a step forward in mmorpg combat mechanic design. the ai is there but seems throttled a bit back perhaps. the point is it isnt point and click pve, it does take maneuvering and cover does seem to come into play when combatting ranged pve mobs (they can hit you when prone, but not with a wall between you) in melee situations pve mobs dont simply agro and stand and fight, they maneuver and try to flank as well, they wander into the agro area of potential adds. there is some challenge to the pve imo especially with the nuanced combat system seeming to induce reflexive logical strategic response as a skill base.
the factional system is interesting in scope, at least seemingly, if it is cleverly implemented then it should be an asset to the overall gameplay. im honestly a bit unfamiliar with the higher tiers of gameplay other than reading other people's views and explanations (ultimately connotated by their views)...and this is where the bulk of the pvp is.
i have to say that the pvp system in this game needs some tweeking immediately in its standard ruleset, seeing any other player friend or foe imo should not be on radar. i think an optional flagging system for their current ruleset would be a smart consideration. as well, an open pvp server with some other relative settings changed to make gameplay as a whole more challenging for the avid gamer would greatly behoove them.
- out of this year's games im going to play this one due to its core properties coupled with the versatility i see as potential for expansion in terms of ruleset, as well as in the traditional sense in potential for further expansion level and environment wise.
for now though...
...lets just party up as if the server might crash any minute...
- happy camps, lucky loots, and...
Long Live the Leaf !!!
some end of the world/crash the server party pics...
noone paid any mind to the local fire codes...which likely aided to the inevitability of the disaster...
...andy heart out.
...i attended for the free popcorn, really.
- soooo tempted to /pinch.
famous ingame dev quotes : "expect the server to crash!"
My reply to the second poster was going to be similar, nothing wrong with the post but definitely strikes me of a blog entry.
What I've always appreciated was elective PvP where, at some point (say an arbitrary level 10), I can remove my Immortal Ring of Peace and Tranquiility - permanently - and then become eligible to attack or be attacked. Not being able to attack, just not BEING ABLE TO, another player is incredibly artificial. To put it in perspective, one of the things that bugs me about WoW's "pvp" servers is I still cannot attack my own faction. Some of the folks NEED TO BE ATTACKED, and I cannot do it. UO at release was interesting, and I confess probably a little more on that end of the spectrum than I would appreciate these days, but it is disappointing to hear these kind of reports coming out about FE because I thought it may be something I'd give a chance. I still might, but not with the same expectations.
How dare you present him with logic! Don't you understand? He fights epic fights, in epic games, with epic toons....eats epic food and takes epic dumps! He has more e..pic..icity...ness in his little finger than you have in your whole unepic body! - ChicagoCub
I'd have a nice day if you'd do what emo's do best.
thx for teh bump?
IMHO that's the worst side of this game, unfortunately...
My reply to the second poster was going to be similar, nothing wrong with the post but definitely strikes me of a blog entry.
What I've always appreciated was elective PvP where, at some point (say an arbitrary level 10), I can remove my Immortal Ring of Peace and Tranquiility - permanently - and then become eligible to attack or be attacked. Not being able to attack, just not BEING ABLE TO, another player is incredibly artificial. To put it in perspective, one of the things that bugs me about WoW's "pvp" servers is I still cannot attack my own faction. Some of the folks NEED TO BE ATTACKED, and I cannot do it. UO at release was interesting, and I confess probably a little more on that end of the spectrum than I would appreciate these days, but it is disappointing to hear these kind of reports coming out about FE because I thought it may be something I'd give a chance. I still might, but not with the same expectations.
Yeah, I have to say a hybrid system is what is pretty fun, like what Warhammer did initially with it's keep battles and such. This is what FE does as well, to some degree, but I just don't know what kind of effect the conflict towns really have and what incentive there is to actually go there to try and affect the town one way or another.
Ideally, what I would really love is a combination of player housing and conflict towns. The idea of player housing being that people can either buy a place in existing towns for exorbitant amounts of money, or be able to pitch a tent out in the wilderness, then upgrade it with materials over time, going up a chain of enhancements, like a lean-to, then a shack, then a hut, then a house, etc, but the structure is destructible. And when people build, let's say, structures in a small area, then a village crops up and NPC's start appearing, merchants and quest givers, and the area becomes a conflict town. On top of this, these structures can be attacked by NPC's, with regular schedules of fighting of bands of mutants and animals, with them trying to destroy the structures. This on top of the idea that other players can attack as well. This would allow the more timid people to buy in town without having to worry about losing their home, or the more adventurous people to build outside of the existing towns to form communities of their own.
You know what the free popcorn was in reference too yeah?
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
IMHO that's the worst side of this game, unfortunately...
really its one of the best parts of their design imo.
- because of the difficulty inherent in the combat system their chosen ruleset settings make more sense to me in the short run, although i still feel expanding the game with an alternate ruleset a good idea...
i watched my wife who is only familiar with classic mmorpg combat, basic click style combat, struggle with movement and equipping different sets of weapons. she also had a bit of a problem getting used to ahving to aim to hit something, as well as having to move while fighting an npc.
so due to this learning curve i thnk their initial ruleset settings wise to foster some familiarity into the system to those that will have a harder time with it...basicly allowing them to learn in a virtually pve only environ, a very consensual pvp setting.
i still feel an alternate more pvp focused ruleset is in order, but i wanted to mention this in tandem with the novel approach to combat within the game.
Ive been a long time lurker but never a poster.. but I felt compelled to reply to your ramblings.. which IMO are great.. keep up with them and please consider starting a Fallern Earth Blog. A good blogging community helps the game.
Have you read the interview on Ten ton hammer?
They touch on a lot of future PVP additions and hint at large pvp harvesting zones in the later tiers of the game.
A few snippets..
Ten Ton Hammer: And then the PvP areas are also somewhat broken down by sector as well, correct?
Lee Hammock: In Sector 1 most of the PvP areas are more free-for-all where you’re fighting over a specific resource. In Sector 2 you start getting introduced to conflict towns, and large swaths of the sector are PvP zones instead of the more limited areas found earlier. In those you fight over towns to take control of them for your faction and unlock new content by doing missions and doing stuff in the town. So that’s really the focus of PvP from Sector 2 onwards.
Lee Hammock: We added more difficult terrain, more blockers and that kind of stuff. Also, previously to take control of the towns you had to complete missions. The way we set it up originally was that those missions would send a faction to go get a certain resource, and then we’d send another faction to go get the same resource. But since it wasn’t specifically telling you to go kill the other team both sides would just go get the resource and not shoot each other.
It was kind of like, OK we tried to get you to PvP but you didn’t actually shoot each other which is kind of the goal here. So we added missions to all the conflict towns so now you can actually get rewards just for killing other players.
We also have some plans for a long term PvP system where you can effectively play a “bad guy”. Early on you can basically decide that you’re going to play an outlaw so you can go through this outlaw play and will have a whole set of towns that are run by the bad guys, but you’re PvP flagged all the time. So for people who want that hardcore PvP experience, they can choose to go and do it.
Ten Ton Hammer: And this would on the same live server?
Lee Hammock: Yep, it would be all on the same server. Then other non-outlaw players can flag themselves as sheriffs or deputies to get involved in the system, and then they would also be permanently flagged for PvP but they would be kind of the “good guy” side of things.
I also have a question for you...
I am a fan of sandbox MMO's akin to pre CU SWG. I am also a fan of theme park MMO's like WoW. It's blending the two that no one has accomplished. I have tried Darkfall but found that it drops you in the world and says.. right go kill mobs for hours and hours until you get good.. now you can play.
What type of game is fallen Earth? Is it a sandbox game? Is it a themepark game? it doesnt ellude to being either on the website or interviews.
Cheers and keep up the "blogging"