Ladies and Gentelman, every year the United States of America spends billions of dollars on foreign aid programs, attempting to help third world countries that are torn apart by civil war, famine, and disease get up on thier feet. But nobody bothers to take a look at our country. Throughout our major cities housing projects, apartments, streets, and everything else you can imagine is falling apart. The streets in the US are disasterous, many people in major cities are living in apartments not fit for rodents. Its time that we pull out of these third world countries where our soldiers die every day to militaristic, religious fanatics that mindlessly kill women and children each day. Its not worth it. These people, for example in Shri Lanka, where the Tsunamis have just devistated tens of thousands, lived like animals before any of this. The women in these countries have on average 11 children in a house no bigger than a small bathroom. Sanitation does not exist, and disease is rampant. And no matter how much effort we put into it, the situation baerly improves. I am not religious in teh slightest, but to point out, the Cathloic church has been sending missions to these areas forever to impose its religion, however they have also been aiding these people and tryign to teach them a better way of living, and teaching them not to have 15 children. But it never makes a difference. Its time we bring things full circle in our own country. We need to reconstruct and rebuld much of this country to make it better before we try to improve the rest of the world that hates us anyway. Please post your questions, comments, concerns, flames, etc; thank you.
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
dude i couldnt agree with you more. we need to fix our own homeless,starving and poor befor we worry about a world that for the most part thinks were the scum of the earth. never mind all the aid we sent to them in money, food and clothing.
p.s paragraphs dude.
Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornografic priestess, boy, you been a naughty girl let your knickers down. I am the eggman, i am the eggman. I am the walrus.
~The Beatles, I am the walrus~
They have many job opportunities, it's up to them to go out and get a job.
We have free education up to a highschool degree. If more homeless people come out of this generation, you know it's not America's fault, it's the peoples.
And the people blame it on the country, why? Because they need an excuse for the failures they are.
They have had opportunities, they still have opportunites, but they choose not to take them. It's not our fault we're supplying them with all we can, it's not our fault we're giving them welfare, it's not our fault we have soup kitchens, it's not our fault that we help them.
It's their fault that they choose to take that help, and not return us the favor by cleaning up their acts. Most of those people are druggies, and alcoholics.
In third world countries atleast most of the people are accepting our help and trying to retun the favor (besides the Anti-Americans obviously)
We are doing a lot for them. They are not doing their part.
Murt's right, Everybody has the chance to get an education and go to college and get a job. And ya we probaly shouldnt help all these 3rd world countrys because i dont think it makes a huge diff. It is alot like the Jerry Lewis telethon. NOT 1 stich of prgress in all the 10 years ive been watching. Where does all the money go, to keep Jerry's hair black.. I mean think about Dean Martain dead Frank Sanatra dead Sammy Davis dead Jerry Lewis with a FULL head of black hair not one stich of progress. Now im just off subject.
The deep south? Isn't that the place where the black guys are really lazy and all the white guys are just as lazy but they're mad at the black guys for being so lazy?
On Time? On Target? Never Quit?
hahaha many job opportunities what flippin burgers for 5.75/hr? yeah you can live off that bud. You need to wake up and see the real world. I was in IT for 12 years and i cant find a job doing what i was doin. I've flipped burgers or waited tables since then. A high school diploma doesnt mean jack shit anymore. A bachelors degree barely means anything. If you cost a company too much even if you offer to work at an entry level rate they'll hire the younger person. A persons fate is only in his hands in so many ways. In other ways we rely on our government to insure that we prosper via job opportunities that actually pay a living wage. Have you bothered to pay attention to the condition of our schools? Our schools are falling apart. Sure out in the burbs where families make 250,000 a year income the schools a new and shiney but take a trip to a city sometime. Busted windows, falling cielings, gangs, drugs yeah boy thats some great education there. Not everyone has it easy. Not everyone has a choice as to what they can do or be. It must be nice living in your dreamland. I do think it will get better here but only if we focus on ourselves and quit trying to save the rest of the world. Bush doesnt care about us sadly. So the next 4 years are really going to suck. Guess i'll just keep flippin burgers! Yay thank you lord for the opportunity to make minimum wage and deal with ignorant people all day. Good thing i went to college!~
Oh and as for welfare. I'm a white male capable of work. They dont have welfare for me. They say go work for minimum wage. If i had kids i might be able to get food stamps. But obviously i'm not hurting to bad lol i'm on my new pc playin on the internet Good thing theres decent money in mmorpg's.
Make a difference!
I don't mind that we are giving billions to countries that were affected by this tsunami. Remember how devastated the US was on 9/11? That was when 4,000 died, it's probably going to be more than 25 times that much when all the bodies are found. Now I don't know about all the other things we are dumping money into, some of them are unnecessary IMO, and we should probably focus a little more on ourselves.
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
A minority of peoples are trying to help everyone, at home or oversea.
Most peoples are incredibly selfishs however, and this is why so much go wrong. A good hearted helper can turn selfish and the opposite can also happen.
Much work remain to be done about everywhere, and I dont see the end of it, neither home, or oversea. If they can help more successfully anywhere, I certainly hope they do.
I am sure the aliens farming the humans must be scratching their hair or whatever they have instead of hair.
- "Solo is, will always be, the main market. A MMORPG that succeed with little or no solo appeal is doing great considering they are ignoring the main player base.''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornografic priestess, boy, you been a naughty girl let your knickers down. I am the eggman, i am the eggman. I am the walrus.
~The Beatles, I am the walrus~
In response to the bit about America and the land of opportunity bit above, look at the hard facts, not just your opinion buddy. The shere number of jobs withign the United States is ever decreasing because companies do everything overseas in China and such where the labor is cheap. If we brought those jobs back, and cut out overseas aid spending and cleaned up our country, it would be 1000x better. And if you argue with that point you are simply ignorant.
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
God you FASCISTS make me sick.....
Yes the world wish you would worry about yourselves more.... and just F*%$ off and leave the rest of the world alone from your interferance.
Yes some places in the states are run down
Yes some people are poor.
No they dont loose limbs regularly to land mines
No they arent raped by soldiers daily
No they can get food and medical help if they need it
No they dont have to walk 20 miles to get a drink of dirty worm infested water
So F%^& right off!!!!
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
well after stableboy's post ive changed my veiws we probly should help em
The deep south? Isn't that the place where the black guys are really lazy and all the white guys are just as lazy but they're mad at the black guys for being so lazy?
On Time? On Target? Never Quit?
let's discuss this without resorting to violence people
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
personally I think this thread should be deleted.... not out of censorship but out of respect for the 100,000 + dead in asia ..... and the millions starving world wide
dont be a moderate moderator ...... the nazis have invaded the compound ....
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
Well 1st of all if you are going to be a psycho about this and get all flustered and loose your panties maybe you shouldnt talk. Second thing. Who plants these land mines, who blows the people's limbs off? Who creates this wasteland of destruction and suffering. Its the people of those countries who slaughter eachother and the fact that the Imperialism imposed upon them by the European countries have cookie cuttered the terriroties of these ethnic groups and forced some of them to live together when they obviously shouldnt. Now, let me repeat that, THE EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. The United States had nothing to do with European Imperialism, and frankly I believe that we have been more than generous in trying to help clean up their messes.
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornografic priestess, boy, you been a naughty girl let your knickers down. I am the eggman, i am the eggman. I am the walrus.
~The Beatles, I am the walrus~
Erm guys ... where do you think the land mines came from .......
lets see .... you probably think a mummy mine and a daddy mine who loved each othewr very much ......
ye gads......
I'm just a little confused as to why you think it is unexecptable to get a little upset by people being so ignorant of the suffering of others.... in some cases directly or indirectly caused by the western world of which you are a part.
I could type a breif political and trade history here for you, but I fear you wouldnt comprehend it. You all really need to take a step back and see how your everyday existance and everything you do has an impact on the rest of the world.
I really dont know what kind of an education you recieve in America, so I dont blame your ignorance personally on you.
I really should do the adult thing and not bother with this conversation .... yes you are right. But some things are so important...... .... I'm trying to free you all of ignorance and prejudice.
you should be grateful
but like with all children I wont hold my breath for a thank you
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
ah yes i see how my getting up in the morning haveing my cup of coffee then going work for eight hours to earn a living then going home to my wife and kids is just killing the rest of the world and that I and every other american that does the same thing should be held responsible for the horors that other governments afflict on their own people.
and dont use the lame copout that we wont undstand what yuo have to say. its more like you have no better argument to make.
Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornografic priestess, boy, you been a naughty girl let your knickers down. I am the eggman, i am the eggman. I am the walrus.
~The Beatles, I am the walrus~
Once this has been sorted, I think you yanks would be in a better position to talk.
We need to slove our own problems before we give out handouts to foreign countries.
..... lets see... hmmm, get up in the morning drink coffee ... (large third world export)
go to work ... hmmm do you drive ??? (ecological impact on third world climate)
go home to wife and kids ......(wife have an engagement ring??? wedding ring ..... hmmm wonder where the gold and diamonds came from ......
WAKE UP and click on that ever so nice link in the preivious post you simian.
I'm not an eco terrorist and am not out to save your soul but wake up and smell the (expensive fair trade) coffee.
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
'I am not religious in teh slightest, but to point out, the Cathloic church has been sending missions to these areas forever to impose its religion, however they have also been aiding these people and tryign to teach them a better way of living, and teaching them not to have 15 children.'
Maybe I've seen too many Monty Python movies, but isn't the Catholic church very much against birth control?
Other than that I'll agree that politicians can be very annoying when they overlook serious domestic problems and spend money elsewhere.
I usualy agree with your political views murt but not n this one dude. Im a veteran myself and i used to volunteer to help disabled veterans. and yes alot of them come back all screwed up and cant take care of themselves. And once the government is done with them they just dump them on the streets and forget about them.
its easy to sit in a warm house that your parrents pay for(i dont know if this applies to you or not) and pass judgement on why people in america are homeless. try going out and talking to a few and find out. im no bleeding heart for other countires i feel we need to take care of our own. And even more so for the veterans who fought so yuo can sit at your comp and pass judgement on why they dont have jobs. while makeing us statistics on how most of them are drunks or drug addicts.
lets see you del with the things that the vietnam vets had to deal with and come back un changed. Or the girl in iraq that had her unit wiped out and they raped and tortured her befor american forces found her in a hosital. you think she will ever be normal again? but i guess she should sto being a leech on us all and get a job.
Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornografic priestess, boy, you been a naughty girl let your knickers down. I am the eggman, i am the eggman. I am the walrus.
~The Beatles, I am the walrus~
I could be wrong...But I'm thinking the "don't have 15 kids" is because maybe that one guy is impregnating more then one woman? Just my guess...
As for importing all the jobs to China, causing the loss of jobs here...Well...Maybe if our economy hasn't become so restricting, and government controlled, and we actually turned back to having a free economy with true capitalism...
Anyhow, as the oh so true scripture, (Luke 6:41 KJV) And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
(Luke 6:42 KJV) Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.
Maybe when we can have our own little perfect society...Maybe just then. Can we start helping out the other countries & nations. Until then...This nation really needs to get this gargantuan beam out of its eyes.
Death is not to fear; for it is not the end, but rather the beginning on the road to eternity.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
..... lets see... hmmm, get up in the morning drink coffee ... (large third world export)
there isnt a whole lot that isnt an export or import. I guess we shuold all stop drinking coffee as an example. so that the importers go out of buisness. then fire the workers who then cant feed thier familys.
go to work ... hmmm do you drive ??? (ecological impact on third world climate)
i guess you walk to work. Or are a 11 year old on daddys comp.
go home to wife and kids ......(wife have an engagement ring??? wedding ring ..... hmmm wonder where the gold and diamonds came from ......
no she doesnt have an engagement ring. she doesnt like diamonds. the gold we have that here also.
WAKE UP and click on that ever so nice link in the preivious post you simian.
ah so now its back to hostility and name calling. i do think your some 11 year old on daddys comp. and i did read the link thanks.
I'm not an eco terrorist and am not out to save your soul but wake up and smell the (expensive fair trade) coffee.
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornografic priestess, boy, you been a naughty girl let your knickers down. I am the eggman, i am the eggman. I am the walrus.
~The Beatles, I am the walrus~
..... lets see... hmmm, get up in the morning drink coffee ... (large third world export)
there isnt a whole lot that isnt an export or import. I guess we shuold all stop drinking coffee as an example. so that the importers go out of buisness. then fire the workers who then cant feed thier familys.
go to work ... hmmm do you drive ??? (ecological impact on third world climate)
i guess you walk to work. Or are a 11 year old on daddys comp.
go home to wife and kids ......(wife have an engagement ring??? wedding ring ..... hmmm wonder where the gold and diamonds came from ......
no she doesnt have an engagement ring. she doesnt like diamonds. the gold we have that here also.
WAKE UP and click on that ever so nice link in the preivious post you simian.
ah so now its back to hostility and name calling. i do think your some 11 year old on daddys comp. and i did read the link thanks.
I'm not an eco terrorist and am not out to save your soul but wake up and smell the (expensive fair trade) coffee.
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
Damn ... did I forget to ask you what clothes you were wearing .... where ALL the materials for your furtiture comes from .... where ALL the uranium in your power stations come from.....
hehe well if I'm 11 then god my IQ is through the roof
and yes I called you a name.... well didnt think you would know what it means judging by the previous post lol.
Look I'm just pointing out some FACTS and you are steriotypically of the western wolrd giving EXCUSES. Come on man be honest with yourself.
I dont want this to turn into a tit for tat arguement between just us two. I just wanted some uninformed people to be informed
If ignorance is no defence in the eyes of the law.... what excuse can we give the rest of humanity
.... oh and on a side note yes I'm with the rest of you on the irony of catholics talking birth control lol very meaning of life
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM
*scratches nose with his hackmaster +200 Universe Slaying pogo stick of DOOM