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I've recently find this game interesting. I thought that some features looked nice and new.
I was wondering, is this the kind of MMO that you can always find people to group with and have fun with them ? Also, is there anything to do while you reach max level ? I mean, is there any kind of decent PvP and a decent amount of lair / raid ?
Thanks for the info.
I've been playing around 3 weeks and have found alot of grouping going on, both in supergroups (guilds) and for quests and instances. The game rewards you with extra xp and more loot drops with groups (per the devs, and I have also seen this to be the case in my groups). Also the instances scale to group size with difficulty also - so you can solo most instances, but you get more out of it and it gets tougher the bigger the group to keep it challenging.
End game content has several things going on - Unity missions which are like dailies for special gear and such. The lairs of course, of which they have said they want to put more in - I know at least 5 are in now and the ones I've done are fun. An achievement system for special costumes and pets. Really big monsters that take alot of people to kill. The nemesis system which lets you create and defeat a gallery of baddies. PvP also though PvP is kind of secondary in the game but it will be getting some love i'm sure. I would say it has a decent base for end-game and the devs have stated their focus will be on expanding that soon - per a recent dev post on the main site news the first free content expansion should be by the end of October.
One big thing is that this game is VERY alt friendly - I already have 3 characters and it's only been 4 days since head start. They are lowbies now of course but they all play very diffferently and I already have ideas for more. The classless system is terrific for this and i think will keep it fresh for me for quite awhile.
I love the solo challenge, personally and seldom if ever group. Thats just my preference. So far thats been possible, not sure if the nerfs will make me change my mind.
I was told guilds are limited to 50 members. Which seems strange. Hopefully they introduce the concept of "Chapters" so that a guild can branch out without imploding or becoming two seperate guilds.
There is no limit that i'm aware of on guild size. The guild i'm in has over 80 members currently.
The shards the game uses to break up instances have a limit that has ranged between 50 and 100 which is probably what you were hearing about bud. I'm not sure if shard size is dynamic and adjusts to server traffic or is set by the devs though. I've found the way the game handles the shards works out pretty well though and I have always found myself on shards with other guildies so it keeps you together.
Also it's easy to switch shards so I don't imagine any problem with hooking up with friends or guildies if you find yourself on a different one.