Your type is: AKE. 4% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 292299 to take it.
Your type is: AEK. 2% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Your answers were split as follows: Achiever 80% Explorer 53% Killer 40% Socializer 26%
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 292522 to take it. Your type is: KAS. 6% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows: Killer 80% Achiever 46% Socializer 40% Explorer 33% Following known mud.people most closely match your profile (number describes relative difference): Richard Woolcock - Creator of Godwars (18) Ilia - Provider of Russian translation (20) Carly Staehlin - Former producer of UO, now designer on Tabula Rasa (36)
Your type is: KAS 80% Killer 46% Achiever 40% Socializer 33% Explorer If ya can't take the PvP stay out of the combat zones! Period!
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 293658 to take it.
Your type is: KSE. 2% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Achiever 73%
Socializer 60%
Killer 46%
Explorer 20%
Tacklebury --}>>>
Explorer 93%
Achiever 53%
Socializer 33%
Killer 20%
Tacklebury --}>>>
Your type is: AKE. 4% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Your answers were split as follows:
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 292141 to take it.
Your type is: SAE. 3% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
Socializers 66%
Achievers 53%
Explorers 53%
Killer 26%
Your answers were split as follows:
Killer 73%
Achiever 53%
Explorer 53%
Socializer 20%
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 292299 to take it.
Your type is: AEK. 2% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Your answers were split as follows:
Achiever 80%
Explorer 53%
Killer 40%
Socializer 26%
My ttpe is KAS
Killer 80%
Achiever 60% the hell?
Socializer 40% this should really be 1%
Explorer 20% I lock myself in my room all day playing Halo 2 with my 3 brothers, what could I expect?
When your in trouble, trying to keep the covenant from frying you, dont call master chief, call bloodhawk.
When your in trouble, trying to keep the covenant from frying you, dont call master chief, call bloodbahamut
Socializer 60%
Explorer 53%
Killer 46%
Achiever 40%
It seems ok but there is 1 thing Killer must be something more!
hey, I'm SAK
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 292522 to take it.
Your type is: KAS. 6% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
Following known mud.people most closely match your profile (number describes relative difference):
Richard Woolcock - Creator of Godwars (18)
Ilia - Provider of Russian translation (20)
Carly Staehlin - Former producer of UO, now designer on Tabula Rasa (36)
Your type is: KAS
80% Killer
46% Achiever
40% Socializer
33% Explorer
If ya can't take the PvP stay out of the combat zones! Period!
I am 100% pure love-a-licuous...
"Despite what they tell you the original RAY's is on 7th ave."
Achiever 73%
Killer 46%
Socializer 40%
Explorer 40%
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 293658 to take it.
Your type is: KSE. 2% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Your answers were split as follows:
Vladamir the impaler
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Your type is: SKE. 2% of respondents so far fall into that type
Your answers were split as follows:
Wierd, allways thought of myself as AES, seem's to be the other way around
im Drunklight! *hic*
im Drunklight! *hic*
Your answers were split as follows:
Socializer 80%
Explorer 60%
Achiever 33%
Killer 26%
ASE 3%
l33t 73%
Cl4n L34d3r 46%
3nf0rc0r 46%
T3hPr0 67%
those were my stats
Bobbler master of the obvious/rules
Your type is: KSA. 1% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
killer 80%
socializer 53%
achiever 33%
explorer 33%
Achiever 80%
Killer 73%
Socializer 26%
Explorer 20%
sounds right...
Your answers were split as follows:
Your type is: AES. 4% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
Explorer 66%
Achiever 60%
Socializer 40%
Killer 33%
Your type is: EAS. 9% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Click here to visit Kabalyero's Online Home :: Click here to visit guild xxxholic's website
Your type is: ASE. 3% of respondents so far fall into this type.
Your answers were split as follows:
Achiever 66%
Socializer 66%
Explorer 46%
Killer 20%
Laugh and the world laughs with you--Cry and the world's TV networks will want to make a mini-series based on your tragedy
Your type is: ASK. 3% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
Achiever: 60%
Socializer: 53%
Killer: 46%
Explorer: 40%
Your answers were split as follows:
Achiever 60%
Socializer 53%
Explorer 53%
Killer 33%