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Let me list them...
-Graphic engine is TERRIBLE!!! Even if I cranked it down with all options on low the game ram pretty crappy. Unless its an AMD64 issue the game ran poor but thats not the worst.
-Combat is BORING. OMG its bad. Hitting buttons one after another to attack but it sucks! My god EQ2 combat is a blessing compared to this. combat looks bad and is crap. When I get into spell combat ugghh.
-Spells: Can we say who the hell was the guy who decided sprites that are in 3D is good? OMG the spells effects are as lame as it gets. Any fellow spell casters out there be prepared. I gope those are place holders. Were talking EQ1 has 20x better spell effects on release day. Imagine firing a fireball that was a 2D just dont fit into the 3d world.
-Char anamation is terrible. So is monster.
-Gameplay is VERY BORING. Man playing this made me think how good Shadowbane really
-I dont think ill be doing anymore beta time. Its just that bad.
Viper i agree with you. I can safely say that i dont think Wish will be for me at all. Although i will give it another few days to grow on me, just so ppl cant say " OMG you only tested for 4 hours how can you know if its good or not NOOB". Anyways here is what i disliked
Graphics:just to give you an idea, i ran EQ2 on most medium settings with some low, and got about 15 FPS which is very playable IMO. In this game, even with the graphics all turned up and me getting about 6 fps, the graphics looked horrible. I played Horizons, and the game ran great on my PC and i have to say IMO Horizons has better graphics. The grass was 2D, character models where not to shabby IMO, but other models such as a horse i saw and building sucked.
Control: Maybe its just me but isnt the PnC method a little lame..? It honestly took me more than a minute to make my way up a flight of stairs. I just dont get that immersed in a game where im not really moving my char with the W A S D keys. Also didnt like it because if i accidentaly clicked somewhere, especially very far away, my char would run there.
Gameplay: This section i want to notify you, this is only my rating on the first 2 hours of play. When i first got in the main town i picked, i thought "what the hell do i do now". Well, i went and found a quest, searched for 20 minutes for the damn mob because basically the quest said "go kill 10 <insert mob name here". No "go kill 10 <mob name> to the east of <town name>". Even after i finished that quest, i kinda thought "is there a story line?" If there is a story plot that you are supposed to be involved in, then i must have missed it.
Anyways, i really hope that after i try it out for a few more days i will like it. I dont think i will, so it looks like DnL is my next pick.
P.S. Did anybody else have their character kind of skipping around, sort of lag like? I dont think it was graphic lag(which it shouldnt have been, the graphics sucked IMO) ?
for me, Point and click controls are the bane of MMOs. I read that D&L will have PnC exclusively also...why?? -completely ruins the imersion imo
why not include both? Freeing up the keyboard for chatting is the usual excuse, and its a bad one at best.
anyways...sure sounds like Wish is another amateur affair -shame really
edit: I read that D&L will have arrow movement -still not as good as WASD but still a relief
one word= BAD
Frank Mesa
Pangaea Games Inc.
Paridine: Fantasy Combat to the Extreme!
Have you ever visited the official wish 2.0 forums?
2d sprites as spells and terrible char class system and ya want to play?
Not to mention char skipping all around....ughh.
Some people don't seem to get it: THIS IS A BETA, WISH IS FAR FAR FAR FROM FINISHED!
And why is the open skill/class system bad?
And what do you mean with chars skipping around?
And do you enjoy being negative all the time?
i dont think it is THAT bad... gfx wise, although not the best looking gfx ever, they will improve, as far as i can tell, they are working on bugs and fixing gameplay issues before concentrating on making the gfx pretty, as for issues with performance, it runs fine on my A64 3200+, i run it at 1600x1200 at maximum settings with 4xAA turned on, and i only very rarely get the slight pause, granted i have an X800 XT gfx card and 1gig of ram, but still, performance wise it is good.
Melee combat although not brilliant *yet*, is a lot better than most other RPG's even WoW, in WoW you click an attack and u just stand and auto attack for a while, with the occasional need to use a special ability or change stance, in this you have to constantly think about what you are doing, linking attacks up, creating new combo's, think about what melee will be like when you have a lot more abilites which rely on certain status effects, like they have to be stunned before u can do this move, it opens up gameplay possibilities,
Spells i have not seen yet, ill probably end up creating a new character or something to test out casting classes, the PnC interface is not too bad either, the pathfinding is good, if you need to find a certain person in town, all you need to do is find a guard, ask them for the person and it automatically takes you there, saves a lot of time and effort of running around town looking for a specific person,
Also consider that its in Beta 2.0, there is still 2.5 and beta 3.0 to come, it is atleast 6 months away from release probably even 12 months and a hell of a lot can change in that time, but as it stands now, it has a lot of potential and needs polishing... which is what your job in this beta is to help with, give devs ideas. help them polish things up, dont just whine cuz its lacking in some areas.
Have you ever visited the official wish 2.0 forums?
Well if you think they really listened the game would suck so bad? Sure the Dev team may be active, but if there is one Dev team that Listens to the testers its not Mutable Realms Its MindSurge Ent.
Oh I forgot it was point and click. What a great idea! Why do people try to "fix" things that are working just fine? WASD is not broken.
Now that I know that DnL and Wish are both using it, there HAS to be a benefit. Far be it from me to realize what exactly that benefit is, though!
Wish for what you may ask? Wish it were WoW. Quit while you are ahead and move on to something worth your time, fellow gamers.
I don't think I've ever been more bored than when playing WoW... Unimaginative gameplay at it's worse.
While there might be a lot of room for improvement in Wish, at least they are putting together a real effort to do something new and unique and FUN. People need to remember this is only the second phase of beta with 2 more left to go. Do you think Everquest2 and WoW were what they are today at the second phase of beta? I think not. You are here to test and if you are not willing to do that.. why did you bother to sign up at all?
I understand it is in Beta.. but I hope they make a 1000% improvement in controls.
if you were bored in WOW then you are a minority.
WoW isn't anythign NEW.. but surly not bornig unless you didn't read any of the quests.
I actually feel sorry for this game.. cause I KNOW they have a great IDEA. I just wish they would impliment much better.
The Cartoonie Swrling LETTERS needs to GO.
Frank Mesa
Pangaea Games Inc.
Paridine: Fantasy Combat to the Extreme!
I am confused on what you mean the 3 different types over and over?
Give me and example of 2-3 good quests that you think would be fresh and new.
Cause I went through all the quests so far to level 17 and they seem pretty standard.. and story driven.
Sure if you want to say Kill X number of monsters and come back, or GO get this Item and come back, or hey.. take this to so and so and come back.
What other types would you suggest that would differ.
Please.. take the role of an NPC and write me up a quests that doens't follow those 3 guidelines and one that couldn't be recycled.
Frank Mesa
Pangaea Games Inc.
Paridine: Fantasy Combat to the Extreme!
If you like not static, intresting quests:
Sounds good.. but then again.. no detail on what the quests are about.
If the Quests are lame.. who cares if they are live or not.
You have WoW wich has 1000s of quests.
I highly doubt there will be 1000s of live quests on launch.
Frank Mesa
Pangaea Games Inc.
Paridine: Fantasy Combat to the Extreme!
You should really read the 2 url at the bottom of that live content page...
If you have ever played D&D: the live content team (wich will cover 24/7) will be like the gamemasters in D&D, if a quest is compted the story will contine and new things will hapen.
I've seen the live content in this beta and it's very impressive!
There's really every day so much new things to do and see, it's really well done.
I hope they push that.
It is a great idea.
I hope they really come together on this and make it enjoyable all around.
I would hate to ahve to NOT play Wish because they ahve Awesome quests but bad gameplay.
I really want them to make this good.
Cause honestly. If they get this many people not liking it on release, they will fail.. and they will close down.
and I would hate to see all that hard work gone.
Frank Mesa
Pangaea Games Inc.
Paridine: Fantasy Combat to the Extreme!
Kids you do understand this is Beta right? Ofcourse theres issues. The servers arent set to function like they will once its in retail. They're running debug atm. You people who sign up for beta and expect a perfect running polished game are insane. Quit doing betas if you dont like it. Don't knock a game for what it looks like on day 1 of open beta.
Make a difference!
What you don't understand is that, even if the graphics wasn't extremely ugly and dull, the game didn't lag like hell, the combat didn't suck, the dialogue wasn't stupid and clich
"Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently"