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Champions Online makes me miss the old tired and true set up of Healer/Tank/DPS/CC. Reason being? Because in this so called MMO you can be all of those roles in one character, so what is the need to group?...
And that my friends is where Cryptic screwed up here, sure being able to truely custumize your Character to be exaclty what you want sounds fun, but all it does is gives people reason not to team up. And isnt that what MMO's are all about, do we not play MMO's to go on Epic adventures (corny I know but you get the point) and take down baddies? Well in Champions Online I don't need to group up (even for the quest that tell you to take more people because it will be tough) because I can make a character that can do everything by himself, and no im not talking about some overpowerd powers that I took, pretty much ever single guy I made so far of the 8 I made can solo ALL...
If that wasn't bad enough they went out and made a game that pretty much has no group content, sure there are things scattered here and there but its few and far between. I just don't understand it, for a Development company that made a very group friendly game like City of Heros/City of Villians why would they go seemingly the complete opposite and make a game like this?
Anyways im rambling all I can say is that if your a fan of grouping up in MMO's then I do not believe this is the right game for you at this time. Maybe they well add more group content later on but you would have figured that would have been one of the first things they added so maybe they don't see a problem there... Sure while Champions Online is well made and pretty fun at times, it still has way to much of a single Player feel to it. I think the Devs shold have named it Champion Online instead.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
I'm sure cryptic have played their own game and realize it leans toward solo friendly territory. Maybe they assume you'll enjoy grouping for the help and friendship not because people are required to fill predetermined roles (tank, nuke, crowd control, etc). Geez, how stupid of them to assume that.
Teah this theroetics (someone tell me what the science is, i keep forgetting, yes the power system is indeed a science) does not work, it was I guess a somewhat good idea, but poorly implemented, For starters I mean the STR stat doesnt even play a role in the game? LOL i mean ROFL, i mean ROFLMOA hello how can you realease this when your games basic science is flawed or bugged or exploited?
But the end result was this.. Lets look in groups if you sidekick down from 40 to a 10 which yes you can do.. you can then join a level 10 instance and cryptic has NO way of stopping your powers, because they are not sure what you should have.. so you are a level 10 with all the powers compared to a real level 10 player with just a couple.. gee who is gonna dominate here... one with all moves, 2 flight powers and many different attacks or the ones with just a couple
Next is the fact the game just becomes boring as you progress, there is no true feeling of gaining power in this science, because you can actually pick your high end power very early.. there is nothing more to come.. i felt this with sonic arrow.. yes i get a bit dmg boost with every level increase.. but i have 4 power points and nothing to select, nothing can increase in power and i had this same attack since level 5-6 or whatever.. i am truly bored with no new skills to select but buffs and defense, because nothing adds damager.. oh boy i can slice you with a ego blade... the dmg dont complare.. why bother, oh boy i can jump up and down and do dmg like the arrow.. but wait it dont compare. why bother.. arrow arrow arrow arrow, heal arrow arrow arrow..
This game is nothing more than a 9 year old hop around as my dream character, with the littlest of development invested as possible, and unfortunaetly the 9 year olds will suck this up.. good for them, but to market this game as a MMO for a real game player... I dont even classify this title as a game..
All kidding aside,
Peter Porker
In reference to the highlighted Str comment:
It's apparent that you haven't been doing your homework (or just doesn't care and just hates the game as it's a threat to your game). Lets see: Str boosts melee dmg (stated by devs), increases knockback distance, allows you to pick up heavier objects (means more dmg when thrown... tank thrown anyone?), and increases resistance to holds (this is sketchy as to the difference of a tangible and intangible hold is though... but some I do escape pretty fast on my high str character).
Sounds to me like Str has a purpose. Thus, your statement fails.
I was starring at my character creation screen 5 minutes ago thinking the same thing.
I WANT to enjoy this.. it seems like I could .. but theres no friends
Just when you think you have all the answers, I change the questions.
What annoys me the most about this post, is that it's been edited, and the author still thinks it's a viable post.
It looks like you just smashed your head down on your keyboard, and somehow paused a few times, when your nose was on the period button.
EDIT: I guess moderators got to him before I did
Chapeau for admitting it. Most are still in denial. I mean, I love the IDEA of a totally free system where all can be selected, but the bad truth is: real cooperation NEEDs limitation aka classes. There still can be variance, but when you have no role and none has, cooperation in more but numbers is virtually impossible. CO really opened my eyes and changed my opinion about all this 180°.
I had NO sense of cooperating a while, as in CoX or games like EQ2 or what. Now they try to remedy the lack of grouping with nerfs, which is kinda pathetic, because they are between all chairs. You cant solo for real because of the nerfs and you cant group because the system doesnt really support grouping. Nor does any quest last longer than 2 min. Or at leas most. I just realized how good the tank-healer-dmg actually is. Yes, its old; yes it was done 1000 times, but MAYBE, just MAYBE that has a reason. And that is not some evil plot, but actual experience of what works and what... just doesnt.
But... many will just cling to the dream. Understandable, but unrealistic.
Could someone give some examples or elaborate. I'm currently playing and at level 10 and as I understand it, I either have a choice of spreading my powers out among the different categories, or I attain higher levels of powers in one category, but not both.
Is this post saying that I can effectively build one character that can do everything just as good as a character could do one thing?
That's pretty disappointing if so.
I'm assuming the original poster played until max level given the tone of his post.
"Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit"
no real point in seeing anything past lvl 12. the first couple missions in the 3rd zone was about all I could take. After that it's all regurgitated oatmeal.
no real point in seeing anything past lvl 12. the first couple missions in the 3rd zone was about all I could take. After that it's all regurgitated oatmeal.
I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. Let's see what's past lvl 12:
That's just a few things past lvl 12.
What I like in this game is, that you don´t need to group for outdoor questmobs. Everyone who makes damage, gets the *ping*, if the mob is down etc.
I group more then I have in any MMO now that I'm not stuck in the tank/healer/dps trinity.
OP: When I first started playing I missed that archetype design myself but now that I'm approaching lvl 30 I don't ever want to go back to that design type. Sure, you can get tons of skills and make your character able to solo quite well, but that'll never replace a dedicated "healer" or other role should someone pick it up. Jack of all trades, master of none is definitely at work here. I'm actually grouping often and having a blast doing it. I'm not discounting your view, it certainly has merit, but I changed my approach and am truly enjoying the fresh take it's giving me. As for end-game content and staying power, I hope the game can provide that but at level 30 I'm not qualified to say definitively or subjectively whether or not it'll hold. I do hope that it does!
Well I think the flaw in what you are thinking is that by like lvl 23 or 26 you will have all the powers in a framework if you are focused on a framework. At that point you still need to pick maybe 4-5 powers. So it is inevitable that you will have every type of power in the game. There isn't much reason to have more then one of any type of power? And with 14 powers at lvl 40 you will likely have a mix of all of them.
That said you will probably make your character slanted a little one way or another. ie melee vs ranged although melee doesn't have much advantage over ranged and a substantial disadvantage. Maybe you will focus on pets. Healing is something most characters will pickup.
In the end all characters will be jacks of all trades. It would be very difficult to avoid...
Solo vs Grouping is also not a decision. Everyone in the game has to solo well cause 90% of the game absolutely has to be solo. So going in and saying I'm gonna really focus on a support class isn't very viable either. There isn't any progression path for someone that really wants to group. Well I suppose since mob XP is pretty insignificant you could group and do solo quests but that would really be super easy and with xp from quests being barely enough to level you might run out of quests from missing xp from the solo mobs...
It would have been better if they had allowed you to pick less powers. gave the powers more upgrade options. Added more utility powers and/or made the framework trees deeper with maybe better powers deeper in the tree to reward specialization. Instead by lvl 26 or earlier you can pick any power in the game.
I was starring at my character creation screen 5 minutes ago thinking the same thing.
I WANT to enjoy this.. it seems like I could .. but theres no friends
I felt the same way during beta.
like they just plum forgot allt he things they got really right in COH just because they wanted to please their vocal critics.
Really dropped the ball in my opinion.
I bought the game, it's sitting on my other desk, still in the postal packaging. Maybe I'll install it over Christmas, I can't help but feel leaving it a while before subbing wont hurt.
I just finished the Monster Island Crisis with a group of people. It was definately a group event, I could not imagine trying to solo this. Granted, I DID NOT HAVE TO group with the others and could have just ran along with them and played lone wolf but the result of us all working together would have been roughly the same.
It was probably one of the most fun times I have had recently in an MMO. Absolute blast. It had a great story, lots of action and we had a fun group of people that went through it.
There are plently of times, especially after 25th level where I group up with 1 or 2 others to complete some missions. It would be nice if teaming with someone would allow you to share the mission you may have already completed but it is not the end of the world.
And thats another point, teaming usually does not allow you to share with the other people you might team with. If you do not find a person that is on the exact quest as you more then likely they will not get the XP bonus that you get for completing the quest. So bottom line they will just be tagging along getting minimum and helping you compete quest, im sure you know what will come so after a complete stranger finds that he is just helping and recieving pretty much nothing for it.
Also their are several quest that say they recommend that you take 2 or more people with you, but for some SILLY crazy reason they are not sharable...Thats comical.
Now lets talk about grp instances those of you who ever played other big name MMO's will know what im talking about. Lets take WOW for example...(yeah I know WOW sucks, but whatever). In WOW the first grp instance was at level 12ish, and that is for a game that had a level cap of 60 at the time. Now lets take this game, they don't have any grp instances(dungeons or Lairs in this game) untill around level 30, and the level cap is 40. Agian this just seems to be kinda stupid on their part to do something like that. But who knows obviosly that was intended.
Anyways im not going to bash this game to much, its a really decent game. But boy oh boy do I think they missed the boat on making it grp friendly. But when you have a game that you can pretty much make a character that has no weaknesses thats what ends up happening. Why run missions with people that its going to take time to get together and then time to figure out which quest everyone could do together, and then wait for each other to get to the right place. When I can save those 15 minutes and go do it with my character who is like one in a million others in this game that can CC/Damage/Heal/Tank any mission +4 levels above me...
And for those that might say well don't make a character that can do all I say to you, first that is not a easy task unless your intentionally trying to gimp yourself and what idiot in their right mind would do that. And then second I say why don't you and then have fun trying to find people to group with when you need them but they sure as hell don't need you.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
I couldnt agree more. There is no point to group, due to lack of content and each character is tank,dps,heals all rolled into one. I pre purchased the 6 month and totally regret. and will not play much beyond first month.
I have no idea what the OP is talking about. The trinity is alive and well in CO if you want to play that way. The only issue is that most people seem to be building characters designed specifically for solo play. Get it together with a group of friends and you can complete the whole game with tank/DPS/support roles. I've been doing this for 20 levels already and its working out better than I expected to be honest.
The real trick is to form a static group and actually design the characters for those roles.