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DragonBall Online

Ive been following this game for a while now, and it seems the game is under open beta . the bad news is im pretty sure its only for asia, i havent heard of its plans in the Western region, but im sure if it makes good profit as i think it will, since it has a HUGE fan base, it shouldnt be to hard getting people interested in the game.

ive been following the game at that site. And well the teaser site has words in english too so im thinking they are planning on an eventual release here.

Anyways i didnt see any posts on this game, but there must be some fans of the series here, I for one am a huge fan and cant wait for it to come out.

although you dont really get to play with goku and his friends, because the time place is around 200 years after goku, but remember bulma left a time machine on which you can go back and see goku and all the others.

anyways i hope you enjoy this thread.


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