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My charactors name is ravtehcow [url][/url], a level 80 Tauren Enhancement Shaman.
I've played wow off and on since like 2006. Several disappointments have made me feel compelled to leave the game as many as 8 times (does anyone keep count anymore?- lets see a few of them-these are not in order or numbered exactly-some are obmitted-but they are in chronological order).
1. The first time I started playing I came over to the Altar of Storms server with a few friends from Shadowbane. I made a shaman(my first mistake) and got him to like level 29. This was back when you turned in bg tokens for experience and reputation- so I basically never left wsg once I hit level 20 (My prior games were pvp-based mmo's). Most of my friends quit wow and came back to shadowbane as I did. For me the pve theme and the shallow pvp made the game boring (that and they nerfed the daoc-like honor rank system- pvp gear was only purchasable by those who had the labeled pvp rank, high warlord items could only be purchased by hoarde players with the high warlord rank, which was like less than 1% of the population- etc, I guess too many people were bg'ing nonstop to maintain a pvp rank instead of raiding).
2. I came back to wow and grinded my way to 49 as enhancement (another mistake), and basically sat in ab for a long time- I farmed up that silly khan's mail armor and obtained 2 flurry axes with gold I got from...somewhere. I got bored, played some more eve, then came back and hit level 60. Unfortunately, I didn't reach 60 until like the first few months after the bc-xpac came out, so I just farmed honor gear and rofflestomped peoples alts all day (in wow gear means everything- don't listen to their lies about skills and this random nonsense). I didn't actually raid, prebc, but I didn't miss much- everyone who played a hybrid was forced to heal since hybrid specs were purposely fail (blizzard had no intention of making hybrids viable-hell they didn't even release gear for them), and everyone in the guilds were forced to worship the tank (tanks were always assholes) for fear that they may guildhop (very high demand for tanks). Basically tanks were gods, healers were their elevated favorite children, and everyone else fit into the random disposable dps area (which didn't completely go away in BC).
3. My college roommate in 2007 got me re addicted to wow (that bastard) so I transfered to Frostmane and hit level 70 and wiped in kara alot (like all the other scrubs-new term back then). Eventually they let you buy s1 for honor which killed the ability to honestly arena since you had to now farm bg's forever (after farming them at 60 before i had the cash for bc to get hwl, I started to hate bg's) to get s1 to compete in arena with any measure of success. I finally got s1 (I got like 2 dropds from kz even though I ran it like 9000 times-not an exaggeration) and began to pug za when it came out. When badge gear came out with sunwell(there was badge gear in shat-but it was bad) I used the badge pieces to fill in my za loot and began to pug bt and hyjal. Eventually my friends from my za pugging days invited me to endgamecrusade and I ran bt and hyjal and ssc every week. They didn't take me to sunwell until the nerf patch, so it doesn't really count (it was, my vent lagged out the whole time- I fell off the ledge on murur at the fight-explanation-for-rav phase and wiped the raid- anyways the fight ended with me ankhing at 1% and killing the guy as the raid wiped. Vent was lagging so I was still listening to the rav-is-a-bad insults). My guild's inability to down sunwell prepatch pretty much killed the guild. With everything nerfed they felt like they had no reason to play anymore. I got bored and quit. Of course I was enhancement, and they weren't very useful in raids (there was like 1 enhancement pill per raid and thats it if lucky). I ended up with a t6 resto offset and I did heal bt a few times (not very complicated really) By BC enhancement shamans were really bad in pvp-most pvp'ed as resto. I didn't farm pvp resto gear so I just fail-farmed s3 as enhancement. I also considered pvping as resto analogous to allowing blizzard to break my will and pigeon hole'ing me into resto.
4. WOLTK came out and I was like a month behind. I raced from 70 to 80 in about 5 actual days (about 3 days of /played) and started running raid in part quest blues and part 70 epics(some 70 epics I couldn't find replacements for-no I didn't farm heroics yet). My first pieces of loot came from sarth. Eventually within 3 weeks I had mostly 10man raid loot or better. To me they made naxx incredibly easy compared to naxx when I ran it at 70(never went there at 60) with kenetic trying to farm t3 (its what '1337' people did when they were done raiding). Eventually I racked up alot of titles, but I didn't complete the raid/mount achievements in time to get the protodrakes, and quit before Ulduar came out. At least enhancement shamans actually served a purpose in raiding this time. I haven't arena'ed since bc, and I rarely bg anymore.
5. I came back like a month after Ulduar came out, hung around and ran Ulduar a few times, did at least 1 10 man nog, got tired and quit again. Oh and endgamecrusade split. I also accelerated my mount/pet/acheivement farming efforts and even started tailoring for the rugs-I was going to go engineering for the copter too but as you can see I quit (I have 86 mounts and 63 pets, I am like 2 reputations away from the exalted title- oh and I farmed a legenday hammer).
Well, now I'm back in my dorm rooming looking for something to do. I thought about darkfall, but my friends told me not to bother. When I upgrade my pc next week (bad video card) I may come back to wow renewbified (term describing how I feel when i quit and come back). I was fairly well known on Frostmane so getting a guild and getting raid time won't be a problem, staying interested in a game which has always seemed to enjoy dissing out negative experiences to me.
If you quit WoW so many times before, you will quit again. The same things that made you dislike WoW are there now and in full force. Save yourself the 15 dollars and find a new game.
The answer is NO.
If you need to be given a reason by people on this forum then you shouldn't play WoW, or any game for that matter. Make up your own damn mind.
Reading your post I can offer some good things. Note that I have quit playing WoW myself.
1. You seem to love PvP, they are adding EXP from killing in PvP so you could level fully from PvP if you wanted.
2. WoW is still the most polished if generic fantasy MMO out there. If you want to play a fantasy MMO and are looking for reasons to come back then you should give it a try again.
That being said WoW is what it always was. Raiding is easier now so you could have access to more raids if you wanted to. PvP has gotten worse IMO though so that might turn you off of WoW.
If you like EVE you will likely quit again because WoW is nothing like the semi-sandbox that EVE is and it hasn't changed whatsoever to be more open. Once you hit max level all you can really do is farm, sit in Dalaran or do raids. Sigh.
Objectivity is delivered with a lack of personality made for the mainstream but never used for the mainstream.
Easier said than done- I've bounced around several mmo's. And today the options are even more limited. Usually I just play them, reach end game, get bored, and quit.
Sometimes I've had as much as 4 separate subscriptions going with different games.
The only person that can give you a reason to play is you! If you can't come up with a reason to play on your own i really don't see a point in coming back at all. Take up a sport, challenge yourself to become the world tiddlywinks champion by the end of the academic year or something like that, will keep you busy ;-)
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
As poster above says , only you can find reason for yourself:
1 - Ask yourself " Do i have anything i want to do in WoW ? "
2 - Answer
3 - ?????
4 - Profit.
This thread has failed me.
I know I'm going to regret this...
But I'm coming back anyways-- besides the best way to get ahead in xpac progression is to snake your way into those elite raid guilds. Most of their members quit after running the same raids over and over- wow gets boring once you 'beat' it. Then having stocked up in bis gear, you'll reach max level the same week as the expansion release. Then its non-stop easy-raid-that-is-the-first-raid and heroic 5 man rep grinding (which rewards gear worse than what you looted from the first raid-never understood the point really-I'm just a rep whore-granted some recipes are good those first few weeks).
Most of my time in wow was spent profiting on the ah- pvp is lame since bc and raids only happen at night.
I'll probably finish the 100 mounts and the scepter chain (longest quest chain in wow).
What makes you think anyone on this board gives a crap if you go back to WoW or not?
...or stack giant elixir, giant feast, and the witch doctor enlarge buff and annoy people in org.
They nerfed the stacking so...heh.
This game is boring and starting to die, there is nothing left to do and nothing fun about it anymore. They have turned the game into a shell of what it once was. All that is left is to level a ton of toons to fill the time, to get a toon from 1 to 80 and to fully clear end game and gear your toon takes about 3 months or less.
Blizz is going no where with the game and just making it into a mess so that when the time is right they will get a flood ofpeople to their new games and get people to move on to WoW 2.
Their replies.
Obviously they cared enough to read my thoughts.
The ones who take the additional time to reply care that much more.
Aren't we all a bunch of carebears- group hug!
I'll tell you why you should come back. When you stop looking for an MMO to complete your life or stop looking for that ever-elusive "perfect" MMO, you begin to accept games for what they are and not what you want them to be. If one objectively looks at WoW, one will see a game that has stood the test of time and is adored by millions. One will see a game that has almost five years of content for all types of players whether or not they're raiders, PvPers or PvEers. I came back to this game because of the new expansion coming out and I can now enjoy WoW for what is offers. I also play EVE Online and Darkfall so I'm not afraid of admitting that I also like WoW.
Blizzards next mmo will be starcraft-like. Blizzard will kill wow to pump up the new game which will send non-space-fantasy-junkies to whichever fantasy mmo comes out #1 by then. They'll push as many box sales as they can to maximize returns on the investment of making it. Box + subs > old subs- that and population losses devastate mmo game-play.
Blizz said at E3 (looking for the link ATM) that the MMO they will announce next is Fantasy based and not like SC. But Blizz has a lot in the works atm so there could be more. The short of it is, there is no reason to go back to WoW when they do not put effort into their game like they use to and are just tossing old ideas into xpacs to keep up sales.
Go away. I want to be able to log in when Cata launches. I want to play with people who enjoy themselves, not complain.
It makes for a better community.
Like to spend your days keeping up with other players by grinding virtual items?
Like to chat with 16 years old boys?
Love to spend time sitting in front of a computer?
Like neverending, easy-to-access gratification spoonfed to you?
WoW is still for you!
My addiction History:
>> EQ1 2000-2004 - Shaman/Bard/Wizard/Monk - nolife raid-whore
>> WoW 2004-2009 + Cataclysm for 2 months - hardcore casual
>> Current status : done with MMO, too old for that crap.
To the OP. First I am not trying to be a dick but no one cares if you come back. You know enough about the game to make your own mind up. Second, you are in college. What the hell are you doing playing WoW in your dorm room. You do know there are girls on campus? I am actually a college professor so I know a lot about campus life for being an old guy. Between your studies and hopefully having a fun social life (you will never have so many people your age together in one place again.) you should have plenty to do and no time for WoW. Jeez youth is wasted on the young.
So... do you actually study ever?
Have to say i am finding WoW a little boring, but i have never quit since 2005, although i dont currently intend on resubscribing come October. I came from DAoC back in 2004/05 and there are no ifs and buts, WoW playstyle is dumbed down click and shoot compared to some other MMORPGs. Yet at that time it was new and fresh and quite liked the easier leveling, but not after the rest of the content became very bland. I am now looking at other MMORPGs, somthing new unless WoW can really refresh itself.
Yet when you think about all that time invested, just going to waste...
The act of playing the game was the waste, not abandoning a years-old character.
My addiction History:
>> EQ1 2000-2004 - Shaman/Bard/Wizard/Monk - nolife raid-whore
>> WoW 2004-2009 + Cataclysm for 2 months - hardcore casual
>> Current status : done with MMO, too old for that crap.
Wait, I should be playing wow outside and not in a dorm room? Perhaps, I should play it in class.
Yes, there are girls on campus, I don't stalk them- its you know a few hours of hanging around, maybe a little this and that, alot of money being spent, sometimes a bit of nagging.
I'm actually older than most of the students here, "(you will never have so many people your age together in one place again.)" I've been in the army, we threw way better parties (and yes, there are girls in the army).
As an old guy/college professor you should know that nobody studies 24/7, or follows that 3 hours of study per 1 hour of class rule.
When you reach endgame you don't really have anything to do in WOW except raid from 10pm to 1am like 4 times a week.
So... do you actually study ever?
Is this a trap? Is this even relevant to this discussion?