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I remember seeing a forum for this, but I can't remember where, so forgive me for posting here.
I'm a new member here.
What I'm about to post are quotes, so please forgive me if that's a problem.
Is there a MMORPG with a more open world and that gives more options of things to do? Maybe one that is free, or one that is pay to play (I guess), something where I don't end up doing this routine, because I hate it.
This fine quote right here explains the things I get tired of quickly in most MMORPGs, especially ones with a bland world, because I like a big world with alot of scenery and even a unique terrain lay out, rather than just tons of basic flat fields. with a few hills and little steep hills and a few puddles of water here and there.
"* People hate endless quest grinding to an arbitrary level cap which, in truth, could be 20 levels higher, or lower, and it seemingly wouldn’t make any difference.
* People hate the quests themselves, which still revolve around, “Kill 10 of this monster” or “Deliver this letter to someone a really long way away (so you’ll waste the next two hours of your life)”.
* People hate that “the best” content in games is usually reserved for the endgame, which not only takes time to level to, it’s often, weirdly, also the most under-developed in many ways."
Well, if there's one thing I never manage to do, it's finding a good MMORPG that I adore and stick with for more than two months.
Usually, in a MMORPG, I like mounts, but I like vehicles more. I don't like alot of grind. a medium or above exp rate would be good, but not required. I like fast paced combat, but since that seems to be impossible in MMORPGs (or no MMORPG makers bother to take a try at it), so other than that, I like MMORPG combat that lets me move around a little (like maybe when using a bow) to ATLEAST give it a feel of fast-paced, and I like being able to do combo attacks with skills when using melee fighting, and I also like shields, so it's also nice to find a feature where having a shield actually counts, and isn't just eye candy that increases DEF, and the only reason I'm using it is because it's for my class. It would be REAL awesome to be able to block attacks, too.
I like big worlds that don't have muddy or sorta not good looking texture, or even has some unique graphics of it's own, but graphics aren't everything to me when playing a game, so if you find a game that you think I like but it doesn't have good texturing or graphics in general, don't feel afraid to suggest it.
I also like good character customization. Atleast give me the option of some pretty good looking faces or the option to change skin colors.
I don't like places that are hard to move around and travel through, but I like it when a MMORPG has huge beautiful places in them, and not just grass fields with mobs. Like for example, I like maybe an environment where there's huge beautiful fields with a waterfall, maybe a canyon that a river goes through, a mountain side, things like that. I also like high places. It gives the environment an amazing look and a great vibe, and is much better than basic huge fields.
I also like PvP every now and then. Especially since part of the reason I play MMORPGs is to play and interact with other players. I also like faction vs faction and PKing (sorta).
While I like 3D games, but I also like 2D side-scrolling ones, because they show to have the chances of having fast fun and hectic combat, yet, Maple Story proves that even 2D side-scrolling MMORPGs can have combat that is just as dull and simple as just pointing and clicking.
Also, I don't like room-based MMOs alot (or atleast I think). Although, strangely, I find myself playing and getting more addicted to some room-based fighting games and end up sticking to them longer than I do to ANY free roam MMORPG. But, I can't help but to think that a room-based MMO gets more shallow, but a free roam MMORPG can have all sorts of deep content and things to do and find and gain.
Also, while it doesn't make a big difference a majority of the time, I still sometimes think it doesn't hurt and is likeable to be able to jump in a MMORPG. But, since there's hardly anything that requires jumping in a MMORPG (although I wish there was), it doesn't matter much.
Also, I like how some MMORPGs have more to do than just grind and quest. Maybe even have some more casual things.
Alright, well, that's all I can think of to say.
Here are some MMORPGs I'm interested in and waiting for.
Earth Eternal
War of Angels
D&DO for f2p
waiting to try Champions Online
Dragon Nest which is said to be coming to NA sooner or later
MMORPGs I've tried (that I can think of right now)
Mabinogi, but the entire time of playing it, it felt hard and agonizing after I completed all the easier beginner quests.
Runes of Magic: I heard that it's one of the best (if not the best entirely) MMORPG out right now that is similar to WoW, and that it's a Western remake of a Korean (or was it Japanese) MMORPG that was based off a book. I tried the game, and I liked it for a long time, but after I started to have Internet problems and my own computer FORCED me to stop playing it, I lost my appeal for it when I finally got to return.
Perfect world looked awesome and I give the character customization options some major praise, and I liked the environment and graphics alot, but I felt lost and confused when playing the game with not a good map and many NPCs to talk to with no good sense of direction of where I'm suppose to go, but maybe it was just me not trying hard enough.
Ether Saga looked cool at start, but for some reason, after creating my character and trying to play the game, I lost interest.
ROSE online's environment I adored, and the characters weren't bad either. Good EXP rate, cool carts to ride on, fighting was basic point and click, but other things in the game and the places in the game kept me coming back for more, and I liked the economy system and how they handled it. However, some major quests seemed like a heavy burin. Like the quest for the go-kart license. It started out as a crappy run around quest, and ended as a crappy grind and collect quest. I had to bury some pieces of paper by KILLING some enemies, and it's super rare for some of the papers to get buried after killing a enemy. Why? Well, for starters, you're trying to bury some paper by killing, BURY SOME PAPER BY KILLING some dumb-ass goblins, instead of just taking a shovel, digging a hole, and placing them in the hole in the goblin mine!
And if that wasn't bad enough, since I was a trader because I liked the guns, I had to try and kill a field boss not just one time, but I think something like 5 or 10 times to get some love note from him (part of the story), and the guy doesn't respawn fast, he doesn't drop them each time I kill him, and if he does, it's just one, parties are already lined up getting ready to kill him, and alone, not even with the help of my mercenary AIs could I beat him.
All of this, for my second job change. Bullfuck! As the Angry Video Game Nerd would say. After that, I just gave up, and it totally killed my desire to play the game.
Anyways, I tried La Tale a few times. While it had good combat and looked interesting (I guess) and showed promise and was popular, I still lost interest in it for some reason. I guess I got tired of it that fast, and due to the fact that the second job change isn't until level 80.
I tried both Ghost Online and Wind Slayer, they both proved to have awesome combat and awesome PvP and awesome PvP systems, it felt like both of them were missing something or some people.
I tried Dragonica, and it was awesome gameplay wise, but I can't help but to get a little tired of it, and don't see much of a future in it.
Well, that's all the MMORPGs I can think of that I tried.
The current MMORPG I'm trying is DOMO, and so far, it's pretty good, but not being able to jump feels a little weird and the combat is a bit repetitive like how the review of this game said.
I also forgot to mention Fiesta. I tried it because it looked interesting, but I heard it wasn't that good, but I wanted to try it anyways. So, I did, and the character customization options were appalling. Only 3 hair styles, 3 hair colors, only 4 classes at start (actually that isn't a big deal), it's that "only elves can be archers" shit all over again, and not many other options after that at all.
The combat is, you guessed it, point and click (I think from what I remember). I can't even move while shooting. Immediately (especially since I was lag teleporting up the ass), I lost interest in the game after doing some grinding.
Also, another MMORPG I tried to try are Florensia and CABAL, so don't suggest CABAL, but please if you want to, tell me a little more about Florensia, but don't focus more on telling me more about it than the actual main topic. I'd like to see suggestions, and not discuss one specific thing for the rest of the pages.
Alright! That's all I can think of to say. I hope someone will suggest something. All suggestions are welcome, so please give a reply, and thank you!
Well, actually, I left this forum for GameOgre forum because this one isn't as active, but this one is more active about this topic than GameOgre is.
Well, let me tell you some of what I don't like in a MMORPG or have a hard time putting up with. Keep in mind, I'm not very good at MMORPGs. I'm not as good or as use to grinding and getting EXP and completing quest as everyone else usually is. Also, this is a quote from another forum, that is from another forum, that is about Florensia, partially.
Well, the game's been sorta fun for awhile, but now, it's getting a little dry, even for a nautical MMORPG. It's pretty hard to get enough EXP even from monsters my level or one or two level lower or higher than me. Plus, every quest I get doesn't really give me great EXP and require me to either play messenger/delivery boy, or require me to kill like 10 to 30 of the same monster. And where do I find the field boss of those pigs with black hair and tusks? I can't remember what they're called now. And where can I get atleast one more slot of my envitory?
But also, keep in mind, I've been grinding all by myself. I'm level 12 now, and I can't find someone around my level who has a party and will let me join, or is someone around my level or higher who will join, and if it's someone very much higher of a level than me, they're in a place too hard for me.
I don't socialize alot when playing MMORPGs. I just focus on doing quests and leveling up and getting more and more stuff, which is probably part of my delima.
Usually in most MMORPGs, I run into a part where I have to get a party together to get past (and in mabinogi with it's dungeons, this was every time, if I ever wanted to get money, goods, and EXP), or I run into a field with friendly players who invite me. So, I get a party together or join theirs, I follow them around to all sorts of places, we chat a bit while playing, do a few dungeons and quests and party quests, the party makes grinding go faster and more fun, help each other out, PvP with each other for fun, we end up adding each other to our friends list so we can keep in touch in case we want to team up again next time, and, it's just like that. I just got me some friends.
But, that doesn't seem to be happening in Florensia. Most players my level aren't very social either, nor acceptant of me, and if I do manage to get a party together, it only lasts for a few minutes, we don't talk much, then everyone leaves the party, and we just go our seperate ways. Also, how do I post my party on the party board for when recruiting?
So, because of all this, and the fact that there doesn't seem to be much else I can do or places I can go, I've been sticking with the average grinding until I become a higher level and get to dig into the hopefully good stuff.
But, the problem with that is, the grind formula bores me. I went into the beginner fields and grinded on level 7-12 monsters for probably 1 or 2 hours (I'd say 30 minutes minimum since I'm not sure about what I said) trying to complete monster killing and item collecting quest, and only leveled up twice.
If there's one thing that causes me to lose interest in a MMORPG, it's grinding for a long time, and that seems to be a standard activity, in most MMORPGs I've played.
I mean, if people are gonna make it where players have to do this to level up and get to the good stuff, then ATLEAST raise the EXP rate, or make it where alot of the good fun stuff you can access at ATLEAST mid-level, or ATLEAST add some sorta fast-paced combat or unique combat to keep it entertaining or ATLEAST WoW like combat or RoM combat where you can move around a little and sometimes have to put skills in a combo for more damage and effect. Whatever you do, DON'T make grinding to the point where in the low levels it take two hours to gain 1 or 2 or 3 levels or do like maple story and (like one guy said it) make it where it takes an entire day to gain one level, and whatever you do, DON'T save all the good stuff for end game and keep the mid-game and early game players grinding their hearts out for fun, because it isn't fun, it starts to feel more like work than fun. Games are suppose to be fun from the get go. You're not suppose to have to work to get to the fun part!
The sea part of the game is more exciting and engaging and fun (as far as combat) than the land part of the game ever is.
Now, I'm not saying that this game sucks, or that I'm gonna stop playing it now, or that it's nothing but a grind fest, actually, I think I forgot the point in posting this. I think I was aiming to make a topic asking about the grind and parties and such, but this post just sorta evolved into a rant and me "telling it how I feel about it".
Well, I guess that's all I got to say. For anyone who does want to team up with me, my main in-game character's name and the current one I'm playing as is Jasfer, and I'm on the American server (I think it's called that) and I play on the English channel. In case there's anyone here that wants to play with me.
I'd also like to add this bit of detailed info I forgot to add: If by hardcore you mean gloomy and dark or grim or even grey-ish enviorment or an enviorment that looks a mess and is like how Zero Punct. said "looks like someone sprinkled coco powder all over it" or "has every color and shade of the dirt spectrum", then no.
I do like Cartoony and cel-shaded, but it isn't ALL that I like.
Thanks for any responses, and forgive me if I said some things that you don't like. Also, recently, I signed up for a 3 week free trial of Ryzom because it looked good, but I'm having a hard time trying to get it to work. I posted a topic about this in the Ryzom forums on this site. Please check it out, if you care.
Dude are you really from the US? Try to be a tad more succient. We don't write nearly that much for Lab reports or litarary criticisms. Not trying to be mean but that is way, way too much to read.
"Chemistry: 'We do stuff in lab that would be a felony in your garage.'"
The most awesomest after school special T-shirt:
Front: UNO Chemistry Club
Back: /\OH --> Bad Decisions
lol I got about 1/10 the way through the OP's post before it went past my attention span.
Go play ultima online its old but revamped graphics you might like it, aion just came out and so did fallen earth there both pretty good.Fallen earth has vehicles so i thought i should suggest this one.
I was wondering where the end was....
That's it? He puts comes to this community trying to explain something very clear and all that he receives is a bunch of bullshit answers like "LOL WOW DAT WAZ 2 LONG 2 READ."
What the shit.
Alright so, i'm sort of in the same boat. I'm downloading games, installing, playing for ten to twenty minutes, and uninstalling. I don't know what it is. I'm more into the 2.5d Isometric sort of games I guess (Diablo II), but even Diablo is stale for me now.
As for Florensia, that's one of the very few I have yet to download and try. You mentioned Mabinogi, and I played that for quite sometime, leveling to 157. Eventually I just lost interest, and I have no clue why. One day I will be so wrapped up in a game, and the next i'll never want to play it again. I've tried Runes of Magic, and i'm not too fond of the Dual Class system. Cabal I played, and the animations were nice, but simple grindfests aren't that great. I've been following Torchlight a good bit, if you could be interested in something like that, albeit not released yet, it will be amazing. I just installed Oblivion, and now i'm getting sick of that. What I can do is tell you which games to avoid. Asda Story, 2moons, 12Sky, Flyff, Holic, Rappelz (Which was an amazing game at one point, but has been ruined.) Scions of Fate, Rohan Online, Silkroad, Shaiya, and the list will go on and on and on.
A couple good games I can mention are Dungeon Fighter (A recently published Sidescroll Action MMO by Nexon)
SUN Online (A good MMORPG published by IJJI Games)
Mythos (Supposedly to release beta sometime within this year)
That's really all I can think of, sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Good luck.
No he didn't, he could have summarized it alot better but instead he just started pasting past posts on some other forums. I hate reading people's past conversations, especially when they are so long and there really isn't much substance to them.
No LFGame post should be half that long. If he had written all that entirely for here, then maybe some people would have read it and you would have grounds to say this. But instead, he pasted 4 pages of a conversation and couldn't even take the type to write a post to ask for a game.
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YES!! Im not banned anymore!!, Anyways, Go play DARKFALL it has so much that your looking for like "Open World" and as for many things to do so oyu dont get board, it has Naval Combat, Sieges, Always new lands to explore, Massive Dungeons, and the pvp in that game is open loot meaning if you kill another player you can loot there stuff. I warn you if you liked DOMO you might not like this, or you might say WTF was I thinking playing DOMO! Also Darkfall has no levles as it is entirely skill based meaning you use a skill to levle it up. So you dont have to be the "Archer" or "Caster" or "Tank" or "Healer" you can be them all! I hope this helps. WARNING: Playing Darkfall will either make or break you into mmos and is FPS unlike past mmos like Everquest or DAoC. Good luck and I hope to see you in Agon!
Personnallly, I like Dofus and GalaXseeds.
Generally I start mass-crafting in Dofus and then care for my plants in GalaXseeds, before watching over my plants as I go about Dofus (I can almost have both of them full size, side to side, on my 13-inch laptop).
Or, I like to play GalaXseeds any time I feel like playing a casual game: I take care of my plants (through a minigame), or go out play another minigame.
Because of that "casual grinding", I level my GalaXseeds character nicely without feeling too much like I'm grinding.
No he didn't, he could have summarized it alot better but instead he just started pasting past posts on some other forums. I hate reading people's past conversations, especially when they are so long and there really isn't much substance to them.
No LFGame post should be half that long. If he had written all that entirely for here, then maybe some people would have read it and you would have grounds to say this. But instead, he pasted 4 pages of a conversation and couldn't even take the type to write a post to ask for a game.
You're unable to summarize yourself?
Plus, wouldn't it just be counted as spam if you don't have a damn thing to say other than "That post was too long for me to read." ?
I think he would've gotten the same message by just not posting anything in the first place.
Thanks for the GOOD responses I got here. I'm sorry if to some it's like I typed a fucking novel. I can type atleast sorta fast and a little faster than that on a good day where my typing is at it's best, but I take awhile to write.
I realized that I posted 2,817 words.
Also, moderate, thank you for your reply also.
I saw Darkfall! I wanted it so badly. Does it have a free trial?
Uh, I'll try to clean up my first post soon.
I saw Darkfall! I wanted it so badly. Does it have a free trial?
Nope, and ye i usually help everyone on these forums but damn im so not reading the entire thread
Let this rant of mine explain a few things I don't like. I promise, it's shorter and isn't a wall of text.
Ok, what the fuck? It seems like each and every time I find some jewel of a game that looks interesting and fun, it's either pay then buy to play, or I can't get it to run! There's always some little road block keeping me from playing a MMORPG that could be PERFECT for me! And then, when I try the more obvious and well known and more played MMORPG nearly EVERYONE suggests to me and can be found on any gamelist of free MMORPGs, it's usually some game I don't like to play, because of it's typical formula or style or gameplay. Not that good of character customization (except with Perfect World and RoM), WoW's medium-paced combat (where standing on top of something and kiting a mob from above don't mean shit and they can still attack you) or Point 'n Click, the usually "Go kill 10 of this monster" or "kill this monster until you get 20 of this" or "go gather 30 of this in a dangerous area filled with easy to aggro mobs" or "take this to this guy that's half way around the world or on the other side of the big castle/city/land and help us carry out a distant conversation through letters like a goddamn messenger boy". And then I ALWAYS have to just mindlessly grind until I finally get to high level where I get cool gear, more PvP, more people to accept me, and finally get to the fun fucking part of the game, which at the same time sometimes has the same cycle.
That's bullshit! I shouldn't have to grind day after day for hours just to get to the high levels so I can have fun. The entire experience is suppose to be fun and cool, and not feel like tedious work.
Runes of Magic shows to be a free MMORPG that's actually good. But sometimes, I wonder why they even bother to add a class that uses the bow. I mean, even if you was to get to a high place and kite a mob, they'd still be able to attack you from below, or some how magically float up to you or walk up the steep hill/wall while standing up straight like they're Spider-Man and go right back to beating the crap out of you. People say they do this to keep balance, but I think sometimes there needs to be a little imbalance to make things more fun, but only in the right places. So, you can't kite a enemy in a safe spot, but you know one thing they DON'T bother to balance? The fucking classes. Mage Priests are still overpowered, and the Scouts are still wimpy.
Also, sometimes, I don't know about you, but I like beautiful enviorments and lush worlds and unique terrain layouts. The type that can take me underwater or even on a mountain side or crossing a big gorge with a river below and a beautiful view of a waterfall. Not basic flatlands with grass texture or dirt with sand texturing. I also like interesting buildings I can enter and explore. Not little or medium towns where everyone is outside like everyone accidentally locked themselves out.
So, that's why I'm looking for more sandbox MMORPGs. They may have the same or similar combat as most MMORPGs, but I usually hear they give players more freedom of where to go, what to do, and don't have a level system and sometimes not even a class system, but allow you to level up skills. I read that SWG was one of the few sandbox games, and it looked cool. Is it worth a try?
So, I guess I'm done with my rant now.
Did I forget ot mention that when I said I like beautiful enviorments with unique terrain layouts that also included surreal and dream-like worlds?
Well if you want good quests and harder ones you can try vanguard,everquest 2 and Lotro and if you want a good combat system you can check out age of conan, atlantica and DDO.
Give guild wars a shot, they have a free trial on the website. The game has no monthly fees but there is a one time payment to purchase the game. The game is focused on a grind free pholosophy, the maximum level cap is 20, which is usually pretty easy to reach, but theres alot to do in the pve world because its focused alot on a strong narrative. Quests are not like other MMO's and most of them are completely optional besides your primary ones that lead you through the story. PvP is also very competitive and fun in guild wars, you can even choose to make a pure pvp only character right from the start that is already at maximum level, although that character cannot take part in pve content. PvP includes basic arena style pvp that pits 2 teams against one another, Guild vs Guild, and Faction vs Faction (called alliance battles in game) but all pvp in the game is completely optional. PvE characters can go between pvp and pve as they wish and there is some faction vs faction pvp if u have the guild wars: factions campaign. Graphically, the game is very beautiful. The art team from arena net is fantastic and it translates very well into their games without being a system hog. It runs well on most pcs easily enough and textures are generally sharp and spell effects are nice. Terrain is definately not flat and boring and theres alot to look at in the world. The only thing you might dislike about gw is its heavy use of instances, which it uses for storytelling purposes. I suppose when you said "room based" mmos you meant instances? if so this might be one small inconvienience for you but this game is superb quality at a great price. Lemme know what you think!
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