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Hello, Anticipation, and a goodly few questions

FourteenFourteen Member Posts: 2

First of all, hi, I'm Fourteen (not actually 14 years old, for those prone to making such assumptions), hopefully I'll be playing Reclamation, and even more hopefully I'll get into the Beta, despite not being an Underlight player.

I find the concept you have here incredibly appealing, indeed I've already (slightly daftly perhaps...) drawn up plans for a character, aspirant guild et al.

I would, however, like to ask a few questions. How much will character advancement be dependant on performing tedious and mundane tasks over and over relative to the use of the teaching system? Will it be necessary to pledge hours to bashing nightmares over and over, or could a person, with sufficient enterprise gain advancement at a relatively rapid rate through use of teachers?

Also, will involvement in the politics of the world be dependant on how high a level your character is? Is it potentially possible for say, an advocate character who has put very little time into developing their skills, to run a guild or become involved in regional politics?




  • Lyra-DaggerLyra-Dagger Lyra Studios DevMember Posts: 9

    ello 14!

    How much will character advancement be dependant on performing tedious and mundane tasks over and over relative to the use of the teaching system?
    That is dependent upon you and the teacher in question. If you don't like a quest a teacher would like you to undertake, then go to another teacher, of course you want to keep your eyes open so as not to burn any bridges. But on the other hand, I think you'll find that if you work with a teacher that they will fashion a quest around both their own interests and yours in such a way that it's not tedious or mundane.

    Will it be necessary to pledge hours to bashing nightmares over and over, or could a person, with sufficient enterprise gain advancement at a relatively rapid rate through use of teachers?
    You are definitely not required to do this. In fact this is merely one element within the realm of advancement. You can basically anything through personality points, and you obtain those by role-playing and interacting in interesting ways with your fellow dreamers. Experience itself can be gained in a number of ways, House mission boards, Quest Boards, certain arts allow dreamers to offer their own experience, etc.

    Also, will involvement in the politics of the world be dependant on how high a level your character is?
    Definitely not, in fact you don't have to be powerful in the "traditional" sense at all, to be one of the most powerful dreamers in the City.

    Is it potentially possible for say, an advocate character who has put very little time into developing their skills, to run a guild or become involved in regional politics?
    Most definitely!!

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