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I started my LOTRO free trial a few days ago, around the first week of October I will have the money to purchase the game (No I don't have 10 bucks, lol). The game has generally impressed me, the graphics to the storyline. And supposedly this is a game is big on 'grouping/partying' whatever you want to call it. I'm a level 16 on the Vilya server and I just recently made it to Bree but the server seems pretty dead. And I tried out the PvMP and that is a barren wasteland...I was wondering if this is because the server I picked or just the game in general?
I play on Laurelin and this is definitely not the case there at all. You run into other people even in remote places... It seems a little bit quieter right now due to a bunch of people trying out Aion, but that's just a temporary thing I'm sure.
Ningen wa ningen da.
I play on Vilya and I think it's just that server. It's a low pop server so don't expect to see many people your level. Once you get up there in level you'll start to see more people.
"World of Warcraft is the perfect implementation of this genre." - Hilmar Petursson. CEO of CCP.
Brandywine is always mobbed. We often get "server load is high, so blah blah blah, seeing things only closer, blah blah blah"
Oh, I see, so what server would you reccommend to play on as a newer player? I'm not sure if I want the most populated server with long waiting times and such, just a good amount of people so I don't feel like I'm playing a single player RPG, and get some group play in.
I canceled my subscription a year ago, but it was packed when I was playing. Especially in Bree.
That's what happens when you make a linear game maybe? I've read Lord of the Rings twice in my life, now I just watch the extended edition movie instead. LotRO is literally a story book MMOG.
Play a role! Shadowclan
Well Arkenstone is good. Medium level population, so few lags and always people around, mostly in the evening 8-2AM EST.
Gladden is a great server too, just another option for you!
The most populated servers are Brandywine, Landroval, and Elendilmir.
Playing - FFXIV, ESO
Played - FFXI, WoW, Lineage 2, Guild Wars, Aion, SWToR, LotRO, GW2, TERA, Rift, ArcheAge, TSW
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin