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The Good
New game world
Sandboxy (maybe)
Good class system
Hints on the web that this will be a good game
Decent race selection. I prefer Tolkien-style races and name, but this game seems close enough.
The Bad
From their website, the music in this game is a turnoff (to me). Seems like random instruments playing random sounds and nothing coming together into a recognizable or memorable tune. (I saw this same thing in Vanguard, by the way). Music is important in these games and bad or bizarre music can be a deal breaker.
Only Human-type races available at launch. This means I'll have to wait a bit longer to play.
It has some interesting features like the studies and such, but Alganon is more of a themepark than sandbox. Don't be expecting too much of a sandbox title here and be getting your hopes up for that. Regardless, I believe Alganon can deliver a pretty fun and unique experience.
At the moment it's a lame wow ripoff. No, I am not talking about "lol the interface has buttons", I am talking about 1:1 carbon copies of classes&mechanics with different names, even the same bloody skills. The bags are on the left side of your quickbar, not the right, big deal. 2 races, 4 classes. All completly bland. Honestly, how can you plan to relase something like this nowadays, and P2P to boot ?
Like I said in earlier posts : It has potential.
But you have to actually use it.
And it's been said, again and again, that WoW itself was a copy of other games. You can argue that everything with a minimap and hotbars is a "WoW ripoff." Sorry, but there are only so many ways you can design an MMO. UI is many different ways can you make a UI? If a skill is "Shoot Arrows" and your character shoots arrows from a bow, WoW calls it "Projectile Throw" and some other MMO calls it "Points Of Fire." Do you then complain it's a WoW copy?
This dead horse gets beaten every day. So something looks/feels/thinks like WoW. So what? We don't care. If the gameplay and story are new, different or attractive to enough players, they will play the game and enjoy it. Otherwise, what happens? Nothing happens. The game fails and we all move on with other games. We all need to take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy ourselves. Nothing to see here. ;-)
Well, I rather enjoy the music... /shrug.
Also, you can honestly make your character look like just about anything. I am an elf straight up, and I have seen a rather large mix of designs.
We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of the thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
and tore the world asunder.
--Anonymous fragment of a poem believed written near the end of the previous Age, known by some as the Third Age. Sometimes attributed to the Dragon Reborn
only 2 *human-ish* races at launch?
gonna have to give this one a wait and see now
was hoping to get into beta so wasn't loading up on too much information about the game so i could go at it fresh so to speak - didn't happen though
had no idea this was going to be so limited for launch
Dunno, it seems the new formula for games is take what works (WoW style game) and add a twist (Say..wings or...research)
Suppose it all depends on how it plays out.
It is not a good copy but a bad copy. Graphically it looks worse. That is the problem for me, but not a show stopper. I might try it anyway.